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A survey of 2, 000 American adults finds that an average American spends nearly $3, 000 a year on unused groceries (杂货).

The survey shows that when people do cook, a quarter of them always make more food than they’re able to finish, usually with the intention of having leftovers (剩菜剩饭). On average, people have leftovers to put into their fridges three times a week; however, they don’t always get around to using them up. Actually, a third admit they’re likely to forget about leftovers once they’re out of sight. Forgetting about food is one of the top reasons people end up having food waste, along with leftovers not being popular among family members(23%). While 4 in 10 have a strong desire to eat their leftovers, a quarter admit they get tired of eating the same thing before they’re able to finish.

“With the rapid rise of food costs, wasting groceries each week hurts both nature and consumers’ wallets, “says director of sustainability at HelloFresh, Jeffrey Yorzyk. “Families cook with the best intention of using their leftovers, but our research shows that they’re generally not consuming all of those leftovers. Getting creative with the food in your fridge can help families feel like they’re eating something new and exciting!”

For some people, what excites them at the supermarket doesn’t do it anymore when they get home. The survey shows that 38%admit they’ve thrown food away simply because they don’t feel like eating it after purchasing it. Some waste starts even before shoppers get home, as a fifth say they don’t know how much food they’ll use when grocery shopping.

With these foods, 22%are not confident they know the best methods to store foods to keep freshness. Happily, seven in ten are trying to cut down on food waste. In fact, once you’ve bought food at the grocery store, there are a number of strategies to ensure you can save it completely and cook it smartly.

【小题1】Which is the percentage of Americans preferring to have leftovers?
【小题2】What is Jeffrey’ advice on leftovers?
A.Eating them up at once.B.Deal with them inventively.
C.Using them to protect nature.D.Giving them up to save money.
【小题3】What does the underlined part “do it” in paragraph 4 refer to?
A.Attract the shoppers.B.Produce leftovers.
C.Lose the freshness.D.Go to the fridges.
【小题4】What might the author continue talking about?
A.Benefits of saving foods.B.The art of cooking in the USA.
C.The recent studies of leftovers.D.Ways to reduce grocery waste.
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Your personality includes your individual differences from other people in how you think, feel, and behave. Improving your personality can help be your best version of yourself.

【小题1】 The first and most simple step you can take to improve your personality is to give everyone a warm greeting. People will perceive you as friendly and kind if you smile when you see them. Flash your pearly whites and shake their hands or hug them.

Read something every day. Another component of improving your personality is expanding your knowledge. Keep up with the current news by reading a few articles on your phone or open a novel and read a chapter or two. 【小题2】

Develop opinions on important issues. From your readings, begin to form your own opinions about the current events of today. You might find that others will be debating the issue around you soon. 【小题3】 However,   make sure you articulate your points with grace and logic.

Be a good listener. 【小题4】 Really concentrate on what they’re saying, rather than waiting until they’ve finished. Besides, try to repeat back what they’ve said to you every few minutes so you can show that you hear them.

Offer a helping hand to those in need. Always look for little opportunities to help others. See someone struggling to get a book off a high shelf? 【小题5】 Or perhaps you’re on a bus and a woman with a cane enters. Offer her your seat! Personality is created in part by all of the kindness you show to others, so get started today!

A.Step in if you can.
B.Greet everyone with a smile.
C.Make use of the power of stare.
D.You want to have something to state.
E.Spend time each week connecting with them.
F.This will help give you things to discuss with others.
G.When others are speaking, listen to understand them.

Ways to get your laughter back Through all my school years, laughter was part of my life. My best friend and I came up with a name for the "really good" laughs. We called them Belly Rolls. That may sound silly, but it is the truth. However, after I realized I had "lost" my laughter, the first thing I thought of was how silly I was going to look and sound.【小题1】. This is how you do it.

【小题2】. It will be a forced laugh. I know it sounds silly, but trust me, if you can't laugh by yourself and be comfortable, it's even harder to laugh in a social situation when you think people are judging you.

Watch only funny programs on TV and at the movies. Be very selective about what you watch.【小题3】. If you cannot give up those programs absolutely, then watch only half an hour of them a day. Give yourself a fighting chance and make it a point to bring laughter into your life.

Invite your friends and family to make it funny! Don't wait too long before you start laughing socially. Ask someone close to you to point out the fun in life. Maybe they can promise to tell a joke to you every day or sit with you during a half-hour situation comedy.【小题4】.

While driving, go over your day and remember everything funny.【小题5】. Not only will this help you laugh more, but it will keep you feeling happy. If you are spending all your time remembering the good times you had for the day, it doesn't leave much time to think negatively!

A.Look in a mirror and laugh.
B.Use this time in a positive way.
C.Laughter is so much more fun when you're with someone else.
D.In our busy world, laughter seems to have been lost along the way.
E.One easy way to find laughter is to watch funny movies on TV.
F.If you're a heavy watcher of news programs and political stations, it's hard to feel happy.
G.If you haven't truly laughed for a long time, you have to fake(假装)it till you make it.

Owning a pet is a fun and rewarding experience. But every animal and their needs are different, so how can you make sure that you choose the right one for yourself? Here are some top tips from national pet charity Blue Cross.

Do your research

You may like the look of a particular pet but that doesn’t mean they’re right for you. 【小题1】 . So, think carefully about what you want from your pet and do some research before you take one on. Some pets may also require more vet care than others. Take French bulldogs and pugs for example, they can suffer many health issues over their lifetime, including problems with their breathing and skin conditions due to their exaggerated features. 【小题2】


For example, if you work full time and you want a dog, who would take care of them during the day? If you want a cat, will they have access to outside space while you’re out during the day? Familiarize yourself with the size and exercise requirements of different pets to make sure they’re the right choice for you.

Do your sums

From everyday things like insurance, food and toys to unexpected vet bills, having a pet is certainly a financial commitment. 【小题4】. Make sure you factor in how much your new pet will cost before you choose them.

Use a reliable breeder (饲养员)

If you do want to buy a dog or cat, ask a vet or breed club to recommend a responsible breeder. Ask the breeder for all the relative paperwork and see the pet’s parents or relatives to observe their temper, general health and welfare. 【小题5】 Because these may well turn out to be puppy farmers or commercial dealers who have little interest in the welfare of the pets they sell.

A.Charities can offer support and advice about individual pets
B.Think about your lifestyle
C.Don’t throw yourself into the financial trouble
D.Adjust your taste
E.Don’t purchase online or from dealers who offer multiple types of pets
F.We’d advise owners to really do their research before taking on one of these pets
G.Every pet has its own personality and some often have strong characters
