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What is the most fun you can have in 21 hours and 23 minutes? On 15 October, 2003, Yang Liwei answered this question. His voyage in space took him 600, 000 kilometres in orbit, around the Earth 14 times, in just over 21 hours. It made him China’s first astronaut in space. He had worked towards this achievement for many years.

Born in 1965, Yang had wanted to fly since he was a young boy. His friends and teachers from Suizhong in north-east of Liaoning Province have all said that he loved science and technology from a young age. He always had a strong desire to learn how to fly. His dream was encouraged by his parents as well as his older sister and younger brother.

In 1983, he joined the army, and went to flight school. He graduated in 1987 and became a pilot. In 1998, he applied to be a member of Project 921, which is now called Shenzhou. He was one of the only 14 selected from 1, 500 candidates. The team spent the next five years being trained. They not only studied all the subjects required to be an astronaut, but also learnt survival skills and all about how spaceships and rockets are built. Yang scored among the very top in everything the group studied.

In September 2003, only three out of the 14 candidates were picked for the Chinese space adventure, and Yang was one of them. He took all kinds of tests to prove he was fit for this important task. Although Yang did not get the best scores on every single test, it was his high scores on the psychological tests that finally won him the status of China’s first astronaut. Yang was described by his superiors as hard-working and always in control of himself. Because of these qualities, they were optimistic he would be successful.

In the end, Yang was indeed a success. His name will go down in history with those of Yuri Gagarin and Alan Shepard. The people of China can be proud of Yang Liwei, and young people all over the world can look up to him as an example of a man who managed to live his dream.

【小题1】In September 2003, how many people were picked for the Chinese space adventure besides Yang Liwei?
C.14.D.1, 500.
【小题2】Which of the following is the RIGHT order?
a. He became a pilot.
b. He was chosen as a member of Project 921.
c. He joined the army.
d. He was picked for the Chinese space adventure.
【小题3】Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?
A.Yang Liwei got the best scores on every single test.
B.Yang Liwei spent 21 hours and 23 minutes on the space journey.
C.Yang Liwei had been trained for five years before he was picked for the Chinese space adventure.
D.Yang Liwei made his first voyage in space at the age of 38.
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Twenty years ago, I was a school bus driver. Charlie, who was eight years old, became a rider. All the students had stories to tell me but Charlie ignored me.

From that day on, Charlie was a trial. If a fight broke out I didn’t have to turn my head to know who had started it. If a girl was crying, the chances were Charlie had pulled her hair. No matter how I spoke to him, he wouldn’t say a word. He’d just stare at me with his eyes.

Toward the end of that year, the kids on my bus gave me a small medal with the words “To the Best Bus Driver Ever ”. I put it up on the dashboard (仪表盘).

One day, when I got on the bus I realized that the medal was gone. One boy said, “Charlie was the first one on the bus. I bet he took it.” Other children also said, “Yeah! Charlie did it!” I asked Charlie, “Have you seen the medal?” “I don’t know what you are talking about,” he said. All the children shouted, “Check his pockets.” I asked Charlie to come forward. I stuck my hand into one of his pockets. I felt it. Charlie stared at me for a long time. I was about to pull the medal out of Charlie’s pocket when I stopped myself. “It must have fallen off before I got here,” I said to the kids. Without a word, Charlie returned to his seat. That summer Charlie moved away.

Some years later, when I was in a department store, someone called my name. It was Charlie. To my surprise, he hugged me. He pulled an old key chain which was actually the medal from his pocket and gave it to me. “You were the only one who didn’t give up on me. Thank you! You are so beautiful!” he said.

【小题1】It can be known from the passage that Charlie was ______.
A.a trouble makerB.an easy-going boy
C.proud of what he had doneD.an honest boy with few words
【小题2】The underlined word “it ” in Paragraph 4 refers to______.
A.the small medalB.the dashboard
C.an old key chainD.Charlie’s pocket
【小题3】What was Charlie’s attitude towards the author when he met her years later ?
A.He hated her and stared at her without a word.
B.He thought highly of her and was grateful to her.
C.He appreciated her but he was too shy to say it out.
D.He respected her because she was the best driver.
【小题4】Which of the following words can be used to describe the author?
A.Brave and generousB.Helpful and impatient
C.Caring and kind – heartedD.Polite but dishonest

Marijana grew up in Serbia. Her parents made a living by picking vegetables and selling them on the market. Neither one of them ever got past primary school. “We were poor," Marijana says.

