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Lots of animals play. But the behavior is best known in mammals (哺乳动物) and birds. Now the scientists at London’s Queen Mary University report that bumblebees (大黄蜂) know the same thing. But before this, there were no reports of insects playing.

Dr. Lars Chittka began to wonder if bumblebees played during an earlier test. In that test, Chittka guided bumblebees to move balls into a goal for food. He noticed that some bees were rolling (滚动) balls even when they weren’t given food. He wondered if they were playing.

To test the idea, the scientists at his lab set up a new test. First, they numbered 45 young bumblebees between one and 23 days old. The numbers let them follow bumblebees’ behavior. Then, they set up a clear pathway from the bumblebees’ home to a feeding area. On either side of the open pathway, the researchers placed small colored wooden balls. On one side of the path, the balls couldn’t move. On the other side, the balls could roll around. For three hours a day, over 18 days, the scientists opened the pathway between the home and the feeding area. The bumblebees never had to leave the pathway to find food, but they left anyway. They weren’t interested in the side where the balls didn’t move, but they made lots of visits to the side with the rolling balls.

Catching the balls with their legs, the bees would move their wings to pull on the balls, causing them to roll. The 45 numbered bumblebees did this 910 times during the test. Though some only did it once, others did it a lot. The younger ones liked to spend more time rolling balls while the older ones showed less interest in it. One bee was recorded rolling balls 44 times in a single day. One was seen rolling balls 117 times over the whole test.

The test raises important questions about how the insects’ minds work and whether they have feelings.

【小题1】What did Chittka want to do about bumblebees in the earlier test?
A.Discover if they played.B.Train them to move balls.
C.Make them learn to relax.D.Find out if they’d share food.
【小题2】What did the scientists do to bumblebees before the new test?
A.They named each of them.B.They let them interested in balls.
C.They had all of them go hungry.D.They marked them one by one.
【小题3】What can we say about the older bumblebees’ behavior in the new test?
A.They held their attention for longer.B.They understood simpler numbers.
C.They were less active in rolling balls.D.They helped the young pull on balls.
【小题4】What’s the best title for the text?
A.Bumblebees Are First Insects Known to Play
B.Two Tests Prove Bumblebees Expect to Play
C.Bumblebees Are the World’s Smartest Insects
D.Scientists Make Bumblebees Work for Them
知识点:动物科普知识 说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Beavers, like humans, change their surroundings to fit their needs. Known as Nature’s engineers, they tear trees down to build lodges to live in and dams to raise water levels for protection from predators. Dams also slow water’s flow while blocking sediment (沉积物) that would otherwise flow downstream. The resulting wetlands often attract wildlife diversity where none had existed. There are challenges, though. Beaver dams sometimes cause flooding, and most people prefer trees alive and upright.

Communities face a delicate balancing act, learning to coexist with beavers. In late 2019, many people enjoying Washington & Old Dominion (W&OD) path became beaver fans as one furry family transformed Sparrow Pond -a sediment-filled, man-made storm-water management area- into an oasis for birds, frogs, turtles and deer.

Yet such activity caused concern. As beavers worked, they raised water levels about five feet. The increased depth allows beavers to survive underwater if the pond ices over in winter. But county officials were concerned about how higher water would affect the steep soil bank supporting the paved hike and bike path.

To find a good balance between protecting the W&OD path and the beavers, in April, the county installed a “beaver baffle” — a pond leveler. Beavers often rush to plug leaks in their dams. Baffles stabilize water levels by creating a hidden exit for high water to escape through the dam, unnoticed by the beavers.

Recently, Andrew Jones, 18, organized a tree-caging event -- putting wire cloth around large tree trunks to discourage beavers from biting them. It also protects people from injury due to random trees falling.

“We cover the trees we don’t want them to eat, while providing others they like,” said Luisa Robles, Greenbelt’s sustainability specialist. Some new trees are periodically planted just for the beavers. “We need to learn to yield a little of our wants to share the Earth’s resources.” she said.

Sparrow Pond’s 2023 restoration project will restore proper water depth and improve wildlife habitat without creating problems for the path. “A beaver baffle will also be included so beaver families can make the pond their home in the future,” noted the project’s flier.

The balancing act continues.

