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The planet is in trouble, and a gas-car ban just might help. But how will it affect you? Cars are not small investments. They make a big impact on our wallets — but also on the environment. That’s why when California announced a gas-car ban in August arid other states suggested they’d follow suit, there was a mixed response. Sure, reducing our use of gas by choosing more eco-friendly cars could slow climate change and help everyone live more sustainably, not to mention save money on gas in the long run. But what would happen to people’s cars? Would they have to buy an expensive new electric vehicle right now?

Well, let’s set a few things straight first: This isn’t a full-on ban. People living in or visiting California will still be able to drive gas cars, as well as buy and register used internal combustion engines (ICE) vehicles, well after the law takes effect. But in a little over a decade, residents will not be allowed to register new gas-burning cars. It will take more than a decade for the ban to take effect fully — 2035, to be exact.

Why is California banning gas cars? It’s all about the environment. More than half of California’s carbon pollution comes from the transportation sector, and eliminating ICE vehicles is a critical first step in, addressing the climate crisis. California has seen the impact of climate change firsthand in the form of natural disasters such as floods, mudslides, record-breaking droughts and extreme wildfires — all of which have increased in frequency and intensity in recent years.

However, new rules and laws can be fearsome, and hard to carry out at first. For example, electric vehicles (EVs) also don’t get as many miles per charge, making them difficult for long-distance trips and states with few charging stations. Related to that, the country needs more public charging stations. But, of course, the biggest barrier to more people getting excited about electric vehicles is price, which is currently higher than traditional vehicles due to their expensive batteries.

Still, Rauch is hopeful. “As someone who is focused on the health benefits of reducing pollution, I see the benefits as vastly outweighing the challenges,” she says. “At the end of the day, who doesn’t want their children and grandchildren to breathe clean air?”

【小题1】What’s people’s attitude towards the gas-car ban?
A.They were totally in different to it.
B.They held mixed opinions towards it.
C.They had a flood of complaints about it.
D.They thought highly of it and welcomed it.
【小题2】Why did California decide to ban gas cars?
A.To deal with the severe transportation problem.
B.To prevent natural disasters from happening.
C.To follow the example of other states with gas-car ban.
D.To ease the influence of serious climate change.
【小题3】Which is NOT a possible disadvantage of EVs?
A.Limited miles per charge.B.Limited charging stations.
C.Higher prices at present.D.More carbon pollution.
【小题4】Where might this text be taken from?
A.A magazine.B.A textbook.C.A biography.D.A research report.
知识点:环境保护政治政策说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

It can be hard for one person to protect the environment by himself. If you teenagers want to do something, like stopping pollution or protecting wildlife, you can gather like­minded people in an environmental club. 【小题1】 And with a good club, you and your friends can be up to the task.

Choose a cause. Some good ideas might be something like, “Save the whales!” But nothing says you can’t do more than one cause. 【小题2】 For example, you could work to save polar bears in November, plant trees in December, and stop global warming in January.

【小题3】 This can be as simple as “The Environmental Club” or as cool as “Team Environment”. You can also use some other words, such as green, environmental, friendly, and of course, something that relates to your cause.

Find a clubhouse. Now that you have your club, you must find a place where all the members can get together to discuss your projects. 【小题4】 If your parents allow it, you can choose your yard or even your living room as the place for your club meetings.

Decide on jobs. You can work as an activity organizer, a project manager or the president who decides all the meeting times, new members, meeting places, activities and projects. Each person can have a different job. 【小题5】 And how? Often remind them of the same goal they’re working towards.

A.Name your club.
B.Great minds think alike.
C.After all, saving the world is a big job.
D.Choose members to hold all the meetings.
E.Your club could do a different cause every month.
F.It could be in the woods, in the park or in the classroom.
G.But encourage all members to support each other’s work.

