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Check out these stories of some animals.

The cat Homer

Homer the blind cat weighs only four pounds. Gwen Cooper adopted him when he was three weeks old. One night his growling (狂吠) wakes up Cooper, He’s never growled before. Surprised, Cooper opens her eyes. A burglar is standing at the foot of her bed! Cooper reaches for her phone to call 911.

“Don’t do that!” the burglar says. The sound of his voice shows his exact location, and blind Homer leaps. No match for a cat with sharp claws, the would-be robber flees.

The dog Geo

Geo follows 10-year-old Charlie Rilcy everywhere. One day Charlie, his mom, and two younger brothers are standing at a street corner. Geo is sitting at Charlie’s side. Suddenly, an out-of-control truck is heading straight for Charlie!

But Geo makes a flying leap. “He hits me so hard that I fall over,” Charlie says. The speeding truck hits Geo instead. Geo is rushed to the animal hospital.

The dog Teddy

It’s 3 a.m. in West Jordan, Utah. A mother and two children stand outside as firefighters hose (用软管浇) water on their burning house. “Is anybody inside?” the firemen ask.

The mom says no, because she feels certain that her older son escaped out the back. But just to be sure, Don Chase and his partner plunge (冲入) through the flames to look.

And what do they find? Teddy the pet dog standing by the door. Chase reaches for him, but Teddy runs down the basement stairs. Midway down, he stops and waits. But just as the firemen reach him, he takes off again. “I’m really maddened.”Chase says. “We’re wasting time chasing a dog when we should be searching for human victims.”

Then they see him — the older son, unconscious on a basement couch. Grabbing his legs and chest, the astonished firemen move him to safety, as Teddy runs behind.

【小题1】How does Homer know where the burglar is?
A.Cooper shows him.B.He sees the burglar.
C.Through the burglar’s voice.D.Through the burglar’s actions.
【小题2】The underlined word “maddened” can best be replaced by “________”.
【小题3】Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Real animal heroesB.Funny stories about pets
C.How to take care of your pets?D.Why arc dogs better pets than cats?
知识点:动物记叙文生活故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

For more than 100 million years sea turtles (海龟) have covered huge distances across the world’s oceans, making them among the oldest creatures on the planet. However, they are on the list of endangered species.

Different from some animals like snakes, the sex of the baby sea turtles, called hatchlings, is determined by the environment after fertilization (受精). The temperature of the eggs during a certain period of development is the deciding factor in determining sex, and small changes in temperature can cause very big changes in the sex ratio (比例). Often, eggs at low temperatures (22—27℃) produce males, while eggs at higher temperatures (30℃ and above) produce females. At temperatures in between, both sexes will be produced. If temperature reaches 36℃, no hatchlings will be produced.

Climate change has a powerful effect on turtle nesting (筑巢) sites. It changes sand temperatures, which then affects the sex of the hatchlings. Scientists have found that unusually warm temperatures caused by climate change are upsetting the normal ratios, resulting in fewer male hatchlings. The past four hottest summers in Florida have seen only female sea turtles. And an Australian study has shown a similar effect in which 99% of the hatchlings are female.

In addition to rising temperatures, turtles are also facing the threat of too much plastic in the oceans, along with a number of other threats. “Plastic pollution is a problem for turtles as they can mistake plastics for food easily. Even a single piece of plastic can kill a turtle,” Dr Couper, working at the Queensland Museum, said. “We have collected some plastics taken from turtles’ stomachs to show people what kinds of things are showing up on beaches. I want it to be an eye opener.”

【小题1】Which temperature is good for a balanced sex ratio of turtle hatchlings?
【小题2】What can be inferred from paragraph 3?
A.Sea turtles will build their nesting sites elsewhere.
B.Global warming is an extreme threat to sea turtles.
C.Climate change is much more obvious in Australia.
D.Over 90% of the turtle hatchlings are female globally.
【小题3】What does Dr. Couper intend to say?
A.Turtles do not have enough food sources.
B.Turtles do not have a good sense of smell.
C.People should clean up beaches more often.
D.People should raise environmental awareness.

Bird migration is described as the regular, seasonal movement of bird populations from one place to another and back again.

