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On the first day of high school after moving to St. Louis, Missouri this summer, I was really nervous. I had decided the night before that I would be much happier if I made friends that were so-called “popular”. I bought a new outfit (套装) regardless of the high price just so the first day would be perfect.

Scared, yet anxious, I walked up the stairs to the front door. My first class was math, but where was that? I was standing in the hall looking confused, when a short, blond girl wearing glasses came up and asked, “Are you new? You look lost. I’ll help you find your class. My name is Diane. What’s yours?” Even though she seemed a bit strange, definitely not the kind of person I wanted to be associated with, I decided to answer her anyway. I was, after all, lost.

When we reached my room she said, “Well, here you are. It was nice meeting you. I hope your day goes all right.” I said thanks and waved good-bye.

Once inside the classroom, I saw a guy in the middle of the class who was wearing a letter jacket. A group of people crowded around him. I decided this guy was popular. He was talking about wild and crazy things he had done in the summer. A few minutes later, the teacher came in and told everyone to find a seat. I managed to get one right next to the guy. I said, “Hi, my name is April and I’m new here.” He said, “Hi, I’m Johnny.”

That lass dragged on and on Finally the bell rang. I turned to him and asked, “I’m not sure where my next class is. Could you help me find it?” “No!” he said, turned back to his friends, and walked out of the classroom. As they were walking out I heard him say, “Did you guys see that the new girl trying to get into our group? That outfit was way too strange.”

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They all laughed and some of them turned around and stared at me.


The next day before class started, someone came up behind me and said, “Hi, again. How was your first day?”

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The cafeteria (自助食堂) conversation on Monday was all about hockey (冰上曲棍球) again. Jade usually fit in with the sports crowd, but now she was not included in the conversation.

“When will you get out on the ice, Jade?” Hazel asked. Jade was a soccer star at her old school in California. “I’m inviting her to play hockey.” Hazel told other players at the table.

Jade lowered her voice. “I can’t make it to open skating time because I have to look after my younger brother Calvin until 6:30.”

But Hazel had been friendly since their first meeting and she wasn’t going to give upon this. “A rink (溜冰场) is behind the stadium. I can practice with you thereafter the closing time. You can buy skates from Ms. Silva, the facility manager. 7 o’clock this evening at the rink!” Hazel told Jade excitedly.

However, Jade didn’t tell Hazel she couldn’t afford the skates and hockey stick. After school Jade hurried home to look after Calvin. When she was cleaning the crumbs (面包屑) under Calvin’s highchair with a broom, she got an idea. At 6:35, Jade grabbed the broom and an old tennis ball.

At the rink, Hazel hadn’t turned up yet. In her dirty shoes, Jade practiced hitting the ball with the broom independently. Surprisingly, she scored a goal. But her smile disappeared as she saw Ms. Silva walking over.

She looked down at Jade’s feet pitifully. “Your shoes made the rink dirty. Those aren’t skates and hockey stick.”

“I’m really sorry for the dirt,” Jade apologized. “I don’t have money for those.”

“You didn’t tell me that!” Hazel appeared, holding Jade’s hands.

“Want a weekend job?” Ms. Silva advised gently. “I’ll teach you how to remove the dirt and leaves. A month later you may get new skates!” “Definitely.” Jade replied. “I’ll be there with you!” Hazel said.


In the following month, Jade was a dutiful staff and practiced with Hazel in the rink every night.


My heart pounded as I stared at the screen. I re-read the message from my friend, Noelle. Someone had upset her by sharing her personal news, a recent development Noelle had shared with only a few close friends, including me. She didn’t know who let the word out, but she was hurt and disappointed.

I felt so guilty. I knew how the news had got out because I had been the one to tell someone else. Honestly, I hadn’t realized she meant to keep it so close to home, but at the same time I’d known it wasn’t a good idea when I started to tell it to someone else.

Did she really not know it was me? It would have been easy to come clean and apologize if her note was an accusation. But it read as though it had been copied and pasted to several people. So I chose the coward’s way out.

“I’m so sorry that happened to you,” I typed. “How awful that your confidence was broken.”

I hoped that would do. Her reply came back within seconds: “Thank you.”

Surely, that would be good enough. I didn’t take responsibility for my actions, but I’d sympathized with her pain. It would be okay for me to remain anonymous (不公开姓名的) as long as I was sorry, wouldn’t it?

But, deep down, I knew I’d been the one to break faith and hurt her. I was ashamed, not only of my original action, but because I’d put wrong upon wrong by covering it up.

I felt miserable at church on Sunday. I tried to avoid communication. Watching others take part while I sat in silence was a painful experience-one I never wanted to repeat.

Later, the speaker in the church challenged us to examine ourselves and see if anything stood in the way to being the best of ourselves, and if so, we should not to let it stop us and we needed to clear it away.

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I knew what stood between me and doing the right thing:my reputation.


I went straight to Noelle after the church.


“Estel, darling!” Mrs. Hollyfrost yelled from across the hallway. “I made your favorite chocolate cake as an evening snack!” “I don’t want to come down,” Estel said. “I’m very tired!”

“Honey, did you forget? You have your holiday party at Angel’s Workshop today!” Estel took a quick deep breath. The party was all she was looking forward to for the entire week! The party would be for celebrating a successful New Year event and for Angel to hand out awards to the hardworking. Estel was sure she would get a medal. She had been working hard on the presents and ensuring every child would get precisely what they wanted. Her coworkers even said that she made the impossible possible.

Estel quickly pulled on her sweater. The party would start soon. Estel rushed out of the house, shaking with cold. Fortunately, the workshop is within walking distance of her home.

“Welcome!” a coworker greeted Estel. Everyone was chatting until Angel’s voice was heard throughout the workshop. He stood on a rising platform. “Everyone, may I have your attention, please? I want to make a toast to the New Year of 2023. All of you have made it memorable. Thank you for your hard work!” He raised his glass. “Now, I want to announce some employees I think are extraordinary among their coworkers. They will get awards.”

After an hour, all the other awards were handed out. The last one was for the best toy builder, and Estel was confident that she would get the medal. Even her friend Phaendar, the director of the toy department, said that she would get the prize. She smiled confidently, ready to get onto the platform. But she soon heard Angel’s words: “Gold is for Lindir, my best friend.”

Estel was shocked. Phaendar was shocked, too. No way. Estel observed Lindir’s work once, and she was absolutely terrible! She didn’t even try,contrasting with Estel who worked hard day and night.

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Tears running down Estel’s face, she rushed out of the workshop.


With videos of Lindir’s toy making, Phaendar and Estel went to Angel’s office.

