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As a young woman, Pei Aimin, now 49, hid her natural gift for writing, hoping nobody in her farming village would notice and accuse her of neglecting (忽视) work and family.

That was the way of things when Pei was young in her village. In the past, girls often dropped out of school at an early age to get married and settle into the regular routines of rural life.

A few, like Pei, however, yearned for a wider world and looked for ways to express themselves. Pei began to write in middle school and mailed her stories to publishers. Two of them were published, one in a newspaper, another in a magazine.

After her marriage, she had to create secret opportunities. Sometimes she would water useless land just so she could read or write outdoors without being observed. Sometimes she sat under a tree, expressing her feelings on paper until somebody came, and she would hurriedly hide the papers and pen.

“Few women in my village could read or write, “Pei said. “All my family members thought it was a waste of time.”

After reading and writing like that for years, Pei took everyone by surprise when she published a book, Diary of Aunt Vole. It is a collection of 365 short diary entries that describe the natural scenery of the northwestern countryside, the daily routine of the local people, and interesting things that happened in the village.

Pei said she hoped the book would help readers understand that farm work consists of both hardship and fun.

Now Pei’s family no longer objects to her hobby. “Although women in the village still don’t read, many have changed their minds about it,” Pei said. “Learning, after all, is useful.”

【小题1】What do the underlined words “yearned for” in Paragraph 3 mean?
【小题2】What did Pei have to do in order to write?
A.Become a publisher.
B.Tell harmless lies.
C.Drop out of school.
D.Hide from other people.
【小题3】How did people in her village feel when Pei published her book?
【小题4】What role does Pei want her book to play?
A.Inspire students to study hard.
B.Show the real life on the farm.
C.Encourage more women to read.
D.Attract people to the countryside.
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Will Hodson, a primary school teacher in London, was reading a superhero book to his students one day when a thought struck him. “We were talking about how we can all do something heroic every day—open a door for someone, say something nice to someone,” he recalled. “I decided not to use the day’s lesson plans and asked the five-year-olds to think about, ‘What are we all good at?’ ”

Hodson, 39 , was good at cycling, and he ended up taking his lesson to an extreme. After saving up for two years, he left his job and set off on a five-year ride across seven continents(洲) to raise money for charity, including for Parkinson’s disease, which his father has. Calling himself Super Cycling Man, he tries to visit at least one school per country, to spread the message that “We can all be heroes.”

Starting last May, Hodson has hit 14 countries in Europe. On the road, strangers have acted heroically—Turkish gas station attendants sheltered him from the snow, and people in Serbia made a huge pizza for him.

So far, he has raised about $19,000 of the $140,000 he hopes to raise. Antarctica, the most expensive continent to visit, is last on his list, after Asia, Australia, the Americas and Africa.

The hardest part of the trip has been “just keeping my parents at manageable stress(压力) levels”. “You see so much bad news in the world, but I see a very different picture—people inviting me to their houses, people pouring me drinks on the street at night.”

Along with the superhero message, Hodson hopes to show people that “life’s pretty good on two wheels”—particularly in places where cycling is less popular. “Tbilisi, Georgia’s capital, with its shortage of bike lanes(自行车道) and its crazy drivers, is the toughest(最艰难的) city I’ve seen for cyclists, but even there, young people have been receptive.”

“The youth don’t want to necessarily have a big pot belly(大肚子) and drive around in a car.”

【小题1】What does Hodson's “thought”(in Para.1) refer to?
A.Giving up his teaching job.B.Being a hero himself.
C.Doing something heroic every day.D.Reading more superhero books to his students.
【小题2】Hodson’s cycling around the world ________.
A.will be finished in two yearsB.is intended for his father
C.is a charity rideD.began without any preparation
【小题3】What’s the most difficult thing for Hodson on his trip?
A.Facing the terrible weather.B.Finding cheap places to sleep in.
C.Winning his parents’ full support.D.Keeping his parents from worrying about him.
【小题4】What does Hodson say about the young in Tbilisi?
A.They are open to his idea.B.They are crazy drivers.
C.They hate cyclists.D.They eat and drink too much.