Antarctica is the highest, driest, and coldest place on Earth. It is also the remotest, a fact which demystifies its unspoiled environment. It is difficult for people to get there, and not a comfortable place for people to stay once they arrive. 【小题1】

【小题2】 .They never melt. Even though Antarctica receives more sunlight than the equator, the temperatures are lower because the ice sheet reflects the heat back into space. Thus, the coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth was in Antarctica in July, 1983. Soviet scientists shivered (瑟瑟发抖) through temperatures that fell to minus 89.2 degrees Celsius.

Once completely inaccessible, 【小题3】 gold, uranium and oil are just some of the valuable resources which lie beneath the continent’s icy covering.

For centuries, Europeans wondered about the existence of a South-pole continent, but no one actually knew for certain Antarctica was there until 1820 when European explorers “discover” it. Since then, men have gone to Antarctica in search of adventure, testing their abilities. 【小题4】

【小题5】 Damage to the environment occurs as people come looking for resources beneath the ice, or carelessly leave their garbage behind. Currently, countries are working to ensure that the damage to Antarctica’s environment is minimized, and that the last wilderness on Earth will remain an unspoiled place.

A.The cold climate is responsible for maintaining the continent’s year-round ice fields.
B.It is widely described as the last true wilderness on our planet.
C.Measures are being taken to protect Antarctica.
D.Yet, Antarctica’s fragile and complicated ecosystem is threatened by its human visitors.
E.In the icy covering are buried few precious resources,
F.Antarctica has more recently been playing host to adventurers seeking excitement and companies looking to exploit this wild zone for profit,
G.Several teams of explorers set out in 1911 to be the first men to stand at the South Pole.
Support for renewable energy technology to figllt global warming is weakening in the face of worldwide economic problems and the true scale of the carbon reductions required,a survey published today has suggested.
Figures presented at the UN climate talks in Poznan,Poland,show that climate experts have less faith in alternative energy than they did 12 months ago.
The survey shows less support for wind energy,solar power,biofuels,biomass and hydrogen energy as technologies with “high potential” to reduce carbon levels in the atmosphere over the next 25 years.
Eric Whan of Globesean,which carried out the survey of “climate decision makers”.Said, “As the climate crisis deepens they could be becoming less optimistic that individual technologies may be able to solve the problem.’’
The survey,supported by groups including the World Bank,the United Nations Environment Programme and the Pew Center for Global Climate Change,questioned l,000 senior figures across governments,pressure groups and companies in 115 countries over the last few weeks.
Almost three quarters of the experts agreed in the survey that “equitable(公平的,平等的) economic growth and development and significant progress in combating(与……斗争)climate change can be achieved at the same time.’’
Asked to rate the likely Success of low-carbon technologies in the midterm,they showed less confidence than a similar survey 12 months ago.Support for offshore wind farms,was down 61%from 65%last year.Solar electricity generation was rated as having high potential by 66%of   respondents,down from 74%.Support for hydrogen power was 32%,down form 36%in 2007.
The respondents also warned that a deep recession(衰退)would make a new global deal on climate harder to achieve.Some 44%agreed that the current economic crisis will significantly delay or compromise the “achievement of effective climate change agreements.’’
【小题1】Which of the following is NOT the alternative energy?       ·
A.Wind energy.B.Solar power.
C.Hydrogen energy.D.Conventional energy.
【小题2】Which of the following altemative energy sees the most remarkable reduction in support?
A.Offshore wind farms.B.Solar electricity.
C.Hydrogen power.D.Natural gas.
【小题3】Why is support for renewable energy technology to fight dobal warming weakening?
A.The technology has no use at all.
B.People don’t want to use the technology.
C.Nothing can be done to reduce carbon levels in the atmosphere.
D.The current economic crisis is to blame.
【小题4】What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Experts Lost Faith in Renewable TechnologyB.Global Environment Is Worsening
C.Who Is to Blame for the EnvironmentD.What Can Be Done to Save the Earth
