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“Sophie would make a good therapy(治疗) dog.”

The day my dog trainer said those words, I didn’t even know what a therapy dog was. I certainly had no idea what features my little dog had that would make her a candidate. But why not, I thought, if we can help people in need of some cheering up?

Last week, I accompanied Sophie to a hospital for our first day on the job. In the year and a half I had spent getting her certified, I had learned what to expect. I would bring Sophie into a patient’s room to be a pleaser, and then we would move on. Of course, Sophie herself couldn’t understand her purpose in all of this, but she was always happy to meet new people, and that was enough.

We walked through the wide automatic sliding glass doors and into the hall, where we were met by a nurse who ran the therapy dog program at the hospital. “Welcome,” Sophie, she said. “I’ll be taking you two around today.”

I followed the nurse down the hall. Sophie trotted (小跑) along at my side, just as she had been trained. “We’re a care unit,” the nurse explained. “Most of our patients are seniors.” I knew how important it was for Sophie to be her gentlest. “She was trained and ready for this, I reminded myself.

Up ahead was an old lady making her way down the hall with a walker. A nurse walked beside her, holding on to a gait belt (步态训练带)to keep her steady. We caught up with them, but the patient remained focused on her walker. As we were passing by at a safe distance, the lady turned her walker towards a chair against the wall. “Okay, we’ll stop for a rest,” her nurse said. Once the lady was settled, she pointed a finger at Sophie, as if to say “Please bring me that dog.”

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I picked up Sophie and placed her in the lady’s lap.


“It’s a wonder! We had thought the lady lost the ability to speak,” the nurse told me excitedly.

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Life at thirteen was tough for me. On the one hand, I had to adapt to my changing body; on the other hand, I was forced to deal with the upsetting move from my country home to a crowded suburb. I had to stop travelling around quiet country with my cute buddies, riding on the back of my handsome companion, a small brown pony. When we moved, I was forced to sell him. The moment he was taken away, I was grasped by a strange thought. I was abandoned. Feeling helpless and alone, I couldn’t eat or sleep, and I cried all of the time. I missed my friends, my country home and my pony. Finally, my parents, realizing how much I missed my pony, purchased an old red horse— Orion for me at a local market.

Orion was without doubt the ugliest horse in the world. He was pigeon-toed and knock-kneed. But I didn’t care about his weaknesses. I loved him beyond all reason. I joined a riding club and endured rude comments and mean snickers (窃笑) about Orion’s looks. I never let on about how I felt, but deep down inside, my heart was breaking. The other members rode beautiful registered horses. When Orion and I entered the events where the horse is judged on appearance, we were quickly “shown the gate”. No amount of brushing, vitamins or unconditional love would turn Orion into a beauty. I finally realized that my only chance to compete would be in the timed-speed events.

I chose “barrel racing” (绕桶赛) . There were so many experienced competitors with their lovely partners. It looked like they have got it in the bag, laughing, greeting and chatting with each other. One girl named Ann rode a big brown thorough bred (受过严格训练的) horse in the race events. She always won the blue ribbons. Needless to say, she didn’t feel threatened when I competed against her at the next show. She didn’t need to. I came in next to last. The stinging memory of Ann’s laughs made me determined to beat her.

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For the whole next month I woke up early every day.


The big day finally arrived.


“You should get a dog.” my therapist (治疗专家) said. A dog? I couldn’t even look after myself. I took a deep breath and carefully considered the idea of welcoming a canine (犬科的) friend into my life. This seemed like too easy a solution to the fact that I couldn’t leave the house without bursting into tears.

Adopting an animal during the height of the pandemic was far from easy. When I found Simba, his adoption profile made him out as the perfect puppy. I filed out the paperwork and had a few weeks to prepare for his arrival.

When he came home, it became increasingly obvious that Simba didn’t understand “no”, “stop it’ or “don’t do that”. He was the worst-behaved dog I’d ever seen. I was beginning to doubt my therapist’s advice.

At home, I found him sitting on my bed comfortably. Jumping from the sofa to the tea table was his favorite game every day. He fought tooth and nail to get a bite of my meals and ate anything that fell on the floor. What was worse, dog waste and urine were seen everywhere, which annoyed me most. But his curiosity and vigor really impressed me. Training him to behave well kept me busier than I’d ever expected.

I decided to start taking him for walks. I could barely leave the house before, but my heart couldn’t say no to Simba. Simba showed me what bravery looked like. He didn’t stop to consider every possible outcome of a situation. He simply went for it. If there was a dog at a park, he would run toward it. He always leapt forward and explored the unknown by sniffing here and there unless I called him. He loved adventure. I found myself mirroring his behavior after a while, jumping out of bed without a second thought. I began to find the motivation to get out of bed in the morning.

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Ten minutes later, Simba and I were walking in the nearby park.


As time went by, I found myself totally changed.



The first time my husband Bart told me about his horse, Dude, I knew their bond had been something special.

Growing up on a family farm, Bart loved all animals. But Dude, a birthday gift Bart received when he turned nine, became his favorite. Years later when Bart’s father sold Dude, Bart grieved (悲痛) in secret.

One evening, as we took a walk, Bart suddenly asked, “Did I ever tell you Dude won the World Racking Horse Championship?”

“Rocking?” asked I.

“Racking, it’s a kind of dancing horses do.” Bart corrected, smiling gently. “Dude was the greatest and most intelligent racking horse ever. Whenever I whistled (吹口哨), he would run at me and dance.”

“Then why’d you let your dad sell him?” I asked.

Bart explained, “When I found a job away from home, Dad figured I wouldn’t be riding anymore, so he sold Dude without even asking me. Running a horse farm means you buy and sell horses all the time.”

“I’ve always wondered if that horse missed me as much as I’ve missed him. I’ve never had the heart to try to find him. I couldn’t stand knowing if something bad. . . .” Bart’s voice trailed off (减弱).

My heart ached for him. I didn’t know what to do. Then one day while walking through the pasture (牧场), a strange thought came to me — finding Dude for Bart. How absurd! I thought. I knew nothing about Dude, certainly not how to find him. The harder I tried to dismiss the thought, the stronger it grew.

One morning after that first “find Dude” thought, I met with our new neighbor, Mr. Parker, and started a friendly conversation. When he mentioned he’d once bought a horse from Bart’s dad, I interrupted. “You remember the horse’s name?” I asked.

“Sure do.” Mr. Parker said. “Dude. Paid twenty-five hundred dollars for him.”

I went wild with joy, barely catching my breath. “Do you know what happened to him?”

“I sold him for a good profit years ago.”

“Would you be willing to try to help me find him?” I asked. And then I explained the situation.

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Mr. Parker agreed to join the search, promising not to say anything to Bart.


Getting out of the car, I asked Bart to whistle as he used to do to Dude.

