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In the not-too-distant future, fully autonomous vehicles will drive our streets. These cars will need to make quick decisions to avoid endangering human lives—both inside and outside of the vehicles.

To determine attitudes toward these decisions, a group of researchers created a variation on the classic philosophical exercise known as “the Trolley problem”. They posed a series of moral dilemmas involving a self-driving car with brakes (刹车) that suddenly give out: Should the car change direction to avoid a group of passers-by, killing the driver? Or should it kill the people on foot, but spare the driver? Does it matter if the passers-by are men or women? Children or older people? Doctors or murderers?

To pose these questions to a large range of people, the researchers built a website called Moral Machine, where anyone could click through the situations and say what the car should do. “Help us learn how to make machines moral,” a video asks on the site.

What the researchers found was a series of near-universal preferences, regardless of where someone was from. People everywhere believed the moral thing for the car to do was to spare the young over the old, spare humans over animals, and spare the lives of many over the few. Their findings were published Wednesday in the journal Nature.

Researchers found that the 130 countries with more than 100 respondents could be grouped into three groups that showed similar moral preferences. And these preferences seemed to correlate with social differences. Respondents from collectivistic cultures, which “emphasize the respect that is due to older members of the community,” showed a weaker preference for sparing younger people.

The researchers emphasized that the study’s results should be used with extreme caution (谨慎), and they shouldn’t be considered the final word on societal preferences—especially since respondents were not a representative sample.

【小题1】What give(s) rise to the questions in paragraph 2?
A.The researchers’ attitudes.B.The people’s moral dilemmas.
C.The self-driving car’s power cut.D.The autonomous vehicle’s brake failure.
【小题2】What might contribute to respondents’ moral preferences?
A.Their living habits.B.Their family members.
C.Their cultural context.D.Their educational background.
【小题3】What is the major limitation of the research?
A.The complex procedure.B.The limited questions.
C.The insufficient participants.D.The careless respondents.
【小题4】Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.The New Self-driving CarsB.The New “Trolley Problem”
C.Should Car Drivers Be Moral?D.Does moral preference matter?
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Huawei Technologies is a front - runner again in the smartphone market with a new phone powered by an advanced chip (芯片) though banned by US, which may have a great influence on both Chinese and US semiconductor (半导体) industries, experts say. The new Mate 60 Pro, uses a 5G application processor (处理器). showing “a made - in - China design and producing milestone”, according to analysts.

The team believes the 7 - nanometer (纳米) processor was made by China’s leading chip factory, SMIC. “It shows China’s semiconductor industry has been able to make the advanced processor without EUV machines (极紫外线光刻机),” said Dan Hutcheson. “The difficulty of this achievement also shows the adaptability of the country’s chip technological ability.”

The most up - to - date EUV machines are used to produce advanced chips. SMIC has no chance to use EUV machines because of US export controls. Industry experts said it could use some older equipment to produce advanced chips.

Huawei has been on the US Commerce Department’s Entity List, which limits its chance to use US technologies. The new phone’s 5G chipset, the operating system HarmonyOS (鸿蒙) and other technical differences from its competitors show that “Huawei is back after three years in the wilderness”, said George Koo. He believes the achievement would not be possible without partners in China and a domestic supply chain, from design software and semiconductor production to necessary chemicals and materials.

Huawei’s technological advances have promoted some US lawmakers to ask for tougher restrictions, who suggested the US should end all its exports to both Huawei and SMIC. “America’s shortsighted plan to separate from China will lose the profits of leading US providers of advanced chips.” said Koo. “These providers will see their advantages disappear. In the short term, they are not allowed to sell to China. In the long term, China will not need to buy from them.”

The technological breakthrough was expected to help Huawei in China, especially in competition against Apple. “If Huawei can supply and increase the production of its own Kirin (麒麟) 9000S (chip), we see the Mate series phone as an opportunity for Huawei to increase its shipments and regain its market share, potentially causing risk to iPhone sales, especially in the Asia - Pacific,” analysts at BofA Securities said last week.

【小题1】What does the 5G application processor of the new Mate 60 Pro stand for?
A.The advance of chip technological ability in China.
B.The most advanced processor at present in the world.
C.The technological breakthrough of Apple.
D.The technical development of US semiconductor industries.
【小题2】What influences does the new Mate 60 Pro have on US according to the fifth paragraph?
① Asking for the stricter limits to Huawei.
② Leading to the increase in market share of iPhone.
③ Causing the profit loss of leading US providers.
④ Promoting the development of SMIC.
【小题3】Why can Huawei make the great achievement in producing advanced chips?
A.Because Huawei has access to EUV machines.
B.Because Huawei depends on its efforts and some Chinese partners’ supports.
C.Because Huawei has the most advanced chip technology in the world.
D.Because Huawei has the operating system HarmonyOS, and other technical differences from its competitors.
【小题4】What can we infer from the passage?
A.Huawei can use the most up - to - date EUV machines.
B.Huawei will need to buy the most advanced chips from US in the long term.
C.China’s semiconductor industry has been able to make the 7 - nanometer processor without EUV machines.
D.Huawei’s technological advances will promote the development of semiconductor (半导体) industries in China.

