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Which are the better pets, cats or dogs? Staff from New Horizon network team have carried out a study which lasted a fortnight and they published their conclusion on their home page last Friday — dogs are better pets than cats by a whisker.

Staff from New Horizon first listed the areas where cats fared better. These included having bigger brains compared to their body size, which is said to make them do better in complex functions such as memory and attention than dogs. Cats’second point was given for being more popular, with 204 million living in the top ten cat-owning nations compared to 173 million dogs in the ten countries where dogs are favored. Cats also get more attention from humans, with purrs (呼噜声) and miaows easily to be noticed. Although dogs can vary their barks, they cannot match the attention-seeking of cats. Additionally, cats can see in lower light than dogs and have a far wider hearing range and a sharper sense of smell. They are also said to be “greener” pets because their smaller appetites mean less area of land required to farm the food.

But in the other six categories examined — many of which related to getting on with humans — dogs had the edge.

Dogs have a longer shared history with humans, maybe as long as 135,000 years. Cats are relative newcomers to our homes. Similarly, dogs have a greater ability to bond with the 订masters. Even four-month-old puppies choose a human companion over another dog. Dogs scored a third point for their better powers of understanding and following human gestures. One study found that a dog called Rico had mastered the meaning of more than 200 words. The ab 山 ty to perform roles such as being a guide dog for the blind meant dogs were rated better than cats when it came to their problem-solving abilities. And they are easier to train.

With the scores tied at five-all, the deciding point fell on usefulness — with dogs coming out on top.

Dogs, studies show, help cut human stress, while taking them for walks keeps their owners fit and helps them meet new people. New Horizon says: “Dogs can hunt and guard. They can sniff out drugs and bombs; they guide blind and deaf people, find someone buried in ruins, and possibly even predict earthquakes.”

The study conducted by the staff and their conclusion went viral the moment it was released and has caused a heated discussion among pet owners. Some frowned at it, arguing that it had only involved character, intelligence and usefulness.

【小题1】Which of the following is cats’advantage?
A.They are better at grasping their owners’ instructions.
B.They have larger brains than dogs.
C.They have a sharper sense of taste.
D.They affect the environment less.
【小题2】The underlined phrase “by a whisker” in paragraph 1 probably means ______.
A.considerablyB.in some aspects
C.a little bitD.exactly the same
【小题3】We can know from the passage that ________.
A.the study lasted a week
B.four-month-old puppies are more capable of picking a human companion
C.all the pet owners didn’t agree with the conclusion
D.people pet dogs to predict earthquakes
【小题4】Which would be the best title of the passage?
A.Cats beat dogsB.Fight like cat and dog
C.Befriend with cats and dogsD.Cats versus dogs
知识点:动物说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Please don’t feel singled out, special, or view yourself as a chosen one. She bites everyone. This is just the nature of the beast. There is absolutely no truth to the persistent myths that mosquitoes fancy females over males, that they prefer blondes and redheads over those with darker hair or that the darker or rougher your skin, the safer you are from her bite. It is true, however, that she does play favorites and feasts on some more than others.

Blood type O seems to be the choice over types A and B or AB. People with blood type O get bitten twice as often as those with type A, with type B falling somewhere in between.

Those who have higher natural levels of certain chemicals in their skin, particularly lactic acid (乳酸), also seem to be more attractive. From these elements, she can analyze which blood type you are. These are the same chemicals that determine an individual’s level of skin bacteria and unique body smell.

Mosquitoes are also attracted by perfumes, soaps, and other applied fragrances. While this may seem unfair to many of you, she also has a desire for beer drinkers.

Wearing bright colors is also not a wise choice, since she hunts by both sight and smell, the latter depending chiefly on the amount of carbon dioxide sent out by the potential target. So she can smell carbon dioxide from over 200 feet away. When you exercise, for example, you emit more carbon dioxide through both breath and output. You also sweat, releasing those appetizing chemicals, primarily lactic acid, that invites the mosquito’s attention.

Lastly, your body temperature rises, which is an easily identifiable heat signature. On average, pregnant women suffer twice as many bites, as they have a slightly raised body temperature.

Please don’t go on a shower, exercise or give up your beloved beer and bright T-shirts just yet. Unfortunately, 85% of what makes you attractive to mosquitoes is fixed in advance in your genetic circuit board (电路板). At the end of the day, she will find blood from any exposed target of opportunity.

