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Travel is predicted to look extremely different in 2070.

Take airports for example, paperwork will be a thing of the past. Instead of paper passports,your information will be stored in the cloud. This type of technology won’t just include what we are familiar with today——like fingerprints or face scans—but also your heartbeat, as everyone’s heartbeat is unique.

There will be no need to check in. The facial recognition programme will instead be able to recognise you, match you with your booked flight and send messages to your phone as you walk through the airport without stopping.

Your bags, especially the heavy ones, will be sent directly from your train or taxi to the right plane. And that taxi will not be like the ones we know today. People will be expected to travel to the airport--and around their holiday destinations-in eVTOLs, which refers to électric air taxis that can take off and land without a runway.

As for the trouble of packing, 3D printers will provide perfect solutions. Simply provide your destination with your size using a body scan before you fly and, upon arrival, you will find a wardrobe(衣橱) filled with 3D-printed clothes. When you leave, these clothes will be recycled and. reprinted for the next tourist. Not only will this solve the problem of packing, but also make holiday fashion more environment-friendly.

While the predictions might seem unbelievable now, you only have to look back 50 years to realize it’s all possible. Think back to 1973 when smartphones were just a wild dream. “Google” seemed like a made-up word then, and notebook computers were still almost years away from being invented. Similarly, when we look forward to the next 50 years, the possibilities for development in technology for travel are endless.

【小题1】What can we learn about the check-in at the airport in 2070?
A.You’ll have to carry your paper passports.
B.It won’t need your heartbeat information.
C.You must stop to check the phone for boarding.
D.It is no longer needed because of the facial recognition programme.
【小题2】When you get to the destination,       .
A.your bag will be sent to you by taxi
B.a body scan will work out your size
C.the clothes of your size will be ready for you
D.your packing may do harm to the environment
【小题3】Why does the author mention 1973 in the last paragraph?
A.To prove the predictions are possible.
B.To show the inventions are necessary.
C.To list the achievements of the year.
D.To express the confidence for travel.
【小题4】What’s the best title for the text?
A.A new type of air taxi.。B.Prediction for future of travel.
C.The advantage of 3D prints.D.The solution to future packing.
知识点:畅想未来说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

What you will become in the future depends a lot on what you are doing to yourself now. 【小题1】.

You can be brilliant, unforgettable or interesting as long as you believe that you are the creator of yourself.【小题2】 The books you have read, the television programs that you have chosen to watch and the type of people you have met are what guide you when you choose to create the type of person you will become in the future.

Don’t hope that life is easier. Don’t let others get you down and stop you from achieving what you set out to achieve. 【小题3】 you will get a great harvest. Don’t wait and let luck determine your future. Complaining about your life and your surroundings will not earn you anything.

【小题4】 The best golf players are always in the golf field, the best swimmers are always found in the pool and the best tennis players are often found on the tennis court. They understand that they are the creators of their own self in the future.

Learn to be courageous. Go and discover your unique attributes and learn to move away from your comfort zone. Take a vigorous action.


A.Don’t stop being the best of yourself.
B.You can also be a failure if you are not responsible for your future.
C.So you don’t need a fortuneteller to tell you what your future life will be.
D.Remember, you are the creator of yourself.
E.Be in charge of yourself and as you move towards your life goal,
F.Tell yourself that you are in charge and the world will not be able to resist a person on a successful path.
G.Once you know what you want to achieve each little step you take every day will bring you closer to your goal.

Everything is going to change more in the next ten years than it has in the last hundred, so it’s difficult to think about 100 years in the future. I can only guess what it might be like. 【小题1】

After 100 years, I think that borders will disappear through the development of science and technology. 【小题2】 Advances in transportation will mean people will be able to move to other places easily, so dividing up the land would be meaningless. People will move not only to other regions of the Earth but also to other planets in space because the Earth will be already full.

【小题3】 The future car will have a device on seats and it will be safely computer-controlled. All drivers will have to do is tell the car their destination and the computer will do the rest.

Food from Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter will become popular. 【小题4】 It will be easy to buy everything at the supermarket.

My family will live in Mangshi, but I’ll take the super airplane daily to my work office. It’ll take 30 minutes from Mangshi to New York. My wife will go to her office in London. 【小题5】 I’m looking forward to that happening someday.

A.We plan to eat dinner in Paris.
B.They will fly to Tokyo for shopping.
C.In other words, the world will be united into one.
D.What kinds of car will we be driving in the future?
E.However, I think it will be better to live then than now.
F.People who don’t have time will eat such things as beans.
G.The clothes that people will wear in the future are easy to wash.

What the future school will look like is difficult to make clear, but most experts agree that the school will be electronic in the future.

“Present-day schools will no longer exist in the next century,” says a report in The Age. “At that time, schools will become community-style centers, which run seven days a week, and 24 hours a day.” At the same time, computers will surely become a central part of the school in the future.

According to The Age, the distance learning will be popular and students will listen to teachers on computers. Going into classrooms on their computers, students will study at any time, which is very easy for them. However, it is necessary for students to go to the actual school in order to develop some social skills.

Seashore Primary School is an imaginary school in the future created by the Education Department of Australia. At this school, all the teachers and students have laptop computers. Teachers check messages and call students back with a special telephone system and students use telephones to search for information or speak to their teachers who give their lessons. Besides, all the lessons are related to all sorts of subjects and all the students have their own learning plans created by teachers.

As one headmaster says, a laptop computer is a student’s library, data storage(数据存储) device as well as the bridge to a wider world. Technology has changed the emphasis of future learning. Thus, we’ll pay more attention to the learning of kids rather than the teaching.

【小题1】According to the report in The Age, students in future schools will ________.
A.mainly study onlineB.study at set times
C.have no teachersD.never go to actual schools
【小题2】The example of Seashore Primary School is given to show _______.
A.telephones are important in Australia
B.how future schools will work
C.every student needs a learning plan
D.students enjoy getting in touch with teachers
【小题3】What does the underlined word “emphasis” in the last paragraph mean?
【小题4】Which of the following is the best title of the text?
A.The Schools in the FutureB.Great Changes in Technology
C.Seashore Primary SchoolD.Actual Schools to Be Replaced
