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The world’s oldest pen pals have both turned 100 after 84 years of transatlantic(大西洋彼岸的)letters and have now switched to Zoom.

Geoff Banks from Honiton, Devon, and Celesta Byme, from US, started writing to each other aged just 16 in 1938. They met as part of an educational project to put British and American students in contact-and 84 years later they are still corresponding.

Geoff, a retired engineer, said, “I honestly struggle to remember how we got in touch, but I was talking to Celesta recently and I think it was something to do with an American school’s scheme(计划), which matched us up with Americans for a pen pal relationship, and somehow I ended up with this letter from an American girl, and we just kept corresponding ever since. There were a couple of years when we struggled to keep in touch because of the war. Now of course she is partially sighted, so I correspond mainly by email to one of her daughters who lives nearby. Email is much easier for me these days too because I can’t write very well anymore. We just talk about daily lives and our families really. She’s always been there to write to, even if it was just birthday cards and Christmas cards.”

Despite having chatted for decades, the pair has only ever met twice—first in 2002 while Geoff visited New York aged 80, and then again two years later. Geoff is now a great grandfather, having sadly outlived(比……活得长)his daughter but still having three sons scattered across the world and many more grandchildren.

Geoff said, “We actually met up again in 2004 when she invited me to her house for lunch. I have this new thing called Zoom I think now to chat with her, but I leave all the technology to younger people. They’re much better at pressing all buttons.”

【小题1】What brought Geoff Banks and Celesta Byrne together to be pen pals?
A.The war in the 1930s.B.An American school’s scheme.
C.Communication technology.D.Geoff’s visit to New York.
【小题2】Why did Geoff Banks prefer using email to writing letters?
A.He suffered from eye disease.B.He had trouble pressing buttons.
C.He was unable to write well.D.He relied on Zoom to chat.
【小题3】What can we infer from the passage?
A.True friendship outlives time and space.B.Letters were not permitted during the war.
C.Pen pals are true friends.D.Technology strengthens friendships.
【小题4】What can be the best title for the passage?
A.Pen Pals Meet after 84 yearsB.Pen Pal Relationship Lasts a Century
C.90 Years of Chat: from Letter to ZoomD.Oldest Pen Pals in the world
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When you set a foot outside of your door to drop trash, go to a social event or go for a walk, thoughts like “I hope I don’t see anyone I know” or “please don’t talk to me” may run through your mind. I’ve also said such things to myself. Sometimes the last thing you want to do is to talk with someone, especially someone new.

Why do we go out of our ways to avoid people? Do we think meeting new people is a waste of time? Or are we just lazy, thinking that meeting someone new really is a trouble?

Communication is the key to life. We have been told that many times. Take the past generations, like our parents, for example. They seem to take full advantage of that whole “communication” idea because they grew up talking face to face while Generation-Y grew up staring at screens. We spend hours of our days sitting on Facebook. We send messages to our friends and think about all of the things we want to say to certain people and that we don’t have the courage to do in reality.

Nowadays, we are so caught up in our little circle of friends — our comfort zone. We love it that they laugh at our jokes, understand our feelings and can read our minds. Most importantly, they know when we want to be alone. They just get us.

Holding a conversation with someone new means agreeing with things that you don’t really believe and being someone you think they want you to be — it is, as I said before, a trouble. It takes up so much energy, and at some point or another, it is too tiring.

But meeting new people is important. Life is too short, so meet all the people you can meet, make the effort to go out and laugh. Remember, every “hello” leads to a smile — and a smile is worth a lot.

【小题1】What do we learn about the author?
A.He likes to meet someone new.
B.He feels stressed out lately.
C.He’s active in attending social events.
D.He used to be afraid of talking to others.
【小题2】What’s the problem of Generation-Y in the author’s eyes?
A.They are less confident in themselves.
B.They rely on the Internet to socialize.
C.They have difficulty in communicating.
D.They are unwilling to make new friends.
【小题3】Why does the author write the text?
A.To stress the importance of friends.
B.To encourage people to meet new people.
C.To give tips on how to meet new people.
D.To display the disadvantages of Generation-Y.

