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A world-famous Canadian author, Margaret Atwood, has created the world’s first long-distance signing device(装置), the LongPen.
After many tiring……from city to city, Atwood thought there must be a better way to do them . She hired some technical experts and started her own company in 2004. Together they designed the LongPen. Here’s how it works: The author writes a personal message and signature on a computer tablet(手写板) using a special pen. On the receiving end, in another city, a robotic arm fitted with a regular pen signs the book. The author and fan can talk with each other via webcams(网络摄像机) and computer screens
Work on the LongPen began in Atwood’s basement(地下室). At first, they had no idea it would be as hard as it turned out to be. The device went through several versions, including one that actually had smoke coming out of it. The investing finally completed, teat runs w ere made in Ottawa, and the LongPen was officially launched at the 2006 London Book Fair. From here , Atwood conducted two transatlantic book signings of her latest book for fans in Toronto and New York City.
The LongPen produces a unique signature each time because it copies the movement of the author in real time. It has several other potential applications. It could increase credit card security and allow people to sign contracts from another province. The video exchange between signer and receiver can be recorded on DVD for proof when legal documents are used.
“It’s really fun”, said the owner of a bookstore, who was present for one of the test runs. “Obviously you can’t shake hands with the author but there are chances for a connection that you don’t get from a regular book signing..
The response to the invention has not been all favorable. Atwood has received criticism from authors who think she is trying to end book tours. But she said, “It will be possible to go to places that you never got sent to before because the publishers couldn’t   afford it.”
【小题1】Why did Atwood decide to invent the LongPen?
A.To set up her own company.
B.To win herself greater popularity.
C.To write her books in a new way.
D.To make book signings less tiring
【小题2】How does the LongPen work?
A.I copies the author’s signature and prints it on a book.
B.It signs a book while receiving the author’s signature.
C.The webcam sends the author’s signature to another city.
D.The fan uses it to copy the author’s signature himself.
【小题3】What do we know about the invention of the LongPen?
A.It has been completed but not put into use.
B.The basement caught fire by accident.
C.Some versions failed before its test run.
D.The designers were well-prepared for the difficulty.
【小题4】How could the LongPen be used in the future?
A.To draft legal documents.
B.To improve credit card security
C.To keep a record of the author’s ideas.
D.To allow author and fan to exchange videos
【小题5】What could be inferred from Paragraphs 5 and 6?
A.Atwood doesn’t mean to end book tours.
B.Critics think the LongPen is of little use
C.Bookstore owners do not support the LongPen
D.Publishers dislike the LongPen for its high cost
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Lens fogging (镜片起雾) has been troubling glasses wearers for as long as glasses have existed; it happens more often to those needing to wear masks (口罩). Researchers from ETH Zurich in Switzerland may have finally come up with a lasting solution to the problem that works whether someone is wearing a mask, or they’ve just come inside from the cold.

There’s no real mystery as to the foggy lenses. It happens when moisture (水分) in wet air, or from someone’s breath, hits a glasses lens that’s colder than said moisture, which then becomes obvious drops. It happens a lot in the winter, when people are coming in from the outside to warm places, or when people breathe out with masks, the warm, wet air goes upwards.

It’s also a problem that plagues car windows, making it hard for a driver to see. The simple solution there is to see. The simple solution there is to heat the windows. But adding electric heaters to glasses, which are designed to be lightweight and comfortable to wear, isn’t really a choice. So ETH Zurich researchers came up with another way to heat glasses lenses. They rely on a new type of glass coating that effectively does the same thing.

The coating is made from very thin gold in such small amounts that the added cost would be very small. The gold takes in a kind of light from the sun, causing glasses lenses to heat up by up to eight degrees. By doing this, it can prevent moisture in the air from forming on the glasses. The coating also cannot be seen by human eyes, not influencing people’s views. Because it’s so thin, the coating can even be applied to surfaces that are not flat.

But this method isn’t perfect. As the gold draws the energy it needs to heat lenses from the sun, the coating won’t do much good in the winter months, when it starts to get dark by late afternoon. But the researchers believe that even a small amount of electricity, like from a battery hidden away in the arms of a pair of glasses, would be enough. And with gold being one of the most valuable metals on earth and still in high demand, the researchers are looking for other metals to replace it.

【小题1】What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?
A.How to keep your glasses clear.B.When moisture becomes drops.
C.What weakness glasses have.D.Why glasses get foggy.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “plagues” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
【小题3】How can the gold coating prevent fog’s formation?
A.By making the glasses reflective.B.By using sunlight to heat the glasses.
C.By smoothing the surface of the glasses.D.By taking in the moisture on the glasses.
【小题4】What’ s a disadvantage of the coating?
A.It’s limited by temperature.B.It’s used on few surfaces.
C.It’s not thin enough.D.It’s energy-wasting.

