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In Finding the Mother Tree, Suzanne Simard takes us through her career in the forests, working on plantations to identify links between crop production, herbicide (除草剂) use and species diversity. In carrying out these studies, she goes on to discover that trees communicate through underground fungi (真菌) networks. At the centre of these webs is an individual known as the “mother tree” that coordinates, feeds and sustains the other members of the forest.

The strength of this story isn’t only in the discoveries she makes, but her courageous persistence. She recalls how some members of her profession almost laughed her out of the room on first hearing her findings, not helped by the fact that she was a woman in a male-dominated field, trying to convince a room full of foresters that their age-old methods were imperfect.

Like Robin Wall Kimmerer combining ecology and the human spirit, Simard demonstrates that scientific research is not only about figures and conferences, but a voyage of passion and self-reflection that depends on the instinctive character of the human mind and the precision of experimentation. Simard’s ancestry is rooted in the outdoors, yet she recognises that the old ways of working with the land must evolve. She refuses to let cultural biases (偏见) influence her, instead listening to what the forest tells her.

This book also shares insights into Simard’s personal life: friendships, marriage, motherhood and breast cancer. She connects these seemingly separate parts of her life to her research into tree relationships, air, Earth and beyond. Her own relationships, not just with people but with trees, become reflections on connections with Earth. Her book thus invites us to embrace this connection with Earth when she writes: “I can’t tell if my blood is in the trees or if the trees are in my blood.”

【小题1】Which aspect of the “mother tree” does the first paragraph focus on?
A.Its central role in the forest.B.Its communication with fungi.
C.Its influence on species diversity.D.Its unique effects on crop production.
【小题2】What led to the rejection of Suzanne Simard’s findings at first?
A.Her absence of determination.B.Her doubts about fellow colleagues.
C.Her lack of supporting evidence.D.Her challenge to long-held beliefs.
【小题3】How did Simard carry out scientific research?
A.By counting on human instinct.
B.By prioritizing figures and conferences.
C.By completely getting rid of cultural biases.
D.By passionately studying the true needs of nature.
【小题4】What can we learn about her book from paragraph 4?
A.Interconnectivity is at the core of her writing.
B.Her writing inspiration comes from observation.
C.Reflection is the key to developing relationships with trees.
D.Her experiences are separate from her work on studying trees.
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Kids want to spend their summer vacations having fun in the sun with their friends. Reading may not even be on their list. But if you add a lovely dog, that could make reading a pleasant activity.

Now a new study found that reading to dogs helps to improve reading ability because dogs provide a nonjudgmental and supportive atmosphere(氛围).

Three educators from the college decided to look at new ways to get kids to read more after the Education Ministry expressed concern over a great drop in reading scores in fourth-grade students.

These students had reading difficulties because they did not go through school in person during the last three years. They missed out on reading practice with their peers(同龄人)during the second and third grades.

“We want to find an original way that would encourage students to practice their reading,” Har-Zvi, head of the special-education track and senior lecturer at the college said. “And to create that encouragement, we decided to do experiments with dogs.”

Reading to pets encourages kids to acquire confidence and interest in reading, according to the pet food company Purina. That’s not only because the practice of reading to dogs is used in home-schooling to help the kids acquire reading ability, but also because pets are comforting and nonjudgmental. Einat Artzi, whose daughter took part in the experiment, told Ynet that her daughter Michaela ”has loved dogs from a young age. Her experience of reading to dogs greatly increased her desire to read, and in her opinion, it improved her reading abilities. All in all, the experience of introducing dogs into the classroom made her feel comfortable and safe, and she began to enjoy going to school. Michaela is now considered one of the top readers in her class and has a very rich vocabulary. Thanks to this, we also took in a dog.“

【小题1】What led three educators to try to get kids to read more?
A.Kids’ difficulty in making friends.B.Teachers’ passive teaching methods.
C.Their worry about students’ health.D.Concerns of education leaders.
【小题2】What gave the kids confidence in the experiment?
A.The quiet listening of the dogs.B.The kids’ love for the dogs.
C.The parents’ joining them.D.The guidance from the teachers.
【小题3】How did the experiment influence Michaela according to her mother?
A.It made her fall in love with dogs.B.It bettered her reading ability greatly.
C.It improved her relationships with others.D.It allowed her to take a dog to school.
【小题4】Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Dogs Are Good Friends to KidsB.Kids’ Reading Scores Are Dropping
C.Dogs Help Make Kids Better ReadersD.Kids Studying at Home Brings Problems

There are a variety of things to do with old books that you no longer want, depending on their condition and content. 【小题1】 Others might be able to find a good use for them. You might choose to sell old books to a bookstore, donate them, pass them on to friends, or simply throw them out if they are in poor shape.

When you are deciding what to do with old books, assess their condition first. If it is an old paperback with torn cover and pages, sell it to the recycle bin. If the book is a hardcover and the cover is still in good shape, sell it to a used bookstore. 【小题2】

When selling old books to a bookstore it is important to be aware of the content of old books. 【小题3】 Fiction is usually a safe bet, for example: Travel guides are not.

If donating old books to charity, avoid donating books that are in truly poor condition. If a book is dirty, or missing the cover a charity cannot sell it or give it out. What’s more, it is preferred that you walk into the charity and donate the book in person. 【小题4】

【小题5】 You could simply place a shelf of old books that you don’t want by the door, and encourage your friends to take books that look interesting. If your entire social network followed this practice, a constantly circulating library of old books could be formed. You could also have a book swap party.

A.It could also be donated to charity.
B.There is no reason to allow old books to accumulate.
C.Donating old books can form a constantly circulating library.
D.Some topics are more attractive than others.
E.Leaving it on the doorstep will make it potentially damaged.
F.Book buyers know what sells in the store and what does not.
G.You may also want to consider exchanging books with friends.

Congratulations! You’ve gotten to college, and now you never have to read another book in your life! 【小题1】 Instead of a book being something you have to read, think about college literature classes as your opportunity to get to read. Here are some ways to get the most out of the literature class.

Take a lecture course. 【小题2】 Even if you haven’t taken other literature courses, specialized lectures can be a great place to start. If you’re considering a literature lecture, consider one on a single author, or a single genre, or a single time period. Even if you don’t come in with a lot of background knowledge, that’s okay, because the topic is narrow enough so that you can launch right into the material without mastering everything under the sun first.

【小题3】 Don’t just rely on your friends for this; instead, you should turn to people who are juniors and seniors in departments with a lot of literature courses and ask them which professors they’ve had very positive experiences with.

Take a literature class with a book on the syllabus that you’ve read before but hated. You know you should like The Sound and the Fury, which you read in junior year of high school. But somehow, you just couldn’t get into it then. Or you knew that Walt Whitman is supposed to be great, but you’ve never clicked with “I Hear America Singing.” This is your opportunity to re-discover the books and authors that you’ve completely written off. 【小题4】

In short, don’t be afraid to take a college literature class. 【小题5】 Instead, give yourself a chance to explore!

A.All the excuses are just getting in the way.
B.But don’t be afraid to take a specialized lecture.
C.You might find something in them that you love after all.
D.But that’s exactly the opposite of what books can do for you in college.
E.Don’t be frightened by the fact that you have nowhere to hide — embrace it!
F.Take a small seminar, even if you’ve never taken a college literature course before.
G.Ask people who are majors in humanities departments to recommend professors to you.
