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A team of psychologists led by Dr. Karen McComb at the University of Sussex in the UK have discovered an effective way for humans to communicate with cats through slow blinking (眨眼睛), similar to how cats interact with each other.

Dr. McComb and her team conducted two experiments to study this phenomenon. In the first study, owners were instructed by researchers Tasmin Humphrey and Andrew Wood to slowly blink at their cats from a distance while being recorded. Humphrey and Wood found the cats were more likely to respond with slow blinking of their own compared to when no interaction took place.

To follow up on these findings, McComb, Humphrey, and Wood designed a second experiment without considering the exsisting relationship between humans and cats. Researchers, including McComb, performed the same slow blinking action. Like in the first experiment, the cats in this study also responded more favorably to slow blinking by returning the gesture and more readily approaching an extended hand, according to Humphrey’s analysis.

The slow blink expression involves partially closing the eyes briefly, copying a relaxed, friendly facial expression in humans. McComb notes that for cats, it appears to signal good intentions as constant staring could be seen as threatening. Wood says that cats may have developed this language to acknowledge humans who react positively to the signal. Being able to effectively communicate acceptance in this subtle cat way seems to strengthen the bond between cats and their owners, McComb adds.

McComb, Humphrey and Wood hope their findings can provide insight into cat behavior and thinking. They also aim to apply this knowledge of cross-species communication to evaluate cat health in various places like veterinary (兽医的) clinics and shelters, according to Humphrey. A deeper understanding of how cats interpret and respond to humans can improve our ability to properly care for household and outdoor cat populations, McComb concludes.

【小题1】How was the second experiment different from the first one?
A.It recorded the interactive behavior of cats.
B.It required cat owners to blink from a distance.
C.It studied how cats communicate with each other.
D.It focused on how cats react to strangers’ slow blinking.
【小题2】Why may cats develop slow blinking according to experts?
A.To attract their owners’ attention.
B.To show friendliness to other animals.
C.To respond to humans’ positive reactions.
D.To send out a signal for help to their partners.
【小题3】What do the researchers hope to apply their findings to?
A.Improving cat behavior and habits.
B.Assessing health conditions of cats.
C.Developing ways to treat cats’ diseases.
D.Helping cat owners train their cats quickly.
【小题4】What does the text mainly talk about?
A.Humans can communicate with cats by blinking slowly.
B.Extending hands to cats can strengthen the bond with them.
C.Cats respond favorably to humans’ friendly facial expressions.
D.Understanding cat signals improves humans’ ability to care for them.
知识点:人与动植物科普知识 说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

The climate we live in affects many areas of our lives. 【小题1】A warmer world would be a sicker world.

Climate researchers predict that the world climate will become warmer. High temperatures in summer is becoming more frequent and very cold winters more rare. With winters becoming warmer, there are likely to be up to 20, 000 fewer cold-related deaths. However, there is a danger that bacteria would no longer die off seasonally during the cold period. 【小题2】

More heat waves may increase the number of hot-weather related deaths by up to 2, 800. They could cause an extra 5,000 deaths a year from skin cancer and may cause an increase of up to 2,000 cases of eye diseases. 【小题3】

Higher average global temperatures mean that diseases, or their carriers, may be able to move to areas that were too cold for them to survive at an earlier time. It's possible that a warm type of malaria (疟疾) will appear in some parts of the world and be a seasonal danger for up to four months each year. 【小题4】 They will cause damage to our homes, food, and water supplies and then affect our health.

【小题5】Those living in poor and developing countries are going to be less able to adapt to changes. Health effects are not likely to be limited to the human population, and wildlife would also be seriously affected.

A.It means that diseases may spread more widely.
B.Therefore, climate changes for the same period.
C.It's no secret that human activity is changing the climate.
D.Climate change is likely to have different effects on the world population.
E.Globally, there are likely to be more floods, more droughts, and more storms.
F.Warmer summers may cause up to 10,000 extra cases of food poisoning (中毒) each year.
G.The food we eat, the water we drink, and our homes are all dependent upon our climate and weather.

According to the Living Planet Index, which has been in existence for five decades, animal populations across the world decreased by an average of 69% between 1970 and 2018.

Not all animal populations decreased, and some parts of the world saw greater changes than others. But experts say the sharp loss of biodiversity is a worrying sign of what’s to come for the natural world.

