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I was scared when a loud noise in my apartment woke me in the middle of the night. I rushed to turn on my bedroom light and discovered it was a cat. Here’s the thing — I do not have a cat. And this was not the first time this particular cat had demanded my attention. I immediately calmed down and realized my mistake — I had left a window open. I approached my house guest to entertain her by giving her some treats and scratches under her collar.

Just like many others, I shifted from working in an office to working from home. Living alone can be separate from outside at the best of times. It was around the one-month mark of the lockdown when I heard a meow outside my window. Sitting outside on the grass was a long-haired, golden-colored cat. I opened the window, and this beautiful cat jumped into my home. Her short visit lifted my spirits for the day.

A few days later, I heard a familiar meow. I saw a name tag on her collar: Mika. On this second visit, I also noticed Mika was cross-eyed, which only made her more lovely.

Over the next few weeks, Mika would drop by occasionally. Sometimes, she only stayed for a few minutes; other times, she would wander around my apartment much longer. Each visit cheered me up. Mika even served as my social bridge, helping me connect with some new neighbors, who, as it turns out, had also received visits from her.

While the lockdown has been awful, I doubt I might not have ever met Mika if it had not happened. But perhaps she came by at this time because she sensed a need for connection on my part.

While dogs are said to be man’s best friend, a good cat can be everyone’s best friend.

【小题1】What do we know about the cat from the first paragraph?
A.She entered by the window.
B.She used to go out at night.
C.She annoyed the neighbors badly.
D.She liked the author’s treats particularly.
【小题2】How did the author probably feel at first during the lockdown?
【小题3】How did Mika help the author during the lockdown?
A.By bringing food.
B.By serving as a social bridge.
C.By keeping the house clean.
D.By protecting him from dangers.
【小题4】What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 5 refer to?
A.The open window.B.The lockdown.
C.A need for connection.D.A stay with new neighbors.
【小题5】What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.The author lives an unusual life.B.The author longs for a peaceful society.
C.Keeping cats is boring.D.Befriending nice cats is worthwhile.
知识点:人与动植物记叙文生活故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

The Health Benefits of Gardening

Gardening is popular in many parts of the world. This outdoor activity gives us beautiful plants, pleasant smelling flowers and fresh fruits and vegetables. 【小题1】

Reduces loneliness

Gardening connects people. When you are gardening, you are outdoors. 【小题2】 Most people love to talk about their hobbies, and gardeners are no different. They usually enjoy showing people what they are growing. And most enjoy sharing advice and stories about their gardens.


Gardening is a great activity to do with children. Children can learn about nature and wildlife. Gardening can teach a child about where food comes from and healthy eating. It can also help them to understand the limits of natural resources and the importance of using them carefully.

Vitamin D

【小题4】 This means you are getting Vitamin D. Vitamin D helps our bodies use calcium. That is necessary to keep bones strong. Vitamin D also helps us fight diseases.


When you garden you must move around. All the different movements needed for gardening — bending, twisting, stretching and lifting — work small muscles in the body. And you can easily get a good work out when you are digging holes or pulling weeds.

Brain health

Gardening may help your brain stay young. Activities such as gardening use many repeated actions, such as weeding or dead-heading (removing dying flowers from a plant). 【小题5】 The brain is still active but not in the same way that it is, say, when we use computers. In our technology-filled lives, gardening offers a chance to unplug. You cannot hold a phone or other electronic devices when your hands are filled with dirt.

A.Gardening can be a great teacher.
B.But it also gives us many health benefits.
C.Harvests from gardening are organic food.
D.These actions have a calming effect on the brain.
E.So it is a perfect time to socialize with your neighbors.
F.When you are in your garden, you might feel the sunshine on your skin.
G.Gardening can also give you the feeling that you have done something good.

Four Ways Your Cat Tries to Communicate with You

Cats are amazing creatures, and while they can’t talk to us, they certainly know how to communicate their needs and feelings. It’s just up to us to learn how to listen to what they are saying.


Cats meow at their owners for several reasons, including: to ask for food, to greet people, to ask for attention, to let you know they want to go outside/come inside. In addition, elderly cats suffering from cognitive disfunction, similar to Alzheimer’s Disease (阿尔茨海默症) in humans, may meow due to becoming confused or disoriented, so we encourage you to schedule an appointment with us if your senior cat seems confused or is meowing more than usual.


While cats do purr as a sign of contentment, they also do it as a self-comforting mechanism when sick, stressed or injured. If your cat is purring but also showing signs that something may be wrong, like hiding more than usual or refusing food/water, they could be sick or in pain.

Tail Posture

If they hold their tail straight up and have relaxed fur, they’re likely to feel happy or curious. But if their fur stands on end while their tail is straight, this indicates fear or anger. Holding the tail low or hidden between the legs indicates insecurity, and a tail that’s rapidly twitching back and forth suggests anxiety.


When your cat rubs against your legs or gives you head butts, they are telling you that they love you. That is not the only thing they are doing, though! Cats rub their bodies and cheeks against people and objects to mark their territory and to claim humans, other cats, and various objects as their own.

【小题1】When cats are sick or in pain, what are they likely to do?
A.Meow at their owners.B.Rub against your legs.
C.Purr and refuse food.D.Hold their tail straight up.
【小题2】What may a cat show when it hides its tail between legs?
【小题3】Who provides this text most probably?
A.A cat sitter.B.A cat owner.
C.An animal shelter.D.A pet healthcare centre.

The dogsled (狗拉雪橇) race was about to begin. Julie’s team of dogs was lined up at the sating gate. Julie stood behind them. The air was so cold that she could see her breath. The other teams were lined up, too, and the dogs were excited. Julie kept her eyes on the clock. At exactly ten o'clock, she and the other racers shouted, “Mush!” The dogs knew that meant “Go!” They jumped forward and the race began!

Julie had trained months for this race, and she hopes she and her dogs would win. Hour after hour, day after day, Julie’s dogs pulled the sled in order to get in shape for the race.

Now, they ran over snowy hills and down into frozen valleys. They stopped only to rest and eat. They wanted to stay ahead of other teams. The racers got them to go a thousand miles across Alaska. The dogs, thick fur coats helped keep them warm in the cold winds and weather. In many places along the way, the snow was deep. Pieces of ice were as sharp as a knife. The ice could cut the dogs’ feet. To keep that from happening, Julie had put special booties (短靴) on their feet.

At first, the dogs seemed to pull the sled very slowly. They were still getting used to the race.

But on the the third day out, they began to pull more quickly. They worked as a team and passed many other racers. Once, one of the sled’s runners slid into a hole and the sled was broken. Julie could have given up then, but she didn’t. She fixed it and they kept going.

When they finally reached the finish line, they found out that they had come in first place! It was a great day for Julie and her dogs.

【小题1】What does the passage tell us about the race?
A.It was a single-day race.B.It was a race for children.
C.It was a race of a thousand miles.D.The racers came from different countries.
【小题2】How were Julie’s dogs prepared for the race?
A.They were fed enough food.B.They wore warm clothes.
C.They were put on special shoes.D.They were trained to get up early.
【小题3】How did Julie and her dogs perform in the race?
A.They were the first to reach the finish line.B.They had an accident and gave up.
C.They ran slowly and lost the race.D.They ran faster at the beginning.
【小题4】What would be the best title for the passage?
A.A Girl and Her DogsB.Winter Sports in Alaska
C.Training for a Dogsled RaceD.The Story of a Dogsled Race
