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When you think of Chinese food in the US, fried rice, or General Tso’s chicken may first come to your mind. But a new museum exhibition in New York City is trying to expand visitors’ palates (味蕾). It features stories of famous cooks like Martin Yan and home cooks whose food represents 18 different regional cooking styles of China.

“I think it’s unfair to just classify Chinese cooking as one,” says Kian Lam Kho, an organizer of “Sour, Sweet, Bitter, Spicy: Stories of Chinese Food and Identity in America” at the Museum of Chinese in America. “Even with the same dish or same cuisine, every family has a different variation.” That’s why the organizers say if you want to taste the full range of Chinese cuisine in the US, you’ll need to go beyond restaurants and into home kitchens, which can play a central role in many immigrants’ lives.

“The kitchen itself is kind of a comfort when you come to a new country. That’s the one place where you set up as your home base, and you cook things that you remember from your past,” explains Audra Ang, another organizer.

One of the home cooks showcased in the exhibition is Ni Biying, 80, of Manhattan. She worked as a live-in babysitter for years before she could finally afford to rent a home with her own kitchen. These days, you can usually find her moving around her one-bedroom apartment as a sweet smell of vinegar and rice wine floats from her stove. For Ni, a small dinner for friends and family means preparing almost a dozen different dishes. She learned some of her techniques from her father, who made most of her family’s meals when she was a child. “I still miss the beef with stir-fried celery my father used to cook,” she says. And it’s the kind of comfort food that defines Chinese food for Ni.

【小题1】What is the new museum exhibition mainly about?
A.Cuisine of different countries.B.Exploration of famous restaurants.
C.History of Chinese immigration.D.Stories of Chinese food and cooks.
【小题2】Why does the kitchen play a key role in many immigrants’ lives?
A.It provides a wealthy life.B.It brings a sense of belonging.
C.It helps them to accept new cultures.D.It enables them to forget the past.
【小题3】What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Cuisine Gains New VariationsB.Home Cooking Brings More to the Table
C.Immigrants Seek Their Fortune in the USD.Chinese Restaurant Tells Immigrant Tales
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Top 4 Chinese Music Festivals

Snow Mountain Music Festival

Snow Mountain Music Festival is the earliest large-scale outdoor music festival in China. It was initially started in 2002, and then held in 2007, 2008, 2010 and 2012 in Lijiang, southwest China’s Yunnan Province. Set against the beautiful natural landscape of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, the festival has long been a favorite among folk music fans. It also organizes exhibitions showcasing art installations(装置), photography, visual arts and modern dance.

Zebra Music Festival

The Zebra Music Festival has been held many times since 2009, always taking place around the May holiday, in southwest China’s Chengdu City. The first edition attracted over 150,000 musical fans from across the world. The festival harbors a broad range of musical genres(类型), including pop, rock, rap and metal.

Zhangbei Grassland Music Festival

The Zhangbei Grassland Music Festival was first initiated in 2009, with over 100, 000 audiences attending over the course of three days, As it proved successful, festival sponsors decided to carry on with the event and have done so in northern China’s Hebei Province for many years running now. The festival takes “Go Wild” as its slogan(口号)and mixes natural grassland ecology with a low-carbon lifestyle.

Midi Modern Music Festival

Midi Modern Music Festival is China’s largest rock music festival. It was launched by the Beijing Midi School of Music and has become one of the best-received modern music festivals in China. The first one was held in May of 2000, and since then it has been held each year around the May or October holidays. As of May 2013, a total of 20 festival editions have taken place. The event regularly features environmental themes such as raising awareness for animals threatened by extinction or the nation’s air pollution.

【小题1】Which music festival has the longest history?
A.Zebra Music Festival.B.Midi Modern Music Festival.
C.Snow Mountain Music Festival.D.Zhangbei Grassland Music Festival.
【小题2】What do we know about Zebra Music Festival?
A.It’s set against the beautiful natural landscape.
B.It features a rich diversity of musical varieties.
C.It is the most popular one among folk music fans.
D.It attracts the most musical fans around the world.
【小题3】What do the last two festivals have in common?
A.They are both held in May.B.They share the same sponsor.
C.They share the same theme.D.They both hold exhibitions.

“Happy New Year!” Everyone will greet each other with these words as they meet over the next couple of weeks. But it wasn’t always January l that marked the New Year.

At least 4,000 years ago the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians marked the changing of the year. In Egypt, the year started when the Nile River flooded, enriching farmers’ fields with silt. This happened at the end of September.

The Babylonians held a festival in spring, on March 23, to kick off the next farming cycle. The Babylonian celebration lasted for 11 days.