The Roma are Europe's largest minority (少数)group, numbering 8 to 12 million. They often face discrimination and have trouble getting basic rights and services. Many Roma families go hungry now and then. Roma children are often put into “special schools” for children with special educational needs. Without education, people can't find jobs, and they're poor for generations.

For Marijana and many other young Roma, both the chance for success and the pain of discrimination began in primary school. “It made me feel so bad," she says,"when my classmates' parents didn't want their children to sit with me." Sometimes she had to deal with teachers who picked on her simply because she was Roma. Once, she did an art project for a class.“But the teacher said, ‘You didn't do it, someone else did. You are Roma; it is in your   character to lie,’ Marijana says.

But it was not all discrimination. “I had a very nice teacher of geography, ”Marijana says. “Because of the trust some teachers gave me, I felt I needed to keep going and succeed.”

Marijana is glad she went to mainstream schools, where the quality of education was better, but what really got her through school was that her parents believed in her. “Some people often said to my parents, ‘She'll get married. Why are you wasting your money and time on her?’ Nobody except my family believed I could do it,” she says.

Since university in Belgrade, Marijana has been working for the World Bank for 7 years. She deals with both Roma and non-Roma problems including education and social protection. But her most important impact might just come from her own history. “When I do field visits as part of my work, I always tell my own story to encourage Roma kids and their parents to go to school, and not to give up.”

【小题1】What community did Marijana live in as a child?
A.A busy community.B.A dangerous community.
C.A disadvantaged community.D.A loving and caring community.
【小题2】What was Marijana's primary school life like?
A.It was boring.B.It was bittersweet.
C.It was generally fun.D.It was a total failure.
【小题3】What did Marijana's family think of her going to school?
A.They didn't care about that.B.They were strongly against it.
C.They couldn't   reach an agreement.D.They knew it would get her somewhere.
【小题4】What is Marijana's influence on Roma kids?
A.She changes the way they study.B.She sets a good example for them.
C.She prepares them for part-time jobs.D.She makes them realize the importance of success.

Cimabue, the greatest painter of the Middle Ages in Italy, was surprised one day after his lunch break to discover that a fly had seated itself under the nose of a character that he had been working on. He swatted the fly, but it didn’t move. He reached out to touch the insect, only to find it was only wet paint. Turning around, he saw that his apprentice (学徒), Giotto, was laughing. Giotto had painted the fly when Cimabue was away, and it looked so real that Cimabue had been completely fooled.

Giotto di Bondone was born into a poor family in a village. Legend has it that one day, when Cimabue was wandering around the countryside, he spotted a young shepherd boy drawing pictures of his sheep, which were so vivid that Cimabue immediately asked him to come to Florence and learn how to paint. That was how Giotto’s story began in Florence, where the young student grew under Cimabue’s instruction and soon surpassed his master in skill.

At that time, people in paintings didn’t look real, and the symbolism of art was difficult for viewers to connect with. Innovation was not stressed, so art had remained the same for hundreds of years.

However, Giotto thought art should be something more, connected with people in a more realistic way. His masterpieces included the forty major frescoes for the Arena Chapel. Adopting many techniques that were uncommon then, he painted people the way he saw them, instead of the overly tall and beautiful people that other artists painted. He created three-dimensional space by using perspective, something that had not been done since Roman times.

In addition to painting, Giotto wrote poetry and drew architectural plans. When Giotto was in his sixties, he painted the Ognissanti Madonna, another famous work of art. He continued working until the age of seventy. The ideas Giotto brought to painting throughout his life revolutionized the art world and made him one of the greatest painters ever.

【小题1】Which of the following is TRUE according to Paragraph One?
A.There was a fly landing on the painting.B.The fly was covered with wet paint.
C.It was Cimabue who painted the fly.D.Cimabue was tricked into believing the fly was real.
【小题2】What can we learn about Giotto di Bondone from the text?
A.He was born into a poor family in the city of Florence.
B.All the people he painted were tall and beautiful.
C.Besides painting, he was also involved in other fields.
D.He continued working until the age of sixty.
【小题3】What made Giotto’s works remarkable at that time?
A.Vivid colors.B.Classic skills.
C.Decorative styles.D.Lifelike characters.
【小题4】Which of the following can be the main idea of the text?
A.A brief introduction to the great painter Giotto.
B.The development of art since the Middle Ages.
C.The influence Cimabue had on Giotto.
D.The innovation Giotto brought to the art world.