According to the report’s authors, the main cause of biodiversity loss is land-use changes driven by human activity, such as industry development, energy production and deforestation (毁林).

But the report suggests that climate change — which is already showing wide-ranging effects on plant and animal species globally —will become the leading cause of biodiversity loss if rising temperatures aren’t limited to 1.5 C.

“The message is clear and the lights are flashing red,” said WEF International Director General Marco Lambertini.

Lambertini said the biodiversity loss and climate change are already responsible for a series of problems for humans, including death and displacement from extreme weather, a lack of access to food and water and an increase in the spread of some diseases.

He said world leaders: gathering at the U.N. Biodiversity Conference in Montreal in December should take major steps to change environmental damage.

“This is the last chance we will get. By the end of this decade we will know whether this plan was enough or not; the fight for people and nature will have been won or lost,” Lambertini said. “The signs are not good. Discussions so far are locked in old-world thinking and fixed positions, with no sign of the active action needed to achieve a nature-positive future.”

The report calculated the average change in the “relative abundance” of 31,821 wildlife populations representing 5,230 species. Latin America and the Caribbean saw a decline 94% average population loss and Africa saw a 66% decline, while North America experienced only a 20% drop and Europe and central Asia saw its wildlife populations decreased by 18%.

The WWF said the difference could be due to the fact that much of the development in North America and Europe occurred before 1970, when the data on biodiversity loss started.

【小题1】What is the major reason for biodiversity loss?
A.The global eh-mate warming.
B.The shift in the use of land.
C.The human beings’ illegal hunting.
D.The occurrence of natural disaster.
【小题2】What is Lambertini’s attitude toward the animals’ current condition?
【小题3】What does Lambertini expect the world leaders to do according to the text?
A.Hold a meeting to discuss.
B.Continue the original plan.
C.Take new and active measures.
D.Exchange ideas among countries.
【小题4】What is mainly talked about in the text?
A.Humans are harming natural resources.
B.Biodiversity is dropping greatly
C.The climate is getting increasingly worse.
D.The deforestation is showing its bad effect.

I am an Africa wildlife filmmaker. But wildlife filmmakers from Africa are rarer than mountain gorillas(大猩猩). To understand why there are so few, we need to remember our recent history.

When the colonialists(殖民者) ruled Africa, they seized control of the continent’s wildlife and other natural resources. They saw African wildlife as “big game” and the continent’s first protected natural areas were game reserves created by driving away locals for the benefit of white hunters. Later, game reserves were renamed national parks and big game hunting gave way to wildlife tourism. But African wildlife was still there for White people’s enjoyment and benefits.

That locals could have an interest in preserving wildlife for its own sake was rarely considered. Africans -like me who tried to get involved in wildlife conservation were made to feel out of place. When I was first interviewed by a British film crew, my interview was cut at the editing stage and replaced by a white man, just because I was an African.

Africa was the setting for some of the most popular films about wildlife, but these films were made by western-owned production companies for Western audiences, and most Africans never even got to see them. What Africa needed was to see themselves and their view points in the films. We urgently needed wildlife films made by Africans, about Africans and for Africans. As producer of the documentary TV series “Wildlife Warriors”, I set out to find African conservation heroes who could play a role in the documentary. I soon discovered that we had some talented African filmmakers across the continent.

Today things are changing fast. Companies like National Geographic and the BBC are leading the way with new approaches to global storytelling that deliver diversity and equality. Our African wildlife filmmakers’ mission is to draw on the power of local storytelling to inspire our people to save our continent’s rich wildlife.

【小题1】Why are African wildlife filmmakers rare?
A.They lack the talent in making films.B.They live in the shadow of westerners.
C.They are still colonized by the westerns.D.They aren’t interested in filming wildlife.
【小题2】What message does the cut of my interview convey?
A.The strictness of the crew.B.The preference for the British.
C.The prejudice against Africans.D.The benefits of local communities.
【小题3】What can we learn from paragraph 4?
A.The locals enjoy wildlife films set in Africa.
B.Africans play a leading role in wildlife film-making.
C.Films made by westerners are the most popular ones.
D.Africans long for having a say in wildlife film-making.
【小题4】What is the purpose of the author writing the text?
A.To introduce how African wildlife are protected.
B.To urge people to better preserve African wildlife.
C.To show that the author was ignored by westerners.
D.To explain why more African filmmakers are needed.
