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As the college entrance examination approaches, you will feel that you lack the ability to control the emotions. 【小题1】. The following methods teach you how to control your emotions well before an exam.

First, take a deep breath and stay calm. Finding peace and staying relaxed is all about being in the present moment and not bombarding your mind with too many worries about the future. All that you have now is the current moment.【小题2】.   

Have to accept that how you show your emotions has a very real effect on others. If you find yourself getting angry at your fellow peers at school, there might still be some understanding from those who are going through similar feelings as you are. 【小题3】. Family members and those who generally aren’t as able to empathize (产生共鸣) as well with your current feelings and situation may take your anger as a personal insult (侮辱).

Learn to handle your emotions. When you start feeling boiling anger rising inside you, consider if you really need to convert that negative energy into action or comment. 【小题4】 Taking time to think through these emotions and giving yourself 10 seconds to calm down and consider things. Being angry only builds walls between you and others, making it difficult for loved ones to help.

【小题5】. Talking your feelings over with others will help you realize that there is no reason to be anxious or worried. Also, reach out to your family. I’m sure that when they were students they also went through similar pressures.

A.Connect with your peers.
B.Talk with your family.
C.Because of their experiences, they will understand you.
D.Sometimes you even get angry because of little things.
E.Do you really need to express your anger outwardly?
F.So for right now, just relax.
G.In any case, this still doesn’t excuse you from treating other people poorly
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How to support a struggling friend

We’ve all been in situations like this, both big and small and everything in between: from missing the bus to work to struggling with the loss of a loved one. 【小题1】 We really want to help, yet we don’t quite have the words or the tactics.

Research shows that many people don’t really know what works best to help their friends effectively. 【小题2】 A survey of the methods that people used to manage their friends’ emotions identified 378 distinct strategies. The good news is that there are simple strategies you can learn that will help you provide more effective support to your friends.

Ask questions and really listen

Just as playing down a friend’s problem is unwise, so is trying to empathize too quickly. While this impulse is understandable and quite normal, it is also likely to go wrong. 【小题3】 So how might you best address the situation instead? A recent research suggests that it would be better to slow down and start by asking directly how your friend is feeling, rather than thinking about how you might feel in a similar situation.

A related technique to try is active listening, which is commonly used by therapists, and relatively simple to implement. 【小题4】 For example, your friend might spend some time explaining a series of stressful events across their week, describing arguments with their spouse, a mounting workload and some worries about debt, and you might respond by saying that it sounds like they are overwhelmed both at home and at work right now.

Don’t take charge

If your support is too directive and take-charge, it might make your friends feel like they aren’t able to handle things on their own, like a kid who needs their parent’s help to manage their problems.

Instead, it would have been better to ask them what they want, and how they might be able to change this situation, and then listen to them talk through their options one by one. In doing this, you provide a sounding board for them to take control of the situation on their own. 【小题5】 This will help them organise their thoughts and come to some solutions, without feeling like you did it for them.

A.It’s important not to put too much pressure on your friend to talk.
B.Common wisdom suggests that a problem shared is a problem halved.
C.A friend who is going through hardship may benefit from a helpful gesture.
D.Part of the challenge is that there are just so many possible ways to intervene.
E.One useful skill is to paraphrase what your friend is saying in your own words.
F.Research has shown that we’re actually really bad at taking other people’s perspectives.
G.Your aim should be to facilitate the other person’s choices, rather than dominating them.

Ways to Live Your Life with Purpose

No matter who you are or what you do, there is a purpose for life. A sense of purpose is an essential part of a happy life. 【小题1】 Here are three tips to follow if you want to do so.

Learn to be self-aware. People tend to overestimate their strong points and ignore their weak points. 【小题2】 Be realistic and don’t be afraid to face your imperfections. When you know your personality you have better chances to figure out your purpose and stick to it.

【小题3】 That’s what really gives you the sense of purpose. What do you love to do most? If you still cannot give an answer to this question, you risk living a useless life. I’m strongly convinced that everybody should have something favorite to pursue in his life. Your enthusiasm makes your life worthwhile and meaningful.

Make use of goal setting. Recognizing your goals isn’t enough; you should learn to set right goals. Your goals should always be accurate and realistic. Setting short-term and long-term goals can add meaning to your life. 【小题4】 It’s exactly your goals that make you get up earlier and work harder.

It is natural that you will find it difficult to follow all the tips at once. 【小题5】 Regardless of your purpose, you should do your best to achieve it. A meaningful life will give you the feeling of fulfillment and satisfaction and you’ll feel happier every day.

A.Stay inspired.
B.Follow your passion.
C.Therefore, you have to make great efforts to live your life with purpose.
D.When you see the direction, it’s easier to stay motivated and determined.
E.The real purpose of living lies beyond the responsibilities of your daily life.
F.You can start with small steps and gradually make all the habits part of your life.
G.However, if you want to find your life purpose, you should learn your true self first.

Home organization has been turned into an art form by social media influences who share beautiful images of boxes arranged by color or packed neatly into baskets. This is American addiction with organizing. 【小题1】 It’s not that we need to organize our junk to make it prettier.It’s that we need to buy less stuff. Here are some tips to help you break up with overbuying.

Begin by taking a look around to see what you have, what you need, and what you can get rid of. Periodically having a check will help you make better shopping decisions and will help reduce purchases. 【小题2】Break it into manageable parts, such as kitchen tools or winter clothes. Then identify what you use regularly and what can go.

Also consider which belongings bring you joy and which ones you wouldn’t miss if they were gone. Do clothes and shoes make you happy, or do you prefer the items you brought back from a trip? Are your books your most prized possessions? 【小题3】

Shop with intention. Some people buy items because they’re on sale. Some think it’s necessary to stock up on almost everything. Other people shop because it makes them happy. 【小题4】After momentary happiness, the items become part of the mountain of stuff unwanted.

【小题5】Deciding to buy something may not require much mental energy. But deciding what to do with unwanted items can be stressful and take up considerable time. Mindless shop-ping affects our mental health and teaches our children not to value their belongings because it makes each item seem less special. Doing so will benefit all of us, the next generation and our planet.

A.Shop mindfully.
B.Consider our planet.
C.Our shopping habits are complex.
D.But they ignore the root of the problem.
E.You don’t have to check your entire household at once.
F.Whatever the reason, the excitement usually doesn’t last long.
G.Knowing the answers to these questions will help you set priorities when shopping.