A home science experiment recently took the world by storm. Two teens from Toronto, in Canada, sent a Lego man rising above the Earth and captured their tiny astronaut’s trip on film.

Mathew Ho and Asad Muhammad, both 17, used a weather balloon to launch their plastic lego model 16 miles above the Earth. This is inside a part of Earth’s atmosphere.

The two teens were inspired by a similar project performed by students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT). The MIT students had launched a weather balloon with a camera into near space and taken many unusual images of the Earth. Mathew and Asad then spend four months figuring out how to launch their own spacecraft into the space.

Travelling to space is expensive for NASA, but Mathew and Asad worked hard to keep their costs down. They bought much of their equipment used and even sewed the Lego man’s parachute by hand. In total, the project cost only$400.

“We had a lot of anxiety on launch day because there were high winds when we were going up,”Mathew told reporters. They had to pump extra helium(氦)into the balloon so that it would rise quickly and avoid being blown too far off course by the strong winds.

The toy astronaut’s journey lasted 97 minutes before the balloon broke and he fell back to Earth. Mathew and Asad then spent two weekends looking for their spacecraft. It had landed 76miles away from the launch site.

The student scientists are currently finishing up their final year of high school and applying for colleges. They are also looking into more do-it-yourself space projects.

“I guess the sky is not really the limit anymore,” Mathew told reporters. “We never knew we’d get this far. It’s been a lesson for us that hard work pays off.”

【小题1】By saying “took the world by storm” in the first paragraph, the writer meant the experiment______________.
A.destroyed the world
B.flooded the world
C.fascinated the world
D.managed the world
【小题2】Which of the following about the students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is right?
A.They were examples for Mathew Ho and Asad Muhammad.
B.They helped Mathew Ho and Asad Muhammad to achieve dream.
C.They launched weather balloon together with Mathew Ho and Asad Muhammad.
D.They studied with Mathew Ho and Asad Muhammad in the same school.
【小题3】How did Mathew Ho and Asad Muhammad keep their costs down?
A.By sewing the weather balloon themselves.
B.By borrowing spacecraft from the MIT students.
C.By making their spacecraft by hand
D.By using second-hand equipment
【小题4】What problems did Mathew Ho and Asad Muhammad have on launch day?
A.They ran out of helium
B.The wind was too strong
C.The balloon suddenly broke
D.Their spacecraft was blown away.

In the near future, we may be using our eyes to operate our smart-phones and tablets, even when it comes to playing popular games like Fruit Ninja(水果忍者).

The Gaze Group has been developing eye-controlling computer technology for nearly 20 years. But those devices(设备) have been firstly designed to help those with disabilities, and are very expensive.

“After a while, we figured out that probably the best way is to go for a mass-market way,” says Gaze’s Sune Alstrup Johansen. “where everybody would have this available.”

Johansen and some of his colleagues have formed a new company, the Eye Tribe, which is hoping to develop the technology on a mass commercial level.

The technology works when combined with the computing device toward the user’s face. After making sure of the user’s eye movements, the technology is then able to easily find where a person’s eyes are moving, and then allow the eyes to control a cursor (光标).

“Our software can then determine the location of the eyes and know where you’re looking on the screen to make sure what you’re looking at,” reads an explanation on the Eye Tribe site.

There has been a gradual change toward hands-free technology in recent years, particularly in the gaming(电玩游戏) world. Recently Xbox released the Kinect device, which lets users control their Xbox and play certain games using only their hands, legs and voices. But still, most of these devices have been more of a trick than a practical way to use one’s hands to control a mobile device. Johansen said a replaceable filter (滤光器) would be a cheap, convenient way for most consumers.

And even as companies like The Eye Tribe work to create such a product for the average user, making the eye-controlling technology more accessible and less expensive will have similar benefits for physically disabled users.

For more articles on modern science, please CLICK here.

【小题1】Which of the following is the main idea of the passage?
A.An introduction of a new product.
B.An introduction of smartphones and tablets.
C.An introduction of a new technology for the disabled.
D.An introduction of eye-controlling technology.
【小题2】The underlined word “this” probably refers to _______.
A.the eye-controlling technology
B.the Gaze Group
C.the mobile device
D.the mass-market way
【小题3】According to the passage, we can learn that _______.
A.the eye-controlling technology was first developed for the blind
B.there is no such phone as we can use only with our eyes at present
C.the present development of the technology will bring no good
D.the eye-controlling technology is only intended for the disabled people
【小题4】This passage is probably taken from _______.
A.an experiment report
B.a science fiction
C.a science website
D.a school textbook