The date January l was picked by the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar as the change of the year when he established his own calendar in 46 BC. The month of January was named after the Roman god, Janus. He is pictured with two heads. One head looks forward and the other back. They represent a break between the old and new. That new calendar was in time with the sun and it has been used until the present day.

Around the world, different cultures have their own traditions for welcoming the New Year. The Japanese hang straw rope across the front of their houses to keep out evil spirits and bring happiness and good luck. They also have a good laugh as the year begins to get things started on a lucky note.

In India people like to wear pink, red ,purple and white flowers. Women favor yellow, the color of spring. Hindus also leave shrines next to their beds so they see beautiful objects when they wake up.

Canadians enjoy the traditional polar bear swim. People of all ages put on their swimsuits and jump into frozen lakes.

【小题1】Which ancient country has a great effect on the New Year we are celebrating now?
A.Egypt. B.Rome. C.Babylon. D.India.
【小题2】What’s the main idea of the last three paragraphs?
A.In different countries people celebrate the New Year in different ways
B.People in different countries celebrate the New Year in different times of the year.
C.Which country has the best tradition for welcoming the New Year?
D.In different countries people play different games to celebrate the New Year.
【小题3】What can we infer from this passage?
A.Everyone will greet each other with “Happy New Year” for several months.
B.Women favor yellow flowers in Japan when they celebrate the New Year.
C.Canadians like swimming in the lake to celebrate the New Year though it is very cold.
D.Human beings have been celebrating the New Year for no more than 4. 000 years.
Ask most people how they define the American Dream and chances are they’ll say, “Success.” The dream of individual opportunity has been home in American since Europeans discovered a “new world” in the Western Hemisphere. Early immigrants like Hector St. Jean de Crevecoeur praised highly the freedom and opportunity to be found in this new land. His glowing descriptions of a classless society where anyone could attain success through honesty and hard work fired the imaginations of many European readers: in Letters from an American Farmer (1782) he wrote. “We are all excited at the spirit of an industry which is unfettered (无拘无束的) and unrestrained, because each person works for himself … We have no princes, for whom we toil (干苦力活),starve, and bleed: we are the most perfect society now existing in the world.” The promise of a land where “the rewards of a man’s industry follow with equal steps the progress of his labor” drew poor immigrants from Europe and fueled national expansion into the western territories.
Our national mythology (神化) is full of illustration of the American success story. There’s Benjamin Franklin, the very model of the self-educated, self-made man, who rose from modest origins to become a well-known scientist, philosopher, and statesman. In the nineteenth century, Horatio Alger, a writer of fiction for young boys, became American’s best-selling author with rags-to-riches tales. The notion of success haunts us: we spend million every year reading about the rich and famous, learning how to “make a fortune in real estate with no money down,” and “dressing for success.” The myth of success has even invaded our personal relationships: today it’s as important to be “successful” in marriage or parenthoods as it is to come out on top in business.
But dreams easily turn into nightmares. Every American who hopes to “make it” also knows the fear of failure, because the myth of success inevitably implies comparison between the haves and the have-nots, the stars and the anonymous crowd. Under pressure of the myth, we become indulged in status symbols: we try to live in the “right” neighborhoods, wear the “right” clothes, eat the “right” foods. These symbols of distinction assure us and others that we believe strongly in the fundamental equality of all, yet strive as hard as we can to separate ourselves from our fellow citizens.
【小题1】What is the essence of the American Dream according to Crevecoeur?
A.People are free to develop their power of imagination.
B.People who are honest and work hard can succeed.
C.People are free from exploitation and oppression.
D.People can fully enjoy individual freedom.
【小题2】By saying “the rewards of a man’s industry follow with equal steps the progress of his labor” (Line 10, Para. 1), the author means __________ .
A.the more diligent one is, the bigger his returns
B.laborious work ensures the growth of an industry
C.a man’s business should be developed step by step
D.a company’s success depends on its employees’ hard work
【小题3】The characters described in Horatio Alger’s novels are people who ___________.
A.succeed in real estate investment
B.earned enormous fortunes by chances
C.became wealthy after starting life very poor
D.became famous despite their modest origins
【小题4】It can be inferred from the last sentence of the second paragraph that ____________.
A.business success often contributes to a successful marriage
B.Americans wish to succeed in every aspect of life
C.good personal relationships lead to business success
D.successful business people provide good care for their children
【小题5】What is the paradox (说法) of American culture according to the author?
A.The American road to success is full of nightmares.
B.Status symbols are not a real indicator of a person’s wealth.
C.The American Dream is nothing but an empty dream.
D.What Americans strive after often contradicts their beliefs.