【小题1】What is the first paragraph mainly about?
A.Where beaver’s favorite surroundings are.
B.How beavers help attract wildlife diversity.
C.Why beavers are called nature’s engineers.
D.What effects beavers have on their habitat.
【小题2】Why did the beaver family’s activity cause concern?
A.Swallow Pond would flood often.B.Sediment would flow downstream.
C.The popular path might be damaged.D.Beavers might have to live underwater.
【小题3】What do we know about the “beaver baffle” in paragraph 4?
A.A block to keep beavers away.B.A device to fix holds in the dams.
C.A tool to maintain water level.D.A material to protect the soil bank.
【小题4】The underlined word “yield” in paragraph 6 probably means ________.
Every small child knows the panic of losing sight of its mother in the supermarket, and as these delightful pictures show, small whales obviously feel the same way.
Taken by a British diver who was following the sperm whale(抹香鲸) calf, they show the minute the baby - who had lost track of its mum - found her again in the sea off the Azores.
Soaring 30ft across the waves, the newborn slammed(猛力推)its body onto the water with joy after becoming separated from its family group in the chilly(寒冷的)waters.
But the whale calf was doing more than just jumping for joy.
British biologist and dive guide Justin Hart, 44, who took the pictures, says that young whales communicate with older ones in the ocean by creating a slamming sound which travels through the water to the ears of the adults deep below.
By leaping out of the water and slamming its 12ft long body onto the surface of the sea up to 30 times, the baby whale is telling its relatives where it is so they can regroup.
He said: “We had been following the sperm whale calf for most of the day. Sperm whales, of all the whales and dolphins, are the species that dive the deepest and for the longest time.”
“The calves have to follow what’s going on below them from the surface as best they can probably listening to the echo location(回声定位)clicks of the adults.”
“However, sometimes the adults re-surface far out of sight of the calf, and in this situation the whales often leap out of the water causing a large bang as their bodies hit the surface. In this way, the whale family could regroup.”
He added: “When I took the photo, two adults’ females had just resurfaced and the calf quite literally began jumping for joy.”
Mr. Hart captured the rare image four miles from the port of Lajes do Pico while he was working as a crewman on an underwater documentary with special license to film sperm whales in the area.
Sperm whales live in nearly all the world’s oceans in groups of about 15 to 20 animals and they practice communal(集体的) childcare. The calves do not have to follow their mother too closely as sperm whales can take milk from any milk-producing female in its social group.
【小题1】The underlined word “they” in paragraph 2 probably refers to _____.
A.the whalesB.the divers
C.the photosD.the mothers
【小题2】According to Justin Hart, the young sperm whale ____.
A.found its family with his help
B.suffered a lot in the cold waters
C.lost contact with its family for days
D.slammed as a means of communication
【小题3】What do we know about sperm whales?
A.The young are independent.
B.They are highly social animals.
C.They tend to live in warm sea waters.
D.Females take turns to care for babies.
【小题4】What would be the best title for the text?
A.Baby whales perform slamming with joy
B.Sperm whales ---fairly intelligent animals
C.Lost sperm whale baby reunited with its family
D.Slamming--- a way of communication among whales

On December 26, 2004, an earthquake along the Indian Ocean caused a huge tsunami that killed thousands of people in Asia and East Africa. However, wildlife officials at Sri Lanka’s Yala National Park reported no mass animal deaths. Yala National Park is home to hundreds of wild animals.

Some researchers believe the animals at the park were able to sense the earthquake and moved to higher ground before the earthquake hit. Animals have good senses that help protect themselves from being hunted by their natural enemies. It is thought that their senses might also help them sense the coming disasters. Several countries have done research on the prediction of earthquakes by animals. There are two theories about how animals may be able to sense earthquakes. One theory is that animals sense the earth’s shake. The other is that they can sense changes in the air. However, so far there has been no strong evidence about how animals may be able to sense earthquakes.

Other researchers are skeptical (怀疑) about using animals for earthquake predictions. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) officially states, “Changes in animal behaviors cannot be used to predict earthquakes. Even though there have been many cases of unusual animal behaviors before earthquakes, a connection between a specific behavior and an earthquake has not been made. Because of their fine senses, animals can often feel the earthquake at its earliest stages before the humans. That’s why people say that the animal knew the earthquake was coming. But animals can also change their behaviors for many other reasons.”

Although scientists disagree on whether animal behaviors can be used to predict earthquakes, they all agree that it is possible for animals to sense changes in the environment before humans. Researchers around the world are continuing to study the connection between animal behaviors and earthquakes. It is hoped that these studies will help to predict earthquakes.

【小题1】What can we know about animals’ senses?
A.They are not reliable.B.They can change the environment.
C.They can protect animals in some ways.D.They can prevent animals acting strangely.
【小题2】What does the USGS mean according to the third paragraph?
A.Animal behaviors can be used to predict earthquakes.
B.Animal behaviors are closely related to earthquakes.
C.Animals are bound to act strangely before an earthquake.
D.Animals might change their behaviors while being hunted.
【小题3】Which word best describes the author’s attitude to scientists’ study?
【小题4】What is the main idea of the text?
A.Will big earthquakes cause tsunami?B.Why does animals change their behaviors?
C.Can animals truly predict earthquakes?D.How can animals’ senses be put into use?
