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For as long as I can remember, my parents raised me with dogs, cats, birds and fish in the house, and I felt the most comfort with these pets in my surroundings. As an only child, I grew up talking to these animals since I never had a partner to play with at home.

I created characters for each of the pets and I included them in my imaginary adventures, tying capes onto the dogs, who were changed into superheroes, and giving headwear to the cats, who became girls. Even after I began attending pre-school, I’d eagerly await my return from school so that I could relay all the exciting details to my pets who would listen and pretend to be slightly interested in my wandering. In fact, I probably communicated with my pets more than I did with my friends, since these animals offered a sense of safety which no individual could provide. It never felt strange for me to talk with members of different species and I always felt satisfied after I spoke with them.

Imagine the shock I faced when I realized that certain cruel persons badly treated their pets. Over the spring break of third grade when I visited Aunt Judy and my cousins in Philadelphia, I met her one-eyed cat, Gordon. A cold, skinny creature, I firstly avoided directing my attention towards the cat. Aunt Judy must have noticed my strange behavior, so she took me aside and explained that the Gordon’s owner had deserted him. The cat was extremely unhealthy and injured when Aunt Judy discovered him.

After she had found medical treatments for the cat, my aunt decided to keep him because Aunt Judy said, “The unwanted animals are the ones most in need of someone to love them wholeheartedly.” After my aunt’s advice, I spent additional time to know Gordon and as days passed, he grew less afraid of me and I became more willing to love him.


Para 1: It broke my heart to see his sad eyes.


Para 2: No creature loves such a lonely end to their life.

知识点:动物生活故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

An injured bald eagle (秃鹰) that can’t fly is living out the rest of his days at a bird national park in Missouri.

Last month, one of his caretakers noticed something strange. Keeper Kerstin saw Murphy the eagle protecting a large low-lying land in the ground. The spot was carefully decorated with leaves and branches, and featured a smooth, round stone right in the center.

Later that day, Keeper Kerstin saw Murphy sitting on the stone as if it were an egg, and he continued to do so day after day. Male bald eagles take an equal part in raising young, so this is very natural behavior for a male.

“Every so often he rearranges the sticks in his nest, and cackles (咯咯叫) at any other eagle that come too close. We wish Murphy all the luck in the world, but we’re not telling him the reality of the situation,” the nonprofit wrote on Facebook. “We have vet to see a stone hatch (破壳)!”

Many viewers have guessed that Murphy is lonely and needs a mate, but the keepers insist he is choosing to do this on his own.

“Murphy is not lonely! He is housed with 4 other bald eagles — 2 males and 2 females,” a keeper said.

“He is not welcoming help with his nest, nor is he seeking it! He has not chosen a mate, so he very clearly wants to do this on his own. He does not want anything (real eggs) but his stone. Eventually he will get bored and give it up, but we love watching him care for it now. No need to feel bad for him! He is perfectly satisfied!”

Last week, an eagle nest containing two chicks (雏鸟) near Ste. Genevieve, Missouri was blown down by very high winds. One chick died in the fall, but the other was found and saved by a faithful nest watcher, who brought the chick to the center’s wildlife hospital.

To save the chick, the staff decided to give Murphy a chance of raising a real baby.
The wonder happened and Murphy fed the baby!

We moved to a small seaside community in New Zealand 10 years ago, because my husband Phil worked as a biologist and he had to do research near the sea. I had seen seals (海豚) around Pilot Bay, which is near here. Sometimes you see them out on the rocks, sunning themselves or playing-but usually in their own territory. They never thought about disturbing their neighbors.

It was a dark winter morning in August this year when a seal came. At 5:50 a.m., I left the house to go fitness training. I went down to the car parked in the driveway and heard a growl (咆哮). I thought our cat, Coco, must have chased a dog under the car. I jumped into the car to avoid getting my ankles bitten, and moved slowly, but then I felt the car hit something. When I got out to have a look, I couldn’t see anything and thought it must have moved on. Then when I got back into my seat, I saw a baby seal in the headlights.

I thought, Oh, my God, “but didn’t panic—the ocean is just down the driveway and I thought it would find its way back. Off I went to the training center and gave everyone there a laugh when I said, “Sorry I’m late; there was a seal under the car.” I didn’t think about it again until I got home. As I walked through the garage (车库), I noticed our baskets had been moved. I wondered if it was the seal, but then I guessed it could not be the seal because I didn’t think it could fit through the cat door, which was the only way into the garage. But I was wrong. As I opened the door to the house, I brushed something and heard this flip-flip-flip-flip sound, and thought, “My God, that is the seal.”

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It was so cute like a lovely soft toy.


We called Animal Protection Station, and a worker came over.

Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize in no more than 60 words the main idea of the passage and how it is illustrated. Use your own words as far as possible.

Kangaroos can “talk” to us

Kangaroos can “talk” to people, according to a new study. The report is the first research of its kind to be done on marsupials—a type of creature whose young get carried in skin pockets on their mother’s body. It suggests kangaroos are cleverer than previously thought.

Researchers from the University of Roehampton in the UK and the University of Sydney in Australia tested kangaroos at the Australian Reptile (爬行动物) Park, Wildlife Sydney Zoo and Kangaroo Protection Co-operative. The scientists put food in a box that the kangaroos could not open, and waited to see what the animals would do. Rather than giving up, 10 out of the 11 kangaroos actively looked at the person who had put the food in the box and then looked at the box. The researchers said this could be interpreted as the kangaroos requesting help to open the container.

Dr Alexandra Green, a co-author of the study, told The Guardian newspaper that some of the kangaroos actually approached the person and started scratching (挠) and sniffing (嗅) him, then looked back at the box. “So they were really trying to communicate,” Green said. This behaviour is not uncommon in animals. However, it is usually only seen in domesticated animals, such as pets or farm animals. The lead author of the study, Dr Alan McElligott, explained, “Through this study, we were able to see that communication between creatures can be learnt and that the behaviour of looking at humans to access food is not related to domestication. “Indeed, kangaroos showed a very similar pattern of behaviour we have seen in dogs, horses and even goats, when put to the same test,” he added.

It is hoped that the study will give people a more positive attitude towards kangaroos, which are sometimes seen as harmful creatures that damage farmers’ crops.

