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“Hey! The thermometer (温度计) reading shows 39℃ !” shouted Lily.

“What? This is critical right?” questioned Bella as she touched Emily’s forehead. “You are burning now. How do you feel?” she continued. “Terrible,” replied Emily with a weak voice.

Lily said, “I’ll get her some medicine from the doctor and a sound sleep will help her get better I guess.”

Emily, Bella, Lily and Anna were roommates and friends. These four were always together. But Emily and Anna were much closer to each other. As Emily’s father passed away when she was 12 and lived only with her mother, she just considered Anna her family. So although Emily was surrounded by Lily and Bella, she needed Anna by her side. However, to her great disappointment, Anna wasn’t there.

“Where is Anna? Where has she gone?” asked Emily.

“She rushed out just now. But she didn’t tell us where she went,” replied Bella.

Hearing Bella’s words, Emily started to feel angry towards her friend. She had fever and was in pain. How could she just went out without any explanation? She started thinking Anna was selfish and decided not to talk to her any more.

In the evening, Anna finally returned. But Emily just refused to talk to her until her mother called to ask about her health.

“How are you feeling, my dear?” asked Emily’s mother.

“I’m much better now mom. But how do you know I’m having a fever?” Emily didn’t know why her mother had known her illness.

“I called you this morning. I fell off the ladder when I was trying to repair the roof, but you didn’t answer. Then I called Anna and told her what had happened. She said you were asleep because of the fever. And she just rushed to our house and took me to the hospital. But don’t worry, the doctor had checked me. There is nothing serious and I just need some rest.”

consider        ring          surprise             leave          kind               especial
write            attend        comfortable        proud        disappoint        anger
Emily was seriously ill and ______ by Bella and Lily.

Emily felt weak and ______ .

These four girls got on well with each other and Emily was ______ close to Anna.

Emily became very ______ when knowing Anna didn’t stay with her.

Bella said Anna ______ without explaining why.

Emily became ______ with Anna and ______ her to be selfish.

Emily’s mother ______ her, telling her about the accident and Anna’s ______ .Emily was ______ that her mother knew she was ill.

【小题2】How might Emily feel when hearing her mother’s words?   
【小题3】What might Emily do after talking to her mother?
【小题4】What might happen in the end?
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Silent friends in a life storm

Dear Annalisa,

My dad died unexpectedly a few months ago and I feel angry with some of my oldest friends, who have hardly contacted me since it happened.

Three months on, I’ve finally heard from some of them through text about other matters. I didn’t mention my sad stories, and they didn’t ask.

I understand that death is a frightening subject and that people might worry about saying the wrong thing. Yet I still feel a bit hurt by their lack of contact after my dad’s funeral (葬礼).

Now I don’t want to face them because I don’t want to make them feel guilty (内疚的). Normally they are extremely good friends who I love very much. I have other friends, so I can manage this without their support. I just want to let go of the anger so I can get through this sadness. Hope to receive your advice.



Dear Amy,

I’m so sorry to hear about your dad’s death.

Your anger may come from being unable to ask for the help you need. You also seem worried about troubling your friends too much.

It is likely that your friends are very concerned about you. Perhaps their own fear of the subject is too big to comfort you and, just as you say, they are frightened of saying the wrong thing. Also, people often want to “fix” things, but no one can fix death, so they may feel powerless to help you. In these situations, you have to be brave to break the ice and tell them not only what you need, but also how to offer help.

If you really can’t ask your “silent” friends for help, maybe you could count more on those other friends. You might find some psychological (心理的) treatment useful as well. Talking to someone with professional knowledge who understands your situation can help you carry the burden of sadness.



Amy’s problemSome of her oldest friends have seldom contacted her since her dad’s death, making her feel angry and ______.
Annalisa’s analysis (分析)● Amy’s anger comes from the fact that she is ______ to ask for help.
● The subject of death is so frightening that her friends are at a loss what to say to ____     her.
● Her friends may feel powerless to help her solve the problem so they choose to keep     ____.
Annalisa’s ______

● Be brave to start a conversation with her friends.
______ more on those other friends.
● Seek ______ support.

【小题2】假如你是 Amy,请给Annalisa回一封信,表示感谢并告诉她你打算怎么做。写作词数应为40左右。
Dear Annalisa,



