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Blogging has become one of the most popular pastimes on the Internet. More and more bloggers are using weblogs as a personal journal. 【小题1】, it’s really quite easy. Here are some tips that you should pay attention to if you start your personal blog.

Design your blog for simple categories (分类) . If you make categories into which you place your blog posts, try ordering the categories by popularity. 【小题2】, and the blog post you visit most near the bottom. Design with simple categories in mind.

【小题3】. Even if nothing of note has come to be known, it’s important to set aside time to blog. Getting in the rhythm (节奏) of blogging can be difficult, but pretty soon you’ll be doing it habitually:Like the first day of school, it may be a bit awkward at first, but you soon make friends and grow comfortable in your new environment.

Interact with your community of readers and commentors. Even if you are anonymous (匿名的) , your blog may still be enjoyed by readers and commentors. 【小题4】, they often leave a comment underneath your article. Successful bloggers understand that interacting with these fans of your work is an important part of attracting readership.

Share your writing with close friends and family. The people closest to you care about your thoughts and feelings. Although you’ve probably started a personal blog as a placeholder for your own thoughts and feelings, it can be powerful to share those experiences with other people. 【小题5】, and conversation can be enlightening, uplifting, and powerful.

A.Try to blog every day
B.Design your blog by yourself
C.If you want to start a personal blog
D.Starting a conversation is what you’re doing
E.When they want to express praise or opinions
F.Encourage more people to express praise or opinions
G.Put the blog post you visit least right up there at the top
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When life gets busy, personal priorities(优先事项), self-care, or “me-time” may start to be ignored. But taking care of your own needs is not a luxury. Prioritizing your own needs is what allows you to run smoothly and to bring your best to your other priorities and challenges. 【小题1】 Therefore, don’t expect to get it perfect or to see instant benefits. Try these tips and enjoy a more fulfilling life.

● Start claiming 10—15 minutes a day for yourself. It won’t take away from your productivity; it will increase it. 【小题2】 Pay attention to how you feel and what you need. Try not to save this for the end of the day when you are too tired to move and your brain has stopped working.

● Plan for food that fuels you—especially when time is tight. Make sure you have the groceries that you need. Choose foods that are nutritious. Don’t skip breakfast, have a plan for lunch, and don’t starve yourself before dinner. 【小题3】

● Cut the multitasking(同时做几件事情). 【小题4】 Practice focusing on doing one thing at a time. You won’t get it perfect, but that’s okay. Many people multitask not out of a desire to increase productivity, but because they are easily distracted and can’t focus on one activity.

【小题5】 It’s often a signal that life is out of balance and your personal priorities need more attention. We have to pay attention and develop other ways of caring for ourselves instead of turning to food, so improvements are possible. This can be complicated but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming.

A.Avoid starvation diets as well.
B.Take emotional eating seriously.
C.Use this time to connect with yourself.
D.It stresses us out and makes us less efficient.
E.It ensures you a sense of satisfaction and achievement.
F.Actually, learning to prioritize your own needs is a process.
G.When your emotion isn’t a priority, just about everything goes downhill.

Want to look forward to your workouts instead of counting down the minutes for them to be over? Read on for tips on how to enjoy working out.


Looking back, what made my fitness routine in my younger years fun was that I did most activities with different friends or took classes where there was a strong social activity. It's always easier to get inspired and push yourself out of your comfort zone when you're not alone. Find a like-minded partner and your exercise will be that much easier. And, get creative. 【小题2】.

Remove the Pressure

Setting small goals helps remove pressure that a seemingly unrealistic goal might cause. 【小题3】. Consider putting on your shoes and doing 20 jumping jacks, or take a10-minute walk. Setting small, accomplishable goals helps you to build up good feelings about yourself, establish trust with yourself, and make failure impossible.

Treat Yourself

Another thing that can get you out for your workout is knowing that you have something to look forward to when you return. Only allow yourself to earn the reward if you complete exercise. 【小题4】. Pick something fun that will get you to lace up and work out.

Get Outside

Do you remember the feeling of itching (渴望) to go out when you were a kid? Recreate that draw with your workout. Most of us spend most of our day inside, so instead of taking on an indoor workout, exercise outdoors for a change of scenery — and additional physical and mental benefits. 【小题5】. Depression may be linked to separation from the natural world. Getting outside is a cure, which can heal, release stress, bring joy, and restore your spirits. Getting sunlight, which contains vitamin D, is also a good mood booster.

A.Make It Social
B.Do What You Love
C.Plus, it boosts the mood
D.For outdoor activities, your partner can even be your pet dog
E.Especially if you're just starting out on your exercise, the goals can be really small
F.This connects workout with happiness and satisfaction, contributing to your exercise routine
G.Leaving something like coffee to look forward to alt er exercise can be an extra inspiration during your workout
