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Recently Google has announced a series of new artificial intelligence(AI) (人工智能) tools designed to help users in organizing emails and creating business writings and meetings. These tools display important AI development progress in recent years. The tools are built by putting a great deal of data (数据) into machine learning computer systems. The data trains the AI systems to develop skills and produce human-like results.

The technology received wide attention last year after a company called OpenAI announced a free writing tool called ChatGPT. That tool can quickly produce human-quality writings. Experts say such systems may bring great changes to many different industries and jobs. Now some companies are able to test Google’s new tools in their development and business activities.

Like ChatGPT, Google’s AI tools are designed to create completely written texts for many different purposes. For example, an office worker could enter some keywords of a kind of text they want. The tools could then create a full marketing email, training materials or a business plan in a while. Google sees the system being able to offer an “AI Helper” to help human workers in real time. Google wants to have its AI change the work of lawyers, scientists, teachers and more.

However, Google says it keeps developing AI products of high quality. That is why the company is inviting groups of “trusted testers” to use its AI tools rather than widely selling its new products. Google’s new AI tools are the company’s latest move to fight for business. Companies like Microsoft and Meta are also working on products about AI.

Technology experts have warned that while the new AI tools can produce human-like writings, the systems can also make mistakes.

Last month, Bard, Google’s new AI tool designed to give a better online search, made a mistake and caused a $100-billion drop. Microsoft users said the company’s new AI tools produced unfriendly and rude results.

【小题1】Which company offers an AI tool producing human-quality writings for free?
【小题2】Google’s new AI tools can help users ________.
A.develop skills and produce human-like robots
B.create a complete business plan in a very short time
C.put a lot of data into any company’s computer system
D.send and receive emails at different business meetings
【小题3】Google keeps developing AI products of high quality by ________.
A.asking experts from all industries for help
B.working together with Microsoft and Meta
C.allowing trusted testers to use new products first
D.widely selling its new products as soon as possible
【小题4】In which section of a magazine can you read the passage?
A.Art and Life.B.Sport and Health.
C.Culture and Society.D.Science and Technology.
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Fabien Cousteau, an ocean explorer, has announced plans to build a large research station under the ocean. The goal of the project is to become an “underwater version of the International Space Station (ISS)”.

Mr. Cousteau is the grandson of Jacques Cousteau, an ocean scientist who brought the wonders of the sea to the attention of people around the world. Fabien Cousteau has gone the same way, exploring the sea as a scientist and working to protect the oceans.

Though the ocean is all around us, studying it is a challenge. Divers are limited in how far down they can go and how long they can stay below. Returning to the surface can be dangerous. After a deep dive, divers must wait for hours before they dive again.

The new undersea laboratory is designed to solve many of those problems. Named “Proteus” the lab is a 370-square-meter structure that can be a home for up to 12 people at a time. By actually living under the sea, scientists will be able to dive and work for much longer without worrying about the dangers of coming to the surface.

Mr. Cousteau says that the research base won’t just be used to study and help protect the sea, but also to research new ways of creating energy and perhaps even searching for new medicines.

The power for the station is expected to come from solar energy and the movement of the ocean. Proteus is also expected to have the first underwater greenhouse in the world, so that the lab will be able to grow some of its own food.

Proteus was designed by Yves Behar, a well-known designer. Mr. Cousteau and Mr. Behar are working together to raise money to build Proteus. They say it’ll cost about $135 million. Plans call for Proteus to be built on the sea floor 18 meters below the ocean’s surface off the island of Curacao in the Caribbean Sea. Mr. Cousteau hopes to have the lab completed and ready to use by 2025.

【小题1】What is the possible reason why Fabien Cousteau becomes an ocean explorer?
A.The strong support of his family.B.The influence of his grandfather.
C.The trouble in exploring the ocean.D.The dream of building the ISS in water.
【小题2】What is the purpose of Fabien Cousteau’s building Proteus?
A.To make studying the ocean easy.B.To get more of the ocean mapped.
C.To become known for his research.D.To draw attention to ocean exploration.
【小题3】What is expected to be possible in Proteus?
A.Exploring the island of Curacao.B.Living in the sea forever.
C.Creating solar energy.D.Planting vegetables.
【小题4】What can we know about Proteus from the passage?
A.It has been put to use.B.It’s expensive to build.
C.It’s in the testing stage.D.It’s built in the Pacific Ocean.
【小题5】What is the passage mainly about?
A.A world-known ocean explorer.B.A newly-built undersea laboratory
C.An advanced way to explore the oceanD.A plan for an undersea research station.

China welcomed three heroic astronauts home on April 16. The re-entry module (返回舱) carrying Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu touched down safely at the designated Dongfeng Landing Site in Inner Mongolia autonomous region. This ended the Shenzhou XIII astronauts’ six-month space mission.

