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The world’s oldest pen pals have both become 100 years old after many years of transatlantic letters and have now switched to Zoom. Centenarians (百岁老人) Geoff Banks from Honiton, Devon, and Celesta Byrne from the US, started writing to each other aged just 16 in 1938. They met as part of an educational project to put British and American students in contact — and decades later they are still corresponding.

Former engineer Geoff even kept in touch with Celesta during WWII when he served as a mechanic on British aircraft carrier HMS Illustrious in the Pacific. It has been so long that Geoff, a retired engineer, barely remembers how they started talking. Geoff said, “I honestly struggle to remember how we got in touch, and I think it was something to do with an American school’s scheme. It matched us up with Americans for a pen pal relationship, and somehow I ended up with a letter from an American girl, and we have just kept corresponding ever since. There were a couple of years when we struggled to keep in touch because of the war. Now I correspond mainly by email. Email is much easier for me these days because I can’t write very well anymore. We just talk about daily lives and our families really, but we don’t discuss the football.”

They now touch base via video app Zoom. Geoff said, “I have this new thing called Zoom to chat with her, but I leave all the technology to younger people. They’re much better at pressing all the buttons.”

Despite having chatted for decades, the pair only met twice — first in 2002 while Geoff visited New York aged 80, and then again two years later. Having such a unique relationship, the pair deny there is any romance there. Celesta said, “We’re just friends, like people who live next door. It’s nice to hear his voice.”

【小题1】What played a key role in the pen pals’ contact?
A.A school program.B.An educational email.
C.A pen pal’s introduction.D.A correspondence course.
【小题2】What did the pair mainly talk about in their letters?
A.Their favourite sports.B.Their everyday life.
C.Their family traditions.D.Their experiences in the war.
【小题3】Which is closest in meaning to “touch base” in paragraph 3?
A.Lay foundation.B.Take a chanceC.Stay in contact.D.Make a difference.
【小题4】Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Effects of War on FriendshipB.True Friendship Lasts Forever
C.Pure Friendship Differs from LoveD.The Communication Problems of Old People
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Do you want to have a great best friend? Would you like to know how to start a perfect friendship? Maybe the following will give you some advice.

Be your own best friend first. Learn how to respect yourself. 【小题1】, then you can’t respect others. Understand what values are important to you and stick to them. Seek out others who honor those values because you’ll only end up hurting yourself and possibly others if those people don’t have the same values as you.

Trust each other. To be a great best friend really doesn’t take much. All you have to do really is make sure you can both trust each other. Don’t try to trick or use your friend to your advantage. 【小题2】.

Learn to listen. 【小题3】, but never listens. If you’re a chatterbox, try to develop good listening skills. Whenever your best friend says something, listen carefully and say something. Don’t interrupt while they’re talking to you. If they ask for advice, listen carefully and give them the best advice you can.

Care for your best friend. If your best friend is upset, ask them what’s wrong. 【小题4】, but they should in the end. If they don't tell you, don’t get angry at them. Understand that certain things are private, and trust that they’d be just as patient with you if you were in their shoes.

Let your friend have other friends, too. If your best friend picks another friend over you, try to be friends with their friend too. Maybe you guys can be a group of friends! 【小题5】. But never leave the old one; your faith is what the other person expects.

A.If you can’t respect yourself
B.They might not tell you right away
C.Everyone is always looking for new friends
D.You need to make them know they can trust you
E.You should figure out who is your faithful friends
F.Nobody likes a best friend who just talks and talks
G.Best friends are the most valuable friends you have

Sometimes meeting friends can be confusing, especially when you suddenly find yourself in a new school or for whatever reason totally without friends. 【小题1】 However, it might be challenging to others. If you have trouble meeting new people, the following suggestions are sure to inspire you.

【小题2】 Perhaps the best way to meet new friends is when you’re getting outside your comfort zone and doing something new. Getting involved in a new hobby, and taking a class that makes you broaden your mind, or something else are all good ways to connect with someone new. First of all, in this way you’ll be meeting new people who you never expected before. 【小题3】 A new class or project will automatically help you feel you are open to learning and conversation.

Volunteering. Volunteering is a good thing to do all the way around. It helps build your self-esteem, it forces you to connect with others, and it gets you outside of your normal routine. 【小题4】 You’ll meet passionate people who can show you a different side of things.

Joining a book club. If you are into books and authors, there are several great ways to connect with new people. One of them is by joining a book group. I joined a book group that I wouldn’t “normally” have joined. It helped me read books that I would not have picked out myself and communicate with different people. 【小题5】

A.Doing new things.
B.Joining a new club.
C.Making new friends can come easy to some people.
D.Why not make friends while you help someone else?
E.There have been some very nice surprises this way for me.
F.Then you’ll be in the mood (心情) to experience something special.
G.But you can connect with others from several organizations and websites.

Though online friends are great to have for many reasons, there’s nothing like a friend you can see face to face. Then how can we turn online friends into real ones? Here are some tips.


You might be surprised at how many people are looking for friendship in this world. So your idea of a meeting somewhere out may be welcome. If your suggestion about meeting in person has been ignored, give it some time. 【小题2】

Meet at a coffee shop or other public places.

Coffee shops are a good place to meet online friends because they’re centrally located and you can come and go easily. 【小题3】 You can grab your cup of coffee and something to read and just relax. This type of atmosphere encourages good conversation and acceptance.

Meet as a group.

【小题4】Your online friend might feel a little afraid if you bring a friend but he/she is alone. A better choice is to have several people from the online group meet. This way, each of you is meeting each other for the first time. It will help you get to know each other much better than if you have a good friend along.

Follow up.

So you’ve had your meeting at the coffee shop. What’s the next? 【小题5】Do you have fun? Is this person someone you’d like to know better?

Remember one or two meetings won’t give you a sense of the person. You will need to get to know them slowly over time.

A.Meet your online friends when free.
B.Suggest the idea of an offline meeting.
C.You can also meet many people in the coffee shop.
D.Perhaps your request has come too early to be comfortable.
E.Be careful not to bring a friend along when meeting someone.
F.You should think about how you feel meeting your friend in person.
G.Even if you’re sitting there waiting for someone, you won’t feel uncomfortable.
