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It was summer when I was asked whether I wanted to go to Malibu (an island in Canada) with my church to serve (服务) the military (军人) families. At first, I heard this and thought, “You are asking an eleven-year-old in his last weeks of summer if he wants to go on a trip with his mom to Canada to serve other people?” Of course, I responded (回答) with a kind refusal (拒绝) , but my mom found a way to convince (说服) me to go.

When we were on the ferry (渡船) to the island, a thousand thoughts were running through my head, such as “What am I going to do here?” “Am I even going to be useful?” and “Why am I even here?” When we got to the island, I was asked to do the childcare. I was actually somewhat excited because my friend said he would help me. The first time I met the kids, I got to know them pretty well. They were all between the ages of four and six. Some of them stayed behaved (表现乖) and a few of them started acting crazy and would even hit and push the other kids.

With those kids, I was very strict, but I still tried to be positive (积极) and keep a smile. After all, they were just innocent (天真的) kids. In most of the time, I needed to help them with things like washing clothes, and setting tables. Even though it sounded dull, I enjoyed every second of it. One of the things I did in my free time was to play pool (打台球). I made friends with a few kids there. They were really easy to talk to. Some of the things we talked about were sports, food, video games, and most of all pool.

Even though I was only at Malibu, Canada for one week, I feel like I made spiritual (精神上的) changes in some people’s life. You don’t have to go above and beyond to have an influence on someone’s life. In the end, it all comes down to what way you changed them. It could have been in a spiritual way or a mental way as long as you had a positive effect. So go out and try to make a difference in this world.

【小题1】How did the author react when asked if he liked to serve the military families?
A.He hardly believed it.B.He was very confused about the decision.
C.He refused to accept it.D.He was worried about the trip.
【小题2】As a volunteer, the author’s main task (主要任务) on the island was _______.
A.to take care of kids thereB.to educate kids there
C.to make friends with kids thereD.to share his experiences with kids there
【小题3】What can we know about the author’s stay in Malibu?
A.He found the kids very hard to deal with.B.He didn’t quite like the badly-behaved kids.
C.He managed to get along well with most kids.D.He enjoyed every second of staying there.
【小题4】What does the author mainly tell us in the last paragraph?
A.He regretted having taken the trip.B.His spiritual changes in Malibu.
C.What he has learnt from the experience.D.What to do to make a greater difference.
【小题5】Which of the following is true about the author’s attitude to the kids?
A.The author was strict with the kids and shouted at them.
B.The author was strict with the kids but still tried to be positive and keep a smile.
C.The author liked to make friends with all the kids.
D.The author played pool with the kids during his free time.
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Catherine was ill for two months. During that time my master never left her side. When she finally began to get better, he was happy again. He was anxious for her to get completely well again—not only because he loved her but also because she was expecting a baby—his heir!

Six weeks after her disappearance Isabella sent her brother a letter saying she was married. I told Mr Linton about the letter and he gave me permission to go.

Isabella and Heathcliff were both in the sitting room when I arrived. Heathcliff immediately started asking me questions about Catherine.

"Before you leave this house, Nelly," he said, "you must promise to arrange a meeting for me with her. I want to see her. I will see her! Do you understand?" I refused to help him fifty times, but in the end I gave in.

It was a warm day. All the windows and doors were open to let in the fresh air. My mistress was wearing a white dress, her face was very pale and her eyes had an empty, dreamy expression.

"I have a letter for you, Mrs Linton," I said gently. "It is from Mr Heathcliff."

She looked worried and confused for a moment. The next minute, the doors were open and he was striding across the room. He took Catherine in his arms and held her and kissed her for a long time.

“Oh, Catherine! he cried. "Oh, my life!"

Then she pulled away from him saying, "Heathcliff, you and Edgar have broken my heart! And now you both want me to feel sorry for you. I'm not going to. You have killed me but you are still healthy. How long are you going to live after I die?"

"Oh, why can't we be together forever?" she said in a low voice.

He stood up and walked away. He didn't want her to see his face.

"Heathcliff!" she cried.

Although she was weak, she forced herself to stand up.

He turned round. His eyes were wet with tears.

"Why did you leave me Catherine?" he cried. "I have not broken your heart—you have broken mine. What will my life be like without you?"

"Stop! Stop!" sobbed Catherine. "If I've done wrong, I'm dying for it. It is enough! You left me too, but I forgive you."

She fell against him and he picked her up in his arms.

"She's fainted, or she's dead," I thought.

About twelve o'clock that night Catherine's baby was born. We called her Catherine after her mother. Two hours later her mother died.

