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Everyone tries their best in life, and sometimes a few kind words of encouragement can help people realize that their efforts are not in vain (徒劳). I remember a time when I was in fifth grade, and I was a very shy girl.

There was a drawing competition at my school that day. As everyone started to use their creative ideas to draw, I was only trying to think of something creative that could express my thoughts and emotions. Lost in my own world, I was brought back to reality when my art teacher called my name from behind. She came to me and encouraged me, saying, “Don’t overthink it, just put whatever comes to your mind on the canvas (画布). Do your best, and you will do well.”

Taking her words of wisdom to heart, I started my painting. Time flew by, and soon the bell rang, signaling the end of the time limit. We all turned in our canvases for inspection (检查). The next day, the winners of the competition were announced in front of the whole school. To my surprise, I heard my name being called second prize. It was a bolt from the blue for me, as I had never dared to dream of winning any prize.

Later on, I expressed my gratitude to my art teacher for her words of encouragement and for believing in me. That day, I became aware of my talent and started painting more whenever I had free time. Sometimes, I think that if it weren’t for her words of encouragement, I may have never discovered the talent I have.

Overall, this experience taught me the importance of encouraging others and how a few kind words can make a significant impact on someone’s life.

【小题1】What was the author doing when called by the art teacher?
A.Organizing a drawing competition.B.Trying to get some creative ideas.
C.Painting her work on her canvas.D.Trying to get help from others.
【小题2】What did the author think of the competition?
【小题3】What do the underlined words “bolt from the blue” in paragraph 3 mean?
【小题4】What message does the text intend to convey?
A.The power of encouragement can be huge.
B.The importance of art competitions is easy to see.
C.Overcoming shyness through painting is worth trying.
D.Discovering your great natural ability is the key to success.
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It was Thanksgiving Day a few years ago. My daughter was sitting on the couch watching the parade. My dogs kept lifting their noses to sniff the turkey slowly cooking in the oven. And my sons and I were secretly getting a piece of pumpkin pie with cream to hold us until dinner was done. As we lifted our forks I said, “Life is short! Eat dessert first!” Then I smiled as we ate our pie with delight and gave the outside part to the dogs.

Later I decided to take my oldest dog, Snoopy out for a walk. As we slowly walked through the ankle deep leaves I let my mind wander to memories of Thanksgivings past. I could see my grown children as babies sitting in their high chairs covered in mashed potatoes. I remembered all of those years spent visiting their grandparents and all of the special foods they made. There was sausage stuffing, noodles and cheese, and fried potatoes. There was turkey and delicious desserts made with love. And there was the three day nap (小睡) you wanted to take after dinner.

Even more than the food were the memories of joy that stuck in my mind and stayed in my heart. There were the smiles and hugs, the shared stories and laughter, the love so freely given at this time of the year. I went back inside with all of them flowing through me. I felt both glad and sad at the same time. I was happy for all the blessed times we had shared over the years and sad that they had flown by so fast. Most of all, though, I felt at peace and thankful to God for this wonderful life we are given here.

The truth is the more you love, the more thankfulness fills your heart. The more you love, the more joy you create in your life. Make the most of each day you are given here then. Be thankful for the glorious gift of life. Be the blessing you were meant to be and make every day Thanksgiving Day.

【小题1】What do the first two paragraphs focus on?
A.The preparations for Thanksgiving
B.The happy memories of Thanksgiving
C.The various ways to celebrate Thanksgiving
D.The customs of celebrating Thanksgiving
【小题2】Why did the author feel sad?
A.Happy times spent with her family seemed short.
B.She wished she were young again.
C.She had many regrets in those happy times.
D.Things changed much and she never felt the same.
【小题3】What can we infer from the passage?
A.Desserts were the author’s favorite.
B.The author’s grandparents were good chefs.
C.Delicious food was the best part of her memories.
D.The get-together of the family was full of love.
【小题4】What does the author want to tell us through the passage?
A.We should make the best of Thanksgiving Days.
B.Everybody should treasure the time with their family.
C.People should live at present and be grateful for what they have.
D.Thanksgiving Days are the best time for people to express their love.

