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How to keep a good friendship

It’s not easy for everyone to make friends. Once you have friends, it takes contributions and work on both sides to keep the friendship going. In order to keep a good friendship, you will have to take time to develop your friendship.

Work at keeping a two-way street with your friends. If only one person is attempting to be a good friend, the friendship isn’t going to work. It has to be a partnership where both contribute equally. 【小题1】 If you only take and never give, the friendship will fall apart.

【小题2】 Don’t stand by and watch your friend make mistakes. If you think your friends is making a mistake, express your concerns. Be honest about how you feel, but be careful not to criticize your friend.

Try to avoid fighting and arguing. Naturally there will be times when you disagree with each other, but don’t blow things out of proportion(小题大做). 【小题3】 Most situations people argue over aren’t worth ending a good friendship.

Never date each other’s boyfriend or girlfriend. This is something that can tear a friendship apart. Friends should have enough love and respect for each other not to do things to hurt each other. 【小题4】

Be there for each other through good times and bad times. 【小题5】 Give each other room to grow, and give the friendship room to grow.

A.Communicate with one another.
B.Speak up in order to protect your friend.
C.A good friendship is both give and take.
D.Instead, try to talk things over and put the situation to rest.
E.If you realize that, your friendship will greatly improve.
F.This includes not dating anyone your friend has dated.
G.Celebrate each other’s success, and help each other get through failures often.
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If you find yourself signing up for things that, in reality, you don’t want to do, you’re not alone. Hershfield has found that we often agree to things we don’t want to do because we tend to hold a more brilliant version of our “future selves”. 【小题1】 .

Use your current schedule as a guide. 【小题2】 . So before you commit to something a few months away, glance over the last two weeks of your schedule to give yourself a clear idea of how much time you usually have in a given week.

【小题3】 . If an event is months away, Hershfield said, imagine that it takes place next week, or the week after. Would you commit? If the answer is no, it probably won’t feel any more appealing a few months from now, he said.

Are you still hesitated? Weigh the cost. If you are unsure about an event, weigh the benefits by asking yourself a few questions. 【小题4】 . Or, Hershfield said, you might ask whether the thing you’re afraid of is “A one-off event, or will it lead to other invitations?”

Treat your future self. If you’ve committed to an event, as a result, you know that life is going to become busy or stressful, be kind to yourself by practicing “pre-care”. What feels comfortable is different for everyone. 【小题5】 .

A.Pretend the commitment is sooner
B.You should avoid anything unpleasant
C.Ask yourself if the commitment is attractive
D.Here are four tips on how to have a bright future
E.An empty calendar tricks us to have much free time
F.Let’s use these strategies to set a more realistic schedule
G.You might wonder whether saying yes brings more benefits

Summer is hot. One of the best ways to cool off on a hot summer day is to jump into a swimming pool. Swimming is great exercise, and .trip to a pool or beach is a good way to have fun with friends. But swimming can also be dangerous, so it's important to stay safe as you do it. 【小题1】

Swim only in areas set for swimming.

Don't swim unless there is a lifeguard on duty. If you're on a beach near the ocean, this is especially important. In some places, fast currents(急流)can sweep swimmers away without warning. 【小题2】

Be careful when diving into the water headfirst.

【小题3】In natural water, don't dive unless you know that the water is deep enough. Or you could hit your head on the bottom, causing injury or death.

Make sure you have a partner with you.

Nobody knows what will happen while you swimming. 【小题4】In this situation, a few seconds can make a big difference.


Kids who don't know how to swim should wear life jackets. But by themselves they are not enough, so an adult should always be present. If you have a pool at home, put a fence around it in case children fall in. And if a child disappears, check the pool first.

A.We can benefit much from swimming.
B.Pay close attention to children's safety.
C.Most pools have deep ends where diving is safe.
D.Here are a few things you can do to swim safely.
E.So if a sign says “no swimming”, please take care.
F.Be sure to remember emergency telephone number.
G.If something goes wrong, you can get help from that person as soon as possible.

How Do You Get Better at Speaking English?

Many Learning English fans write to us with this question: How do I get better at speaking English? All right. I’ll give some suggestions as following:

Try to speak English each day

Every day, you can speak English anytime and anywhere. 【小题1】 Begin by saying “good morning,” and “good afternoon or evening” to a family member or a friend. As you travel to your school or work, think about how you feel (like “happy” or “sad”) and say it to yourself in English. When you arrive, give greetings to a friend who is also learning English. 【小题2】 Speaking English every day will help you get better.

Accept a few mistakes

We all make mistakes. You will probably make some mistakes while learning to speak English. But you can still say how you feel. And you can learn from your mistakes. 【小题3】 Practice saying the words many times so you can say them correctly the next time.

Learn some skills

Another way to practice speaking is to read a story from our website and listen to the audio. Stop after a few sentences. Listen again, and notice how the speaker’s voice goes up and down. 【小题4】

Practice speaking with a partner

With a friend, choose a conversation from Let’s Learn English. 【小题5】 Use a phone to record and listen to yourself. Do you say the words the same way as Anna and her friends? Next week, we will talk about continuing a conversation in English.

A.Speak up loudly and bravely.
B.You may ask, “How are you feeling today?”
C.Ask your friend or teacher to correct them.
D.Keep on doing it, even if you can only speak for a short time.
E.Repeat the sentences and make your voice change the same way.
F.And then, act it out with your friend when you know it well enough.
G.Speaking English plays an important role in communication with natives.