【小题1】Why was the master anxious according to the passage?
A.Heathcliff would come and fight with him.
B.His sister disappeared for a long time.
C.Catherine would give birth to his heir.
D.Catherine was no longer faithful to him.
【小题2】What does the underlined part in Paragraph 5 imply?
A.Catherine was filled with hatred for her lover.
B.Catherine was eager to meet her lover.
C.Catherine tended to dream a sweet dream.
D.Catherine was likely to make an empty promise.
【小题3】What could we infer when both Heathcliff and Catherine mentioned the heart was broken?
A.Heathcliff made Catherine sad.B.Catherine made Heathcliff sad.
C.They actually hated each other.D.They loved each other deeply.
【小题4】What happened to Catherine at the end of this story?
A.She died with her baby.B.She died in childbirth.
C.She forgave her lover.D.She broke up with her husband.

We do love our friends very much, but they have one habit that drives us crazy. They think they are coffee experts, and they don’t hesitate to inform you of that fact, over and over and over again. They talk about this new bean and that new growing area, coffee cups vs mug cups, black vs cream and sugar, various brands of coffee makers etc. You get the idea. And we tolerate it. But just because of your tolerance of your friends’ behavior, it doesn’t mean you can’t try to fool them. My husband Frank and I were planning to pull off the trick of the century. At weekend, we invited our friends to our home.

Now it began. Frank knew what he had to do. He had to keep our friends occupied so that they wouldn’t come into the kitchen. If they did, the whole thing would be ruined.I was nervous. Would our trick work?Our friends were coffee experts and Frank and I were not.

I made lots of noise while preparing the coffee.I hoped that our friends would think that all the noise meant better coffee.I turned on the coffee bean grinder (研磨机) that I had bought especially for this trick. They wouldn’t be able to tell that I had put rice in the grinder rather than coffee beans.The noise level would be the same.Then I put a fresh coffee filter(过滤器)in the coffeemaker,added the filtered water,and very,very carefully counted out the number of spoons of coffee I needed for twelve cups. Twelve cups of instant coffee, that is! From a jar. No beans to be seen.

Time to serve. I set the tray (托盘) down on the table and poured coffee for everyone in grand style. They smelt, they stirred, they tasted, and then they sighed. Could they have a second cup? And then maybe just a little more?

They said that finally I had learmed how to make really good coffee. They said it was obvious that the beans I had chosen had made all the difference. They asked which beans I used. I told them that it was a secret mixture of varlous beans that a friend had suggested and I wasn’t able to expose the exact combination.

【小题1】What do the underlined words “pull off” mean in paragraph 1?
【小题2】What’s the purpose of the author and her husband inviting their friends?
A.To test their taste.
B.To play a trick on them.
C.To learn about their hobby.
D.To know more about coffee.
【小题3】What did the author’s friends drink in her home?
A.Instant coffee.B.Rice   porridge.C.Filtered water.D.Fresh ground coffee.
【小题4】What’s the reason for the author not telling their friends about beans?
A.It was a secret recipe.
B.There was no bean at all.
C.She was mean and selfish.
D.Her husband didn’t allow her.

On January 22, 2022, the British-Belgian 19-year-old, Rutherford, successfully landed her microlight aircraft back at the Airport, from where she had departed 155 days ago, fulfilling her dream to be the youngest woman to fly around the world solo.

“I feel incitant not only to break the Guinness World Record, but also to narrow the gender gap by 11 years between the current youngest man record holder, 18 at the time of his record, and the previous woman record holder, who was 30 when she completed her ‘Dreams Soar’ around- the-world flight.” Rutherford wrote on her blog. Rutherford’s journey crossing five continents and 52 countries began on August 18, 2021. She met many unexpected delays along the way. They included an unscheduled stop in California, due to the fierce wildfires and a stop in Alaska, to renew her visa. She also faced several challenges in the air. Despite the severe difficulties, the determined young pilot never gave up on her dream.

Rutherford grew up around airplanes. Her British father flies commercially, while her Belgian mother is also a pilot. The young girl began learning how to fly at age 14 and got her fight license in 2020. With her goal of flying around the world completed, Rutherford now has her sights set even higher. She wants to become an astronaut and explore space.

She hopes that her journey will encourage more young women to pursue careers in flight. Currently the number of women pilots is just 5 percent. Rutherford says, “It’s an easy thing to say, but just go for it. If you don’t try and see how high you can fly, then you’ll never know.”

【小题1】What does the underlined word “incitant” in paragraph 2 probably mean?
【小题2】Why did Rutherford have to stop in California?
A.The wildfires were too fierce.B.Her visa was due (到期的).
C.The weather was too severe.D.Her engine broke down.
【小题3】What’s the purpose of paragraph 3?
A.To turn to a new topic.B.To state her admirable talents.
C.To summarize her achievements.D.To add some background information.
【小题4】What does the passage try to convey?
A.Dream big, aim high.B.Life is not all roses.
C.Not to advance is to go back.D.The greatest talkers, the least doers.