【小题1】What is the purpose of the first paragraph?
A.To explain the reasons for mosquito bites.
B.To introduce a new discovery to the readers.
C.To prove that everyone suffers mosquito bites.
D.To arouse the interest of the readers in the topic.
【小题2】Which element has nothing to do with mosquito bites?
A.Blood type.B.Chemicals of bacteria.
C.Color of clothes.D.Body temperature.
【小题3】What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.All the mosquito bites are caused by your genetic circuit board.
B.Your blood will be targeted by mosquitoes at every opportunity.
C.Mosquito bites can be avoided if you give up some relevant habits.
D.Your genes determine your attractiveness to mosquitoes to a great extent.
【小题4】What is the most suitable title for the passage?
A.Keep off MosquitoesB.Why are You a Mosquito Feeder
C.Mosquitoes, a Threat to Our HealthD.How to Avoid being Bitten by Mosquitoes

Do Dogs Dream?

Unlike cartoon images, real dogs don’t speak and describe their sleep. So you may wonder: do dogs dream like their owners?

A scientific research conducted at MIT found that during sleep, brains of humans and dogs function in a similar manner. When you or your dog first falls asleep, you experience SWS—slow wave sleep—when the brain waves are slow but muscles are still active. Later, a deeper stage of sleep occurs. This stage is called REM sleep—rapid eye movements sleep. During REM, muscles are more relaxed but the mind is more active. It was proved that both humans and dogs experience these two stages of the sleep cycle. Since we know that humans dream, it is safe to conclude that dogs dream too.

Scientists found that as a dog falls asleep, his breathing becomes deeper and more regular.After about 20 minutes in REM sleep, dreams usually begin for average dogs. While dreaming, the dog’s breathing may become shallow and irregular, and his eyes move about behind the closed lids(眼睑) as if the dog is looking at something. By comparing brain wave patterns, researchers suggested that during REM, dogs are visualizing (呈现) dream images much like humans do during this stage of sleep.

Besides, it’s also found that during REM, the sleeping brain functions much like it does when awake, so both man and dogs dream about things that happen during their waking hours. Information gathered during the day is processed at night and may be relived in dreams. So your dog may “sleep run” as he runs after a cat or fetches a ball.

Studies also show that some dogs dream more than others, and the frequency and length of dreams are different according to the age and sizes of dogs. Young puppies usually experience more dreams than adult dogs. One possible reason is that puppies acquire huge amounts of new information daily and have much to process at night. Among dogs of the same age, smaller dogs seem to have more dreams than their bigger friends, but their dreams may last shorter. Dream length and frequency are also related to the amount of sleep required. A dog that has an active day outside may sleep more soundly than usual and experience longer periods of REM sleep, giving him more time to dream.

【小题1】What happens to dogs during REM sleep?
A.Their dreams take place.B.Their brain waves are slow.
C.Their muscles stay active.D.Their mind is more relaxed.
【小题2】While dreaming, the dog ________.
A.breathes regularlyB.visualizes images
C.opens the lidsD.gathers information
【小题3】What does the underlined word “relived” probably mean?
【小题4】What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.Why dogs dream like humans.
B.What bigger dogs dream about.
C.Why young puppies have more dreams.
D.What causes the differences of dogs’ dreams.

Finding a California condor in the wild would be the most unusual treat. perhaps even more unusual than finding a wolf in Yellowstone National Park. In fact, the wolf was what opened my eyes to the fact that humans could bring an animal back to the place where it had disappeared.

In 1987, there were only 27 California condors left, none of which were in the wild, only in captive breeding programs, It was those breeding programs that contributed to their population rise, enough that by 1991 some of them could be freed into the wild.

Still, the hope of seeing a California condor, which remains an endangered species, is very low, let alone getting a photo of one. California condor population dropped mostly due to human factors, such as poaching and living areas destruction-these are challenges California condors still face today.

Although this is just a bird’s-eye view of the challenges California condors face and there are many others, it is part of why the opportunity to work with the US Fish and Wildlife Service team and their partners helping their recovery is so special to me as a photographer. I am not only able to photograph the birds in their wild living areas, but also understand and record how difficult the work is of those people on the front lines of the protection.

I am grateful for the work of the team, and my hope is that California condor population will continue to rise allowing future generations an opportunity I never had when I first got here-to look to the sky and see one flying around.

【小题1】What helped the increase of the California condor population in 1987?
A.Rules for hunters.B.Captive breeding programs.
C.The improved natural environment.D.The enlargement of wild living areas.
【小题2】What does the author say about taking photos of a California condor in the wild?
A.It is difficult.B.It is easy.C.It is boring.D.It is dangerous.
【小题3】What did the author do when working with the US Fish and Wildlife Service team?
A.He guided ways for them.B.He made records by photos.
C.He helped the birds to recover.D.He rebuilt the birds’ living areas.
【小题4】What is the best title for the text?
A.New Way, New HopeB.Wolves and California Condors
C.A Photo of a California CondorD.The California Condor’s Coming Back
