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It was a hot day in late summer. I was a young dad working in a local lumber mill(伐木场).It was dangerous, back-breaking work that paid very little. In the year I had worked there, only four other people hadn’t been replaced with new faces. Those of us who stayed did so only because there was no other work to find to support our families.

One day, we were working hard. Suddenly, a voice called out, “Hey! A deer!” A lost little deer had wandered through the open doors and was now cowering(畏缩) in between the huge piles of lumber. All of us stopped working and went to look for her as she ran about crazily looking for a way out.

Now most people in the town where I live hunt deer in the fall but also treat them with great kindness the rest of the year. Some will even buy many bags of corn to help feed them during the tough winter months. It was no surprise then all of us were soon quickly working together to free this little deer. By blocking off all the other routes we were able to guide her desperate search back to the open doors. We watched as she ran out of the building and back into the woods. Then we walked back to work. I noticed something, though. On every face there was a joyful smile. It was as if this one single act of kindness had energized us again and reminded us of what life is all about.

Committing acts of kindness shows us the power that we have. They also bring us closer to love. Fill your day and your life with acts of kindness then Let them light up your life Let them lead you to love.

【小题1】Why didn’t the author quit his job in the lumber mill?
A.He was well paid.B.His work was easy.
C.He had a family to support.D.He enjoyed working there.
【小题2】What happened to the little deer at last?
A.It was killed.B.It went crazy.
C.It was fed with some food.D.It returned to the woods.
【小题3】Which of the following words can best describe the author?
A.Brave and generous.B.Strong and humorous.
C.Creative and confident.D.Kind-hearted and hard-working.
【小题4】What does the underlined word “them” refer to in the last paragraph?
A.Acts of kindness.B.Days.C.Life.D.Love.
【小题5】What’s the author’s main purpose in writing the passage?
A.To show his deep love for deer.B.To encourage people to protect deer.
C.To stress the importance of being kind.D.To describe his life in the lumber mill.
知识点:记叙文善行义举(个人)生活故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Moby Dick,or The Whale,of which only 5 copies were sold in the year of its first publication,has been recognized as one of the greatest masterpieces of the twentieth century novels across the world.Yet its author,Herman Melville,was not blessed enough to change his fate as the great work did.

Herman was born into an upper class New York family in 1819,but he had to drop out of school at the age of 15due to bankruptcy (破产)of the family.He struggled for living by working as a clerk at a bank,a farmer and a primary school teacher,but did not manage to hold on quite long to any of the jobs.And in 1841,he turned himself a whaling sailor on a big whaler.

In the next three years,his sailor’s life was torn apart by betrayal,injury,living with anthropophagi(食人族), love,killing,imprisonment,prison break,which did not bear the expected   fruit of fortune or being a captain.

At the age of 25 ,Herman returned to America,starting his writing career.During the following five years,he published five novels,among which was Moby Dick,but none of the works brought him any fame or sense of success.

He had to live up with his poor life,supported by regular financial help from his father in-law.Not much changed even after his father-in-law assisted him onto a post at the customhouse(海关).His self-doubt whether he should fight to write as an author disturbed Herman for the rest of his life till his death in 1899,which is suggested in his wife’s diary.And his wife described his several struggles where he fought bitterly back to his desk to pick up his pen.

【小题1】Which of the following statements is TRUE about Moby Dick according to the passage?
A.It came out as a published novel in the twentieth century.
B.It was not recognized as a great work until the twentieth century.
C.It was not for sale until the twentieth century.
D.It was adampted from the passage?
【小题2】What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Herman chose his life on purpose to make himself a great writer.
B.Herman’s parents had scheduled those failures in his life to make him a man.
C.Herman did not offer the best of himself to foresee and avoid those series of misfortune.
D.Herman’s insufficient capability to fight problems he was faced with might result.
【小题3】What is the first working element that built Herman up be a most outstanding writer?
A.His rich life experience and perseverance.B.His sharp sense to observe and think.
C.Help from his wife and father-in-law.D.His brilliant language talent and skill.
【小题4】What can we learn from Herman’ life story?
A.There is no much point struggling and working too hard in one’s like.
B.Never invest too much of yourself into what others have the power to judge.
C.Never trust decisions that have been made by others.
D.Never doubt yourself but stick to what you are committed to.

