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Have you ever argued with a friend, and said or done something you regretted? Sometimes it can be hard to put things right, especially when feelings have been hurt. Apologizing can understand why you fell out in the first place. 【小题1】

Why do we argue?

You might think your football team is fantastic but your friend disagrees; or you don’t want someone joining in your game. Sometimes, especially if you’re angry, things can be out of control and you’ll say or do something you regret. 【小题2】. Arguing and disagreeing with others occasionally is normal — we all do it — but it’s important to resolve your differences afterwards so bad feelings don’t get worse. This is where an apology can help.


We all make mistakes, and apologizing is a way of admitting we’ve got something wrong and will try not to do it again. Dr Jennifer Thomas, a psychologist, believes an apology needs to show the other person that we’re genuinely sorry. Meanwhile, we accept responsibility for our actions and want forgiveness.

What if it’s not my fault?

Sometimes another person may pressure you into taking the blame when it’s not your fault. If you feel this is happening, you had better communicate with them. 【小题4】. If you still can’t agree, you could ask a parent or teacher to help you resolve the problem.

Does apologizing always work?

Sorry on its own might not always be enough, so try to ask the other person how they felt while you were arguing. Explain your side too, and make it clear you’ll try not to repeat the same mistake again. 【小题5】. It may take time for someone to understand and forgive. Even after you’ve said sorry, you could still feel bad but you can feel good about trying to fix things and promising yourself to do better next time.

A.What does saying sorry mean
B.We argue for all kinds of reasons
C.What do we make mistakes in life
D.A genuine apology isn’t a magic wand
E.Here are some ways to apologize to others
F.Knowing how to apologize can help you become friends again
G.Try talking about why you argue at first and explain your feeling
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For some people, the warmest memories from childhood come from being read a great story. 【小题1】 It develops children’s language skills and increases their ability to succeed in school and, later, work.

Experts say parents should read books that are not too long and on the right age level so that children will not lose interest. They say parents should also point to and talk about pictures in books for infants (幼儿). 【小题2】

Elizabeth Lyttleton has three daughters. They are at age ten, eight and two. 【小题3】 She says, "I watch my two-year-old, who is now getting a big language explosion. So much of it comes from the books that she reads. With my eight-year-old, it’s now the broadening horizons (眼界). The oldest now truly reads for pleasure and can get lost in young adult books. "

【小题4】 The company Scholastic is a major publisher of children’s books. Every two years, Scholastic publishes a report on American reading attitudes and habits. The 2015 report says only 31 percent of children in the U. S. read a book for fun almost every day. Four years ago that number was more than double.

Scholastic also suggests some ways to develop a love of reading in a child. 【小题5】 Another way to develop a reading habit in children is to read to them. The Scholastic report also suggests permitting children to choose their own books. Of all the 6 - to 17-year-olds in the Scholastic study, more than 90% said their favorite books are the ones they choose for themselves.

A.One is simply to have books in the home.
B.All her children read books at the same time.
C.All her children learn from books — but in different ways.
D.Of course, adults can enjoy reading children's book
E.But reading to children can do more than create warm memorles.
F.For young children, parents should ask questions about the book.
G.However, researchers find that the number of children who read for fun is dropping fast.

If you are still a student, then your financial picture is much different than someone just starting out in the workforce. You have not yet started making real money, and your focus is primarily on your studies and having fun. 【小题1】

In fact, when you’re away from home, your parents expect you to be responsible for yourself and this includes taking care of your own finances, Your parents give you money every month.【小题2】The first thing that you should do is to write down your allowance and expenses for the month. What you are doing is actually budgeting your money. In this way, you can set aside a small amount for your savings.

【小题3】One way of cutting cost is eating in. It is cheaper than eating out. Moreover, by booking your own meals, you have greater control over what you eat. And you also have a quieter environment as well.【小题4】 If you know of your classmates who live in the same area as you, you can consider driving to college together. This saves on petrol and parking.

In addition, when you are shopping, compare prices from one shop to another before making your purchase.【小题5】However, sales where prices are marked down greatly can sometimes persuade you to buy things which you don’t really need. Therefore, be careful and don’t give in to temptation (诱惑).

A.Besides that, take win-win policies.
B.How can you save money to purchase what you like?
C.However, it is important to establish good financial habits.
D.Then what should you do to manage your money sensibly?
E.You can wait for sales when you can get better discounts.
F.You can save money by managing the ways you eat and travel.
G.Budgeting is unnecessary as it can prevent you buying extra goods.

To advance your career think of yourself as a business

You may be a scientist. But you’re also a business. Whether you like it or not, you are a business in many ways. 【小题1】 . Similarly, your employer will give you money in exchange for the work you perform—the product or service. Here are a few ideas to help you as a business.

Think big. 【小题2】 However, be hold when you’re dreaming about what products and services you can offer. In 10 years, you might be doing something very different than what you’re doing right now. So it’s important to keep a positive mindset about the future of your career.

【小题3】 Identify something that you’re particularly good at. Then, focus on sharpening and expanding that tool in your toolkit. Career doors will open for you if you can prove you’re better at something than the average job applicant.

Take time to understand what potential “customers” consider valuable. 【小题4】 You can review job advertisements to see what skills are required for the jobs you want. You can also conduct informational interviews with professionals in jobs that sound exciting to you.

Be patient during periods of change. New products take time to develop and bring to market. Similarly, it’ll take time to learn a new skill or try to break into a different profession. Don’t expect you’ll be immediately productive and successful. 【小题5】

A.Get you open for business.
B.Focus on one skill that you can “sell”.
C.You’ll need to think of yourself as such.
D.Be realistic about what you can manage now.
E.Businesses offer products and services in exchange for money.
F.Give yourself room to adjust and grow in the direction you long to.
G.There are several ways to understand the needs of your “customers”.