“A house without books is like a room without windows,” wrote Horace Mann, the 18th-century writer. I agree wholeheartedly with Mann. 【小题1】

Recently, my husband and I did a painting project in a room we use as an office, which has a beautiful wall full of built-in bookshelves. As we started to pull my valuable books down off the shelves, I felt like I was pulling plants out of the garden. 【小题2】 But then I recognized what the project would offer — the opportunity to rethink our book collection.

The physical act of removing every book from its spot on the shelf showed a few unexpected insights (见解). 【小题3】 At the same time, there were a number of inviting surprises on the shelves — books I had forgotten were waiting for me to open them. So the painting job led to a parallel (并行的) project of organizing the bookshelves.

I took the opportunity and started by grouping the books. Then I thought about the layout of the books on the shelves. 【小题4】 I arranged (布置) a vase here, a figurine (小雕像), there, and a piece of my son’s school art there, each in its place as a symbol of aspects of my life I love as much as I treasure my books.

【小题5】 But it can also be an enjoyable experience if you spend the next rainy afternoon inside in search of something new. You can try pulling your books off the shelf, pay a visit to each one and think in a fresh way about how and where they might live their best lives.

A.A strong wave of anxiety suddenly hit me.
B.I regularly share books with my neighbors.
C.Cleaning a bookshelf might sound like a chore.
D.Choosing a good book to read seems like a difficult task.
E.Surprisingly, I realized my bookshelves had space for more than just books.
F.I take pride in the realization that I have books in every room of my house.
G.For one thing, there were many books that no longer inspired or comforted me.

My friend never did well in school but always had a sharp eye for beauty. One day I was busy arranging some flowers in a vase but just couldn’t get them to look right. She came along, and with a few skillful waves of her hand, transformed them into a stunning bouquet. When praised for having this amazing ability, she shrugged off the compliment. She simply didn’t view her creativity as anything special.

Too often we underestimate our own talents in this way. Maybe it’s because we’ve become used to believing that only abilities like a high I.Q., a gift for mathematics or a large vocabulary have cognitive (认知的) value. I was fortunate to learn otherwise at a young age.

When I entered high school, a guidance counselor told my mother I wasn’t college material because I had performed miserably on the spelling section of a standardized test. Thankfully my mother recognized my other intellectual (智力的) gifts and stood up for me, insisting I be put into the college-track curriculum. This experience literally defined the course of my life. It showed me how important it is not to accept a label someone else put on me and it allowed me to realize my full potential.

In the early 1980’s, Howard Gardner, a prominent Harvard researcher, pioneered a concept of “multiple intelligences”. In his book, Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, he suggested that intelligence is not limited to a traditional interpretation but instead includes a wide range of cognitive abilities.

What I love about the multiple intelligences theory is that it allows you to reframe your own abilities and talents, especially those that don’t necessarily fit into neat academic boxes. While it’s true one must meet a basic level of intelligence for achievement, the analytical skills measured by I.Q. do not tell the whole story. This is why we should celebrate all of our talents and abilities. They’re part of what makes your individual brain so wonderful and unique.

【小题1】Whose ability is probably underestimated according to the author?
A.A child who has a large vocabulary.
B.A child who is good at building Lego blocks.
C.A child who has an easy time learning how to multiply.
D.A child who quickly fits into academic learning process.
【小题2】What does “otherwise” underlined in paragraph 2 refer to?
A.It suited me well to take college-track courses.
B.Intelligence can be interpreted by various abilities.
C.Spelling ability in a standardized test is of great value.
D.A high I. Q. makes no sense in realizing my full potential.
【小题3】Why did the author mention Howard Gardner’s book?
A.To introduce a new topic.B.To clarify a concept.
C.To recommend the book.D.To support his opinion.
【小题4】Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Change Your Cognitive Value.
B.Develop Your Academic Ability.
C.Appreciate Your Multiple Intelligences.
D.Explore the Theory of Multiple Intelligences.