Most people probably wondered who would voluntarily choose to live in a cooperative house with 14 other people. Well I would, and for me, it’s one of the best decisions I've made for myself.

The house has three floors and 15 bedrooms. It has communal spaces such as the kitchen, bathrooms, living room, and a big old dining room table, where we talk, laugh, disagree, play games, learn from each other, and most importantly break bread together.

My housemates and I share the housework and do the cook cycle, which generally means cooking dinner for the house about once every two weeks and we attend weekly house meetings where we make decisions about the operations of the house together.

What I worried most about at first was how my son might feel about the new housing situation. To my surprise, he loved it by the first visit to the house! He has never complained about this house being smaller than his dad’s. One of my housemates has two children his age, so he now has two new friends. This is important for me as a parent because I want to teach him that happiness doesn’t come from the size of your home, but from the love that is inside.

When I lived with a roommate in college, we never discussed about any agreements on quiet hours, cleaning up the communal areas and so on. Every cause of conflict during that time was due to lack of communication. On the contrary, in our house we talk about and have policies on almost everything.

Besides less cost on housing, I'm more concerned about the connection with other people that I was longing for. Cooperative living isn’t for everyone, but with increasing costs of living and decreasing connection with other people, it can definitely be a great option for more people.

【小题1】What might the underlined “break bread” in Paragraph 2 mean?
A.Having dinner.B.Cooking dinner.C.Earning bread.D.Baking bread.
【小题2】How does the son feel about living in this house?
A.It’s fun with new friends.B.It’s small and crowded.
C.It’s annoying in discussions.D.It’s tiring to do cleaning.
【小题3】Why does the author mention her college life?
A.To convey the gratitude to her roommates.
B.To express the regret at those wasted days.
C.To show the importance of good relationships.
D.To stress the necessity of communication and rules.
【小题4】What matters most for the author's choice of cooperative living?
A.Cutting down on living cost.B.Learning to be independent.
C.Getting connected with people.D.Offering a home for her son.

For over a century, the Nashua River in Massachusetts provided power for factories, which gave jobs to thousands of people. Over the years, these paper, cotton, wood, and woolen factories had poured their waste into its waters.

By the 1960s,the Nashua River was about as polluted as any river could get. Its waters became red or green or blue with dye(染料) from paper factories lying on its banks. The smokes from this dye blackened the paint on the buildings near the river.

Then along came Marion Stoddart with a simple but overwhelming(压倒性的)idea-clean up the Nashua River. This was no one-woman campaign. Stoddart encouraged the paper factories and the business community to form partnerships to reclaim the river. She carried jars of dirty river water to local officials to demonstrate the seriousness of the problem. Stoddart talked with business leaders about economic problems. She talked with environmentalists about the long-term problems of pollution.

Stoddart knew that the State Water Pollution Control Board would have the final say on forcing the clean-up. When she spoke to the board, she insisted that the Nashua River should be made safe for swimming. They thought her goals were unrealistic.

However, the partnerships Stoddart had helped form and the volunteers who were drawn to her cause never gave up. They all realized that cleaning up the river was in everyone's best interests. By 1993, several water treatment plants had been built, and a conservation area called a "green way" had been created along the banks of the river.

Today factories are still operating along the river, but there are also fish in the river. The Nashua River welcomes boaters, naturalists, and even swimmers. None of this would have been possible without a woman of vision and a community working together.

【小题1】What does the underlined word reclaim refer to?
【小题2】What's the attitude of the board to Stoddart's goal of improving the river?
【小题3】What kind of person is Marison Stoddart?
A.Intelligent and creative.B.Stubborn and proud.
C.Independent and broad-minded.D.Determined and far-sighted.
【小题4】What message is conveyed through the no one-woman campaign?
A.Itll be all right on the night.B.Many hands make light work.
C.Prevention is better than cure.D.Failure is the mother of success.
