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In the animal world, speed is king. Fast animals have a leg up in outrunning other animals, which puts them high on the food chain. It would seem that all animals would go for speed, but then there’s the sloth (树懒). While a lion can go from 0 to 60 miles an hour in only five seconds, it takes a sloth all day to cover no more than 50 meters.

Sloths live entirely in trees on a diet of leaves. And for this, they are extremely rare. While most of the land world is covered in trees, there are very few vertebrates (脊椎动物) that call the tree home. The aim of a 2016 study, says Jonathan Pauli, a University of Alabama professor of forest and wildlife ecology, was to help uncover why sloths are indeed so unique. “Among vertebrates, this is the rarest of lifestyles”, says Pauli. “When you picture animals that live off plant leaves, they are almost all big-things like deer. What’s super interesting about sloths is that they can’t be big.”

For their research, Pauli and his Wisconsin team studied wild sloths at a field site. When the researchers measured the energy use of sloths, they found a wildly low burning of as little as 110 calories of energy a day. And for this, they take the cake: it is the lowest measured energetic output for any mammal (哺乳动物).

“The measurement was intended to find out what it cost sloths to live over a day,”says Pauli, who adds that a diet of little but leaves lacks nutritional value and the animal’s small size doesn’t allow for overeating-so sloths need to find ways to make the most of their diets, which means using tiny amounts of energy, dramatic control of body temperature and living at an extremely slow pace.

Their reward? A wonderfully widespread ecological system to call their own, one slow inch at a time.

【小题1】Why is a lion mentioned in Paragraph 1?
A.To admire lions’ speed.B.To state sloths’ weakness.
C.To confirm lions’ lead position.D.To highlight sloths’ uniqueness.
【小题2】What is the 2016 study mainly about?
A.The lifestyle of sloths.B.The diet of vertebrates.
C.The species of rare animals.D.The energy use of creatures.
【小题3】What does the underlined part “take the cake” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
A.Break down.B.Keep on.C.Stand out.D.Grow up.
【小题4】What can be inferred about sloths from Pauli’s words?
A.Their slow pace is a balanced choice.
B.They are in face of possible extinction.
C.Their slow pace decides a tiny appetite.
D.They suffer a lot against natural enemies.
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When an editor called to ask if I could photograph a story about fireflies in Mexico, I didn’t check my schedule before I said yes. I’d seen these insects light up the forests in Tlaxcala once before, and I jumped at the chance to go back.

I had three nights to capture the magical scene in the forest. Camera stand in hand, I hiked with my colleagues into the foggy forest at dusk. According to our guides, visitors are usually not allowed to photograph the fireflies because the presence of artificial light from electronics can affect their habits. As I started shooting, I adjusted my exposures constantly to account for the fading light. In order to get the composition that I wanted, I placed my camera stand on a steep, rocky path and had to steady it during the long exposures. Normally this wouldn’t be a big deal, but the fireflies were very interested in the camera and, by extension, in me. I stood completely still while they crawled all over me—my arms, my hair, my face—and tickled (呵痒) my nose and cheeks. From what I observed, peak firefly presence happens for only about 20 minutes each night, so I had time for just a few tries.

On the last night everything came together. The weather cooperated. I had improved my method for focusing and composing in the dark with quick flashes from a powerful flashlight—and I’d grown accustomed to insects on my face. I was rewarded with the image you see here. Each spot of light is one of several bursts that a firefly makes as it travels in a 30-second exposure. You can trace the insects’ paths: Some make small circles, like those in the bottom center of the frame, while others move steadily in one direction or another.

The first time I visited the fireflies, I didn’t have the pressure of trying to capture and convey this astonishing scene. That will always be my favorite experience with these shining creatures.

【小题1】According to the passage, the author most probably is a(n) ______.
A.field biologistB.insect observer
C.expert photographerD.mountain hiker
【小题2】The author placed the camera stand on a steep and rocky path to ______.
A.make up for the dying lightB.keep away from the annoying fireflies
C.obtain an ideal imageD.catch peak firefly presence
【小题3】We can learn from the passage that the author ______.
A.was accused of capturing wild fireflies
B.endured physically to get first-hand firefly shots
C.was tired of the exposure to dark forests
D.got his most satisfying image on the second night
【小题4】What does the author think of his experience in the forest?

Despite the bad reputation of sharks, they are crucial to the health of the marine ecosystem and can even help fight climate change.

In the shallows of Shaik Bay, Western Australia, seagrass is food for the sea cows, which can weigh as much as 500 kg and eat roughly 40 kg of seagrass a day. Sea cows are a rich source of food for tiger sharks. By keeping the sea cow population controlled, tiger sharks here help the seagrass grow sustainably. A booming seagrass meadow stores twice as much CO₂ per square mile as forests typically do on land.

