语法填空-短文语填 适中0.65 引用1 组卷37

Beijing and large areas of northern China woke to 【小题1】 (choke) sand and dust, as a winter sandstorm sent many of the air pollution 【小题2】 (level) off the charts.

The sandstorm originated in Mongolia and 【小题3】 (gradual) moved south, covering much of northern China, from the eastern city of Tianjin to Xinjiang region in the far west. The sandstorm is expected 【小题4】 (last) for two days.

In the spring of 2021, Beijing was hit by the biggest sandstorm in nearly a decade, 【小题5】 turned the skies a shade of orange. In previous decades, each May 【小题6】 (see) at least two rounds of sandstorms. The 【小题7】 (frequent) and severity of sandstorms was partly due to drought, growing population pressure and poor progress in revegetation (再种植), which caused rapid desertification of land in the north and northwest. But sandstorms 【小题8】 (decrease) sharply ever since. The annual number of sandstorm-affected days in Beijing fell 【小题9】 a peak of 26 days in the 1950s to just three days after 2010.

Since 2000, the Chinese government has spent billions of dollars on sandstorm prevention, started 【小题10】 (vary) reforestation and ecological projects and sent up satellites to monitor sandstorms and alert weather agencies ahead of time.

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The first Smokey Bear poster shows a brown-coated bear wearing jeans. He is staring 【小题1】 (shy) up from under a campaign hat as he pours a bucket of water over a campfire. “SMOKEY SAYS,” the poster 【小题2】(read) , “Care will prevent 9 out of 10 forest fires!”

Albert Staehle, the illustrator, chose a bear because he might have wanted Smokey 【小题3】 (look) like the father of the forest, as his wife supposed. But many will forever associate the cartoon with a real baby bear, 【小题4】 paws(爪子)were burnt in a 1950 spring wildfire.

The baby bear had been rescued by Ray Bell, a forest ranger (护林员) 【小题5】( fight) a fire in New Mexico's Capitan Mountains. Don Bell was 15 when his father came home with the five-pound bear. The Bell family was constantly taking in wild animals to protect them 【小题6】 potential dangers, so Don Bell didn't think much of the "cute little guy" who slept in a rabbit cage. But the story of the rescued baby bear would become 【小题7】 national phenomenon. At the capital airport, the 【小题8】 (arrive) of Smokey drew hundreds of reporters, photographers and onlookers, and he appeared in 【小题9】(newspaper) across the country.

At the zoo, Smokey drew millions of visitors during 26 years. Having a living animal symbol helped make the wildfire-safety campaign more visible. The Smokey ads were also a far 【小题10】( good) choice.
