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Having stretched for more than 170 million years, Chinese food culture occupies an important part in the nation’s traditional culture.

The gastronomy (烹饪法) 【小题1】 (employ) in Chinese cuisine is an art form that goes beyond just satisfying your taste buds (味蕾). It is a perfect 【小题2】 (combine) of all your senses, a harmony of color, aroma, taste and appearance in every dish. 【小题3】 (history), Chinese cultures connected 【小题4】 (agriculture) preferences with patterns in the stars, guiding food consumption based on 24 Solar Terms.

Ancient Chinese people 【小题5】 (invent) chopsticks more than 3000 years ago, which are not only a kind of tableware with distinct national features 【小题6】 an important component that reflects the 【小题7】 (characteristic) of Chinese diet culture. Unlike a knife and fork or one’s own hands, a pair of chopsticks also implies the meaning of “Harmony is 【小题8】 matters”.

And, of course, what’s a Chinese feast without tea? More than a type of drink, it also serves as a transmitter of culture, 【小题9】 (represent) the philosophy, aesthetic views and way of life of the Chinese people, from which 【小题10】 spiritual world of the Chinese people can be perceived.

知识点:饮食习俗 中国文化与节日 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Climate Change Leading to Strange Poisonous Fish

People in Japan pay good money to eat the deadly pufferfish(河豚). There, the food 【小题1】 (call )fugu. The fish can cost more than $ 100 a kilogram.

But in the last few years, the fugu market 【小题2】 (see) a change. The part of the ocean where pufferfish live is warming quickly. Therefore, pufferfish are traveling north to find 【小题3】 (cool) water. Along the way, new kinds of poisonous fish are being created.

These pufferfish hybrids (杂交种) worry government 【小题4】 (official). They are afraid people will accidentally eat them and die. The Japanese government has ordered fishermen and fish traders 【小题5】 (throw ) away any hybrids that they catch. The Japanese take pufferfish danger 【小题6】 (serious). A supermarket in western Japan once accidentally sold some pufferfish that had not had their poisonous livers removed. The town used 【小题7】 (it ) missile alert system to warn residents.

Some industry workers strongly object 【小题8】 the order. They note that hybrids have poison in the same areas as regular pufferfish. Trained cooks and fish butchers know how to remove the areas 【小题9】 contain the poison. 【小题10】   in truth, even experienced fish handlers and scientists cannot always identify the hybrids. The one certainty is that the hybrid population is increasing. And this rise of mixed pufferfish is another example of the effects climate change is having on sea creatures.