But tiger shark numbers are declining. Off Australia’s northeast coast of Queensland, tiger sharks are estimated to have fallen by at least 71 percent, largely due to overfishing. A reduction in tiger sharks means more seagrass consumed by herbivores (食草动物) and less carbon stored in sea vegetation. This raised the question: What if they were absent from the Shark Bay — would the seagrass-dominated ecosystem survive?

To find out, researcher led by Rob Nowicki of Florida International University, spent time in Eastern Australia, where shark numbers were lower and sea cows ate seagrass largely undisturbed. “When uncontrolled, sea cows can rapidly destroy wide areas of seagrass.” said Nowicki.

Those findings emphasized that tiger sharks were playing an important role in preventing the reduction of seagrass in Shark Bay. If their populations continue to decline, the resilience of carbon-rich ocean ecosystems will likely decrease.

          When it comes to stimulating shark numbers, there have been movements toward more sustainable fishing, but a large percentage of the industry have not changed their methods, which is a reason why the population of many marine top predators (捕食者) continues to decline.

Aside from supporting sustainable fishing, Nowicki said the only way to truly protect marine life is to reduce our global greenhouse gas emissions. “Ultimately, if we are going to protect our ecosystems in the centuries to come, we are going to need to solve climate change while undertaking species protection at the same time.”

【小题1】Why are tiger sharks vital to the marine ecosystem?
A.They feed on various sea animals.B.They can store large amounts of CO₂.
C.They can prevent the loss of seagrass.D.They influence marine species’ health
【小题2】What does the underlined word “resilience” in Paragraph 5 mean?
【小题3】What is the main cause of the population reduction of many top predators?
A.Unsustainable fishing.B.Lack of protection.
C.Climate change.D.Loss of seagrass.
【小题4】What’s the purpose of the text?
A.To tell the number of tiger sharks is decreasing.
B.To show climate change causes the loss of seagrass.
C.To tell environmental protection is at the top of the agenda.
D.To show tiger sharks are vital to the health of the marine ecosystem.

It was a Sunday and the heavy storm had lasted all night. The morning after the storm, though, was beautiful: blue skies, warm air and a calm, inviting sea touching the shore gently.

My father realized it was a good day for fishing and invited my sister and me to go with him. I was only 14 and fishing had never been my thing, but I decided to go all the same. I’m so glad I did.

On the road to the harbor we could see the terrible destruction on the coast, but the harbor itself was in fairly good shape. After all, it was protected by the arms of a bay that had only one tiny channel to the sea. As we got on board, we noticed two big humps(脊背) in the distance.

On approaching them, we saw it was a mother whale with her baby. We couldn’t believe it ——there aren’t any whales along the coast here. The storm must have driven them across the ocean into the bay, in which the still water was so badly polluted that nothing could survive.

The little baby whale——actually as big as our boat——was obviously stuck and could not move. The mother dived under the water and came up suddenly, making big whirlpools(漩涡) and waves.” She’s trying to help her baby, but on the wrong side, my father said. At this point, my father moved our boat in a semicircle to the other side and ,heading the boat towards the baby whale, pushed it gently. With our several                                 gentle pushes the big hump turned over and disappeared under water. it swam up right beside its mum. They struggled in their desperate attempts to escape but missed the exit and started heading in the wrong direction.

We hurried up to the whales and tried to lead them towards the bay channel. Slowly, they let us lead them, sometimes rising from the water right beside us to breathe——and to give us a trusting look with those huge eyes. Once they hit their first part of clean water flowing straight from the sea, the mum gave us a wave with her tail and off they swam into the distance.

In the excitement it had felt like only a few minutes, but we had been with those wonderful animals for almost an hour and a half. That was the simple and lasting beauty of the day. Nearly four decades later ,I still look back fondly to that golden day at sea.

【小题1】The author says “I’m so glad I did .”(in Para.2)because __________.
A.he went through the rescue of the whales
B.he enjoyed the beauty of the calm sea
C.be witnessed the whole process of fishing
D.he spent the weekend with his family
【小题2】The harbor survived the storm owing to____________.
A.the shape of the harbor
B.the still water in the channel
C.the arms of the bay
D.the long coast line
【小题3】The mother whale failed to help her baby because__________.
A.she had stayed in the polluted water for too long
B.the whirlpools she had made were not big enough
C.the waves pushed her baby in the wrong direction
D.she had no other whales around to turn to for help
【小题4】What is the theme of the story?
A.It’s necessary to live in harmony with animals
B.Fishing provides excitement for children
C.Saving lives brings people a sense of happiness
D.It’s vital to protect the environment