It’s the end of August, and it’s time to start thinking about going back to school. For some, it’s a very exciting time. For others, however, they can feel very stressful. There are lots of things to do if you want to have a great first day at school.

Stay busy throughout the summer holiday. Usually those who struggle (挣扎) on their first days are people who spend too much of their summer holiday indoors and relaxing. So you should try to stay active and busy over the course of the holiday. There are lots of things you can do, such as getting a summer job or taking up a sport.

Continue learning over the summer holiday. People who struggle the most at first are those who aren’t learning over the holiday. Learning itself doesn’t have to be boring! You can learn about anything you want. Simply keeping your brain in the habit of learning will give you an extra advantage when it’s time to go back to school.

Spend time with friends that will attend the same school. If you have any friends living in the same neighborhood, there are chances that you will go to the same school! Make a point of creating stronger bonds (关系) with those friends. Spend part of your summer holiday with them, and grow closer. While there’s always some worry about going into the first day of school, having friends around that care about you makes it much easier.

Buy your school supplies. The most important thing you can do in preparation for your first day is make sure you have all of the equipment you need. Though the types of materials you’ll need differ from class to class, certain things, like pens and paper, will be used for all classes.

【小题1】Who is the text meant for?
A.The parents.B.The teachers.
C.The headmasters.D.The students.
【小题2】What can you do to stay active during the summer holiday?
A.Spend much time relaxing indoors.B.Take up a part-time job.
C.Learn English every day.D.Take part in a sport competition.
【小题3】Who will struggle the most on their first days?
A.Those who fully prepare all the things for school.
B.Those who spend their summer holiday abroad.
C.Anyone who has attended summer classes.
D.Anyone who doesn’t learn at all during the summer holiday.
【小题4】Why are you advised to build a strong relationship with your friends in the same neighborhood?
A.Friends really help when you are in low spirits.
B.Friends can offer to help you with your study.
C.Friends can accompany you to spend the long holiday.
D.Friends can give you advice when you buy school supplies.

As 17-year-old Torri’ell Norwood drove through St. Parkersburg, Florida, last February, the laughter and chatter from the four teenage girls inside her car quickly gave way to screams. As they approached an intersection, another car T-boned them, sending their car sailing into the yard of a nearby home, coming to a stop only when it crashed into a tree.

As smoke rose from the other car, a bystander shouted, “It’s about to blow up! Get out!” Shaken, but otherwise OK, Norwood crawled out through the window. Along with two of her friends, who’d also managed to free themselves, she ran for her life.

But halfway down the street, she realized that her best friend, A’zarria Simmons, wasn’t with them. Norwood ran back to the wreck and found Simmons stuck in the back seat, motionless. She threw open the back door and pulled her friend out, avoiding the broken glass as best she could. She dragged Simmons a few feet to safety and laid her on the ground. “I checked her pulse.” Nothing. “I put my head against her chest.” No sign of life. “That’s when I started CPR.”

Kneeling on the lawn, Norwood started pumping Simmons’s chest with her interlocked fingers and breathing into her friend’s mouth in hopes of filling her lungs with the kiss of life. No response. And then, after the 30th compression (按压), Simmons began coughing and gasping for air. The CPR had worked!

Soon, the ambulance arrived and rushed Simmons to the hospital. And when she heard how her best friend had saved her life, she said, “I wasn’t shocked. She will always help any way she can.”

【小题1】What happened when Norwood and her friends drove through St. Parkersburg last February?
A.Their car broke down halfway.
B.They were involved in a car crash.
C.Their car was at the risk of explosion.
D.They got stuck in the badly damaged car.
【小题2】Which of the following can best describe Norwood?
A.Generous and capable.
B.Gentle and hardworking.
C.Courageous and reliable.
D.Energetic and intelligent.
【小题3】Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Power of Love.
B.Breath of Life.
C.Test of Friendship.
D.Benefit of CPR.