This return marks a major breakthrough for China’s efforts in space. Let’s look at some of the technical details of the mission.

Speed record

The mission set a new speed record. The Shenzhou XII return capsule revolved around the Earth 11 times over 24 hours, before returning on Sept 17, 2021. This time Shenzhou XIII shortened the time to about 9 hours, orbiting the Earth five times.

The Shenzhou XIII mission was simplified to only five orbits and was designed to return more efficiently, according to the Chinese Academy of Space Technology (CAST).

This approach required more precise control of the spacecraft and more accurate orbital calculations. This meant that when the spacecraft separated, it could quickly target the landing area, calculate the return path, and adjust its altitude, Wang Ya’nan, editor-in-chief of Beijing-based Aerospace Knowledge magazine, told the Global Times.

“Having the ability to adopt such a fast return method indicates that China’s return technology for manned missions is very mature and reliable,” Wang added.

Temperature control

Another challenge for astronauts returning to Earth is traveling through the atmosphere. After the re-entry capsule enters the atmosphere, there is fierce friction with the air. The surface temperature of the capsule can reach thousands of degrees.

To solve this problem, the researchers designed a heat-resistant coating on the surface of the Shenzhou XIII return capsule. They also laid a layer of ablative material (烧蚀材料) that sublimated (升华) and fell off when the temperature reached a certain level, taking a lot of heat with it, according to People’s Daily Online.


Landing upright is the ideal way to land, ensuring astronauts have the softest landing, Pang Zhihao, a spaceflight researcher in Beijing, told Science and Technology Daily.

【小题1】What’s the purpose of the first paragraph?
A.To introduce the topic of the passage.
B.To introduce Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu.
C.To inform readers of the astronauts’ six-month space mission.
D.To tell readers about the successful landing of the Shenzhou XIII.
【小题2】How long did Shenzhou XIII revolving around the earth once spend?
A.About 2.2 hours.B.About 3 hours.
C.About 1.8 hours.D.About half an hour.
【小题3】What are the requirements of simplifying the Shenzhou XIII mission?
①to return more efficiently
②to control the spacecraft more precisely
③to calculate orbit more accurately
④to target the landing area quickly
⑤to adjust its altitude
【小题4】How did the ablative material take the heat?
A.By designing a heat-resistant coating on the surface of the Shenzhou XIII.
B.By making the surface temperature reach thousands of degrees.
C.By sublimating and falling off when the temperature reached a level.
D.By putting a layer of material on the surface on the spacecraft.

Inspired by the medical bay of the USS Enterprise from Star Trek (星际迷航), a research team from the University of Waterloo uses radar technology to monitor people’s health while at the wheel, turning an ordinary car or truck into a mobile medical center.

Dr. George Shaker, a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Waterloo, is working with a team of graduate students to combine radar with evolving vehicle technology to make health checks easier. The idea is to use the time people spend in their cars to gather data on their health for accurate analysis and preventative treatment — without the need for any type of wearable.

The radar, smaller than a USB thumb drive, is placed into the vehicle cabin and sends out signals that detect human vibrations (颤动), which are then sent back to the radar. The built-in AI system collects and analyzes the data to build a medical picture and identify any potential conditions. At the end of the driver’s journey, the system sends the report directly to their cellphone for review.

For Shaker and his team, the challenge was evolving the tech to identify changes in breathing patterns or heart rhythms that signify potential health issues related to cardiovascular conditions as well as respiratory system conditions.

“We focused on enhancing data collection for exact information related to people’s respiratory and cardiovascular systems and teaching the AI how to make medical interpretations from this data. Another important consideration was personal privacy and security — no data is stored on the cloud; it is sent to the monitored person’s cellphone only,” said Ali Ghara, the lead Ph. D. student on the project.

The research team is building on this work to expand the radar technology’s capabilities to monitor all vehicle occupants’ overall health and well-being, run diagnostics and generate quality medical reports that flag any issues that need attention, as well as assist with emergency communication in the event of an accident.

【小题1】What can we learn about the radar technology?
A.It provides more precise health data than wearables.
B.It creates medical pictures to reveal healthy secrets.
C.It sends the health report to the driver’s phone for review.
D.It combines with vehicle technology to assess the driver’s health.
【小题2】What can be inferred from Ali Ghara’s words in paragraph 5?
A.The AI needs training to collect health data.
B.AI’s interpretation of medical data is accurate.
C.Cellphones monitor personal privacy and security.
D.The team is improving data collection and analysis.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “flag” mean in the last paragraph?
【小题4】Which is the most suitable title for the text?
A.Ph. D. Students Build USS Enterprise on Wheels
B.Drivers Beware: Radar Spying on Your Heartbeats
C.Healthy Driving: Radar Monitors Health in Vehicles
D.Radars May Know Your Conditions Before You Do
