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A Different Christmas

It was almost Christmas, but Diego wasn’t feeling very excited. This was the firstChristmas since his parents got divorced. And nothing felt the same. He and his brother,Samuel, wouldn’t even get to see Mom this Christmas.

“Everything’s different,”Diego said to Dad.

“I know.”Dad’s eyes were sad.“Sometimes things change before they get better.”He was quiet for a bit, then smiled.“Christmas will be different this year, but that doesn’t mean we won’t have some good times. We’ll still be celebrating the birth of the Savior.”

Diego nodded. It would be hard not seeing Mom, but maybe Christmas could still be good, just as Dad said. Diego wanted to help make this Christmas a happy one.

He went to his room to think. Sometimes for Christmas they did a family service project. What could they do this year?

Diego looked around his room. He saw a toy car he didn’t play with anymore. He picked it up and spun(使快速旋转) the wheels. It was still really good. Maybe he and Dad and Samuel could give some toys to kids who didn’t have any! He found a few other toys and put them in a bag with the car.

When Diego finished, he took the bag to Samuel’s room.“Can I help you clean your room?” he asked. “It’s a surprise for Dad.”

Samuel looked up from the picture he was drawing. “Sure.”

The boys worked together to clean Samuel’s room. Diego told him about the plan.They found a few toys that Samuel didn’t play with and added them to the bag.

When they were done, they carried the bag downstairs.“Dad,”Diego said,“we found some toys we don’t play with anymore. Can we give them to kids who don’t have any toys?”

Dad looked surprised and happy.“That’s a great idea! Let’s take them to the homeless shelter this afternoon.”

Visiting the shelter was fun. Diego and Samuel got to play with some of the kids whileDad talked to the grown-ups.

注意:1.续写词数应为 150左右;
Paragraph 1: On the way home, Dad asked what else they could do to make this Christmas special.
Paragraph 2: At the end of the day, Diego was tired but happy.
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“Going to Nationals!” We were all screaming and jumping. Kate, Jenny, Wendy and I embraced each other, bouncing. “Good job, Tara.” Said Kate as she put an arm around me. I am the youngest on the relay race team, but I'm fast. When I run, I leave the skin of my shyness behind, and I feel like a horseman on the Mongolian grassland, free, without boundaries.

Everybody ran to their parents in the bleachers ( 露天看台). My Mom didn’t make it. Again. I grabbed my phone and called her. It took a while for her to answer. “Yes, hi dear.” “Mom, we won states, and we are going to nationals.” I burst out in one breath. “Great! Let’s talk later; I’ll pick you up from school.” I wanted to say: “Is that it? Why aren’t you proud of me? All other parents are here, why aren’t you?” but all I did was“OK, see you soon.”Does she see me? Do I matter?

It was late after 9 PM. All the parents picked up their children, but my Mom wasn’t here yet. Coach Johnson waited with me. We just stood. A speeding car turned the corner; it was my Mom’s Toyota. Coach patted me on the back and left.

“I am so sorry I am late.Time just flew.” Said Mom. I wanted to cry in disappointment and tell her that I hate to be always last to be picked up and never have her come to my sporting contests, school plays, or anything else; ask her why she won’t make time for me. But when I looked at her and saw her tired eyes and clenched jaw (咬紧下巴), I just said: “That's OK, Mom, I understand.” Her jaw had stayed clenched since we came to this country as Mom would say: “with two pieces of luggage, a three-year-old (me), and $700.”

1. 续写的词数应为 150 左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Nationals finally came and my Mom came for the first time ever.


I had let everybody down and I ran out to hide myself


Amy loved drawing, but her grandmother Bonnie was opposed to it, who thought those strange things Amy drew were not going to help her in the future. One day, when they were eating dinner at the table, the doorbell rang.

Amy answered the door to see a well-dressed man standing at the door. “Oh my God, I know you! Mr Henderson?” Amy said gladly. “You are my favorite cartoonist (漫画家)! Wow! Hello, sir!” Then she led Mr Henderson into her house.

Mr Henderson was a famous New York-based cartoonist. He worked for an art magazine.

“I received a letter with some samples (样本) of your artwork, Amy. And I must say I was so impressed by your talent. In fact, I wrote you letters, but In ever got a reply,” Mr Henderson said to Amy. “If I hadn’t visited you today, you might have missed out on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

“You sent me letters?” Amy wondered aloud. Amy noticed Bonnie sat uneasily in her seat, and she realized why the letters had never reached her. Her grandmother kept them hidden from her. Mr Henderson continued, “We are accepting applications for our arts training program this summer. I would personally teach the students the art of cartoons and everything related. For that, you need to pass a drawing test. If everything goes well, you will be able to learn from me later and pursue your dream for art.”

Amy was excited about the news, but Bonnie refused and said angrily, “You are wasting our time, sir. Please leave.”

“But ma’am, this can really shape your granddaughter’s career,” Mr Henderson sad. “And if you’re concerned about the money, please don’t be. The committee will cover all the costs. A gifted childlike Amy can greatly benefit from the program.” Then Mr Henderson pulled out a file from his document case and gave it to Amy. “It’s a test assignment I know your grandmother is against it and things are tough, but I hope you’ll be able to do it,” he added as he left the house.

Amy couldn’t contain her excitement after Mr Henderson’s visit.


Amy’s strong love for drawing deeply touched Bonnie.

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Role Change

It was a Friday night, and I was just picked up from school by my uncle. He told me that my mother had been in a terrible car crash and had been taken to a nearby hospital.When we got to the hospital, my grandmother pulled me aside and said whatever I did, I mustn’t cry in front of my mother.

My mother’s room was right next to the nurses' station. As I turned into the room, I saw her lying on her side, with her tiny back to me and a pillow between her bandaged legs. She struggled to turn around but couldn’t. I slowly inched to the other side of the bed and said “hi” in a calm voice, containing my urge to cry out.

Gently holding my mother’s cold swollen hands, I tried to keep calm. She kept looking straight into my eyes as if trying to tell me how much pain she was in. I turned my face away from her, trying to hide the tears that were rolling down my face. Eventually I had to leave her for a moment because I couldn’t take it anymore. That was when it struck me that I really might lose my mother. Then I went home and cried myself to sleep.

From that night on, my life completely changed. Up to that point, I'd had the luxury of just being a kid, having to deal with my “messy” teenage life and enjoying my mother’s care. My concept of crisis was now forever changed. As my mother struggled first to stay alive and then to relearn to walk, my sense of priorities in life changed completely. My mother needed me. The trials and hardships of my daily life at school, which had seemed so important before, now appeared insignificant. My mother and I had faced death together, and life took on new meaning for both of us.

I visited my mother in the hospital as often as I could for the next two months. Finally, a sort of hospital suite (房间) was set up in our family room, and to my relief and joy, she was allowed to come home.

注意: 续写词数应为150 左右。

Her returning home was a blessing, but it meant some unfamiliar duties for me.


My mother’s dependence on me changed our relationship.