How often do you let other people’s nonsense change your mood? Do you let a bad driver, a rude waiter, or an angry employee ruin your day?

One day I was in a taxi and we were driving in the right lane when suddenly, a black car jumped out of a parking space right ahead of us. My taxi driver slammed on his brake, sliding sideways, and at the very last moment our car stopped and narrowly missed the back of the car by just inches! The driver of the car looked around and started screaming at us.

However, my taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. I was shocked and said, “Why did you just do that? This guy could have killed us!” He told me what I now call “The Law of the Garbage Truck”.

He said, “Many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration (懊恼、沮丧), full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they look for a place to get rid of it. And if you let them, they’ll pour it on you. So one day when someone wants to do so, don’t take it personally. Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. Believe me. You’ll be happier.”

So I started thinking, how often do I let Garbage Trucks run right over me? And how often do I take their garbage and spread it to other people at work, at home, or on the street? Then I knew clearly what I should do. Follow the “The Law of the Garbage Truck”, and you’ll take control of your life. You make room for the good by letting go of the bad.

Have a day free of garbage! Have a day full of marvelousness!

【小题1】What is the purpose of the first paragraph?
A.To ask readers some questions.B.To give an example.
C.To introduce the topic.D.To do some research.
【小题2】What made the black car driver scream at the taxi driver?
A.He was full of terrible moods and got rid of them.
B.The taxi driver broke the traffic law and threatened him.
C.He scolded the taxi driver for his driving fast and carelessly.
D.The taxi crashed into the back of his black car.
【小题3】What is the author’s attitude to the taxi driver’s words?

In December 2004, I had just become a professional photographer and was working on a project about communities who live on the sea, known as sea nomads (海上游牧民族). I was living with members of the Chao-Ley tribe (部落) on a small island in southern Thailand. We didn’t share a language and relied on body language to communicate.

I went out to sea with them regularly. One morning, I was due to set out with a group of six Chao-Ley fishermen in a small boat. The sea looked different, with the water totally still.

About 20 minutes after we left and a few miles out in the open sea, one of the fishermen pointed to a small white spot far in the distance. It was getting bigger and bigger very quickly. This was a tsunami (海啸) wave speeding through the ocean.

Usually, the deeper the water, the weaker the wave. But we weren’t out far enough to be safe, nor close enough to shore to make it back in time. We were stuck. I began to feel really scared.

The captain told the six of us where to sit, so we would balance out the boat. My camera was in my backpack. I wanted to capture the scene, but I couldn’t. Any movement would imbalance the boat. Suddenly there was a huge noise. The wave hit the boat, but in a flash the skilled captain managed to swerve (使突然转向) us up and onto the wave. Then the boat moved from the tip of the wave down into safe waters. Our eyes and mouths were wide open, and everyone let out heavy sighs. The captain had saved us all.

Surviving gave me a deep understanding of how important life can be. I’ve been going back to Southeast Asia almost every year since. The photography project has become a thank-you to the people who saved my life. The picture I wanted to take on the boat remains “the one that got away” – I think every photographer has one. But mine changed my life.

【小题1】What happened before the author set out with the fishermen?
A.The captain wanted to cancel the trip.
B.He noticed something unusual.
C.They saw a white spot in the distance.
D.It looked like it was about to rain.
【小题2】When did the author start to feel frightened?
A.When fishermen on the boat felt nervous.
B.When he realized they were trapped.
C.When the boat was about to be hit.
D.When the boat shook violently.
【小题3】What was the author doing when the tsunami wave hit the boat?
A.Helping the captain swerve.
B.Taking a photo of the wave.
C.Trying not to move.
D.Reaching for his backpack.
【小题4】What did the author learn from his experience?
A.We should have the courage to take risks.
B.Opportunity never knocks twice.
C.Life is too short to be wasted.
D.Sometimes regrets in life can save us.