The longer days and rich food of the northern summer provide greater chances for birds to feed their young. The longer daylight hours and enormous food resources allow birds to lay larger eggs than those of related non-migratory species that remain in the tropics all year round. As the days shorten in autumn and the breeding period is over, the birds return to warmer regions where the available food supply differs little with the seasons changing. The advantages of migration make up for the high stress, physical exertion(消耗), and other risks of the migration.

Day length is the primary environmental factor that encourages birds to prepare for migration. They have an increased appetite which results in weight gaining, giving them the fat reserves that provide energy for their migratory flight. They also show more activity at night, which is when most birds migrate. While the length of day is the primary reason for migration, birds also respond to temperature changes. For example, if a spring is late and the temperature is lower than normal, birds delay migration; if a spring is early, birds also begin migration early.

The timing of the migratory cycle must allow birds to arrive on the breeding site so that there is time to build a breeding place, mate, lay the eggs, and hatch the young before the rich food is available to feed the young in the nest. Similarly, if birds wait until the climate in their northern breeding grounds becomes tolerable(可忍受的), there will be no time to gain the necessary weight that provides the energy needed for their southbound migration.

【小题1】Why do birds migrate to the north in spring?
A.The temperature in the south has risen.
B.They like traveling and enjoy the journey.
C.The summer there is warmer than that in the south.
D.The environment there is more suitable for them to feed their baby birds.
【小题2】What are the two factors that cause birds to migrate?
A.Day length and food supply.
B.Night length and high stress.
C.Temperature changes and day length.
D.Food supply and temperature changes.
【小题3】Which can be the best title for the text?
A.Birds' Life
B.Birds' Migration
C.Birds' Breeding Habits
D.Birds' Living Environment

A new study recently found that elephants in central African forests can encourage the growth of slow-growing trees and increase the ability of the forest to store carbon.

“As a tree, there’s a trade-off you can’t have it all,” explained Fabio Berzaghi, who led the study. “You either invest in growing fast, or in building a lot of structure with carbon to be more resistant.” Elephants prefer to eat fast-growing trees in more open spaces. As they feed and walk, they cause damage to these species, knocking over trees or breaking off branches, which results in an ecosystem that favors large, slow-growing hardwood trees. “As the elephants thin the forest, they increase the number of slow-growing trees and the forest is capable of storing more carbon, ” said Stephen Blake, one of the paper’s authors.

Scientists collected field measurements in the Congo Basin and used a computer model to predict how elephants would affect forest structure, and carbon storage potential in the long term. The data confirmed that when elephants are present, the forest contains larger trees and higher abundances of species with high wood density. Conversely (相反地),should forest elephants go extinct, leaving those slow-growing trees struggling to compete with fast-growing species, it would result in a 7 percent loss of above-ground biomass (生物总量). As a result, central African forests could lose up to three billion tons of carbon, potentially accelerating climate change.

The sad reality is that humans are doing their best to rid the planet of elephants. “This study comes at a time when forest elephants are threatened as never before,” said Iain Douglas Hamilton, founder of Save the Elephants. “It is shocking that just as we are beginning to understand how elephants might have a key role in Africa in storing carbon, they are under real threat of extinction.” One limitation of the study, Mr. Berzaghi said, is that we do not know how much carbon has already been lost because of the elephants’ decline. But it does seem certain, he added, that putting a stop to illegal hunting and restoring forest elephant populations would bring climate benefits.

【小题1】What can we infer about slow-growing trees in Paragraph 2?
A.They are elephants’ favorite food.B.They are easily hurt by elephants.
C.They can help forests store carbon.D.They may reduce elephant populations.
【小题2】What would happen without elephants living in central African forests?
A.Climate change would possibly be sped up.
B.The forest structure would remain unchanged.
C.The forests would lose more fast-growing trees.
D.Larger trees would defeat fast-growing species.
【小题3】What did Mr. Berzaghi suggest people do?
A.Lead a low-carbon life.B.Evaluate the carbon loss.
C.Stop destroying forests.D.Protect forest elephants.
【小题4】What is the best title for the text?
A.Humans and Nature Live in Harmony
B.Elephants Disappear in Parts of Africa
C.Climate Change Affects Forest Structure
D.Elephants Defend Against Climate Change