We are in the middle of another technology revolution. The digital economy will contribute 48% of GDP in China in 2035, up from 23% in 2020.

With the implementation(实施) of 5G and consumer AI, smart cities are no longer just a concept. Indeed, in a surprising silver lining to the Covid-19 pandemic, smart city apps have shown they can help China contain the spread of the virus, helping to recover the economy. Other successful examples include applications for better traffic management, flood control and crime reduction.

The number of smart street lights required in China is estimated at 13million assuming a 30% penetration rate(安装率) of all street lights in 2025. When the network of smart street lights increases further, it will also likely expand to cover more functions. In addition to basic lighting, it could include monitoring cameras, auto-police calling when the data shows abnormalities, weather information collection, WI-Fi hotspots converting telecommunication signals, e-vehicle chargers, and so on.

In order to deal with the difficulty of parking, Shenzhen has combined 5G and AI to enhance the efficiency of car park usage. For example, drivers can seamlessly book a parking space at a hospital at the same time as scheduling a doctor’s appointment. Drivers also know whether all of the parking spaces are occupied at the time of the doctor’s appointment and can choose other transportation. Besides, Robots and sensors installed in the auto-valet parking lots work together to find a space and park the car for drivers, which provide much convenience for drivers.

With more technology applications,there is bound to be disruption(扰乱) to existing activities and the labour they require. If smart cities help driverless cars to take off, the thousands of drivers of taxis or delivery drivers that find low skilled employment in China’s cities could be displaced and struggle to find alternative employment. New jobs will certainly arise from the implementation of smart city technology, but will likely require different skills and knowledge to those being displaced. The government will need to assist those whose employment is disrupted to find alternatives.

【小题1】The underlined expression “a surprising silver lining”in paragraph 2 most probably means________.
A.an unexpected disaster that may damage smart cities.
B.a good thing that happened in the gloomy pandemic.
C.a string of silver objects related to the disease.
D.apps offering us surprising chances to improve ourselves.
【小题2】Smart street lights may have functions EXCEPT that________.
A.they will provide power for e-vehicle cars.
B.they will offer video record if accidents happen.
C.they show us the weather forecast on the screens of pillar.
D.they can give emergency calls when they sense potential danger.
【小题3】What can be implied according to paragraph 4?
A.The cars can be parked by themselves without any help.
B.The use of 5G and AI helps drivers choose a better way of transportation.
C.Drivers can change a booked parking space when they reach the destination.
D.Shenzhen has enough parking spaces with the development of smart city.
【小题4】If the writer continues this passage, what might be informed in the next paragraph?
A.Examples of advanced technology contributing to development of smart cities.
B.Assistance from government to promote application of new technology.
C.Measures taken to provide alternatives of employment.
D.Factors limiting the further development of smart cities.

Contemporary (当代的) art has been greatly influenced by the rapid development in digital technology and by the new, more attractive and tougher materials that artists can work with. Both these innovations (新事物) have opened new artistic fields. They have also allowed contemporary artists to reduce time spent making artwork to a minimum, thus freeing them to focus more on creativity and developing new ideas, as well as sound preparation for artwork.

In the past, painting and drawing depended on the artist’s skills in using his traditional tools — the pencil, brushes, or chalks. The artist, through traditional steps, was in control of the color, the degrees of the different shades, or the realism of his works of art. Artists today operate with clicks of the mouse, video tools and digital colors.

The various options now available to artists through new technologies may sometimes have a dangerously negative effect because they offer the artists means of expression that they never imagined were possible. Faced with so many options, the artist may be confused and these emotions are immediately reflected in his works. His artwork may become increasingly lacking in imagination or spirit. There is no doubt that the human touch in the classical school of painting had a major influence on the shape of the painting and the effect of the tools, particularly when an artist used his or her fingers to place the special effects and touches on his or her work. Today’s modern technology has, however, reduced the need for the human artistic touch. Computer-oriented artists sometimes produce masterpieces by accident. Consequently, the artwork upon completion may be entirely different from the artist’s original thought of the painting.

Contemporary artists are facing increasingly more complicated challenges to present special artwork. That’s because many recent technological advances have expanded and diversified (使多样化) the art world. Clearly, artists today find it more challenging than ever to present original and innovative ideas, and they need to stretch their imagination to succeed.

【小题1】What is the main benefit of modern technology to contemporary artists?
A.It frees them from some confusing options.
B.It enables them to create higher-quality paintings.
C.It allows them to spend less time on preparations.
D.It makes them pay more attention to artistic creation.
【小题2】How does the author point out the present situation of artists?
A.By referring to experts’ words.
B.By making comparisons.
C.By analyzing past studies.
D.By listing data.
【小题3】What can we say about today’s artists’ works?
A.They rely heavily on the human touch.
B.They help people to recognize a new field.
C.They may fail to present their intended meaning.
D.They show new skill at using traditional painting tools.
【小题4】What does the author want to convey in the last paragraph?
A.Advances in technology place higher demands on artists.
B.Traditional artistic methods are facing great challenges.
C.Today’s artists must master digital technology.
D.Contemporary artists are more imaginative.
【小题5】Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.The benefits of using new technology
B.The role of art in promoting society
C.The great achievements of contemporary artists
D.The impact of modern technology on art and artists
