书面表达-读后续写 适中0.65 引用1 组卷79

I had been going through some difficult times not so long ago dealing with the pressures of growing up and trying to communicate with my parents, particularly my mother. Our relationship had suffered because of this. When I got angry, it seemed like we would end up fighting with each other and not talk about what we were really feeling. Luckily, I have solved those problems now after we had a heart-to-heart “talk”.

A while back I ran away from home so that I could be far enough away to cool down. I stayed away for many hours, well into the night, before I finally decided to return home. When I walked through the front door, I immediately saw all the pain, anger and disappointment on my parents’ faces, especially my mother’s. For days to come, my mom and I experienced a lot of suffering. Everything we did or said was filled with tension until we were unable to control our feelings. We knew we badly needed to have a talk. We agreed to have breakfast together the next morning. That morning will remain fresh in my memory forever. It was a turning point.

We decided to go to a local café. On our way to the table, I noticed that my mother had two notebooks and some pens. I asked her what they were for. She explained to me that sometimes it was easier to write down our feelings rather than try to talk about them. She then handed me one notebook and she kept the other. The rules for that talk were that she would pick a topic, and we would write down our feelings, and then exchange our notebooks. It could be as long or as short as we wanted.

1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Our first topic was: “Why I am so angry.”


We exchanged our notebooks and read the words.

知识点:家人和亲人 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Christmas was drawing near, and came along with it our favorite moment — the Treasure Hunt.

In the past, my brother Brandon and I had opened all of the packages under the tree. All that was left was an envelope. We knew that envelopes usually contained cards, and if we were lucky, they also contained gift cards or cash.

However, this Christmas my dad looked almost like he’d forgotten about the envelope as he casually handed it to me. I opened it and discovered inside a 3x5 index card (索引卡) with a border of shining surrounding a poem. Of course, I don’t remember the poem by heart, but its rhyming message instructed us to go downstairs. We were excited. Maybe we were getting a pet we had wanted.

What we found downstairs was another envelope, containing another index card with a border of shining surrounding a poem. This poem told us to go to Dad’s car. Was the pet already in the car, ready to go?

No! There was just another envelope containing another shining index card. This one told us to go to Mom’s office downtown. Neither of us was old enough to drive. This meant we had to beg our parents to hurry up and get dressed and finish drinking their coffee and get going.

Eventually, we made it to Mom’s office where we found — you guessed it — a poem telling us to go somewhere else. This time it was to the TV station where Dad worked. By now, our curiosity was stretched to the limits of our imaginations.

We soon found out, however, that such a desk at the studio is a lovely place to keep a 3x5 index card with a poem, which confused us more than any other. It told us to go to an unfamiliar address.

The car stopped in front of the unknown house. It felt like the end of the hunt.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

My dad handed us the final envelope, and the final poem told us to knock on the door.


Dad was standing behind us by then, and “Merry Christmas,” he said, “The cat’s yours.”


I couldn’t forget the way I was frozen in front of the class today. My teacher, Mr. Liu had divided the class into groups to do speeches. Today was my turn. However, my hands shook so badly that I couldn’t read my notes. My voice became softer even to silence. Mr. Liu kindly ended my part of speech even though I clearly didn’t finish. He also asked me to stay after class for a moment.

“Betty, I know you are shy, but you worked so hard on this project. I’d hate to see you give up on yourself.” Mr. Liu said, “If I give you another chance until tomorrow, do you think you can find courage?” I nodded, grateful for the chance. I went as quickly as I could to my next class, keeping my head down and hoping the school day would end soon.

When I reached home that afternoon, I could see an inviting light coming from the kitchen windows. Mum was baking(烘焙). She studied my face as I came into the kitchen. “What’s wrong, Betty?”

Tears shone in my eyes. I told her the whole story. Mum was silent for a moment with her hands busy with the cake. “Why is it that you can talk to me about anything and everything but you can’t talk to your class?” Mum asked. She set the time right and then said, “Let me show you something.”

I followed her to the bedroom. There she showed me a book filled with pictures. In it there was a blue ribbon(丝带) that said “First Place” and a picture of herself when she was very young, standing with her parents.

“I won it for public speaking. I started the school year as the shyest girl on the speech team, but I ended the year as the blue ribbon winner. It wasn’t easy at first—not sure of myself at all. I worked hard, and mostly I faced my tears. You just need to find your courage.”

Hearing Mum’s words, I stared at the valuable blue ribbon, lost in thought.
The next day I walked to the front of the classroom to give my speech.

Grandma Liang goes to see her granddaughters every Saturday afternoon. Each time, Grandma Liang brings wonderful gifts: either toys or candies. Her granddaughters, Vera and Gina, are expecting for her visiting.

One Saturday afternoon when Grandma Liang rang the doorbell, Vera and Gina hurried to answer the door. Seeing Grandma Liang brought a pack o fcards, they were glad with joy. They enjoyed themselves so much that thewhole afternoon had passed before they knew it.

At the end of the day, Grandma Liang had dinner with the family. During the dinner, Vera and Gina heard that next Saturday would be Grandma’s birthday, and Mom and Dad would hold a birthday party for her.

They looked at each other secretly and left the dinning hall immediately. ”We have to do something for Grandma’s birthday, Gina decided. “But what?” asked Vera. They thought over and over, but nothing came into their mind.

Then Mom Nancy found them two missing and came to their room to see what had happened. When she entered their room, she found them downhearted. “What’s wrong with you? What makes you two so down and quiet?” asked Nancy.

“Mom, we really wanted to give Grandma something special for her birthday,” Gina said. “But nothing we thought of would do,” added Vera. Hearing that, Grandma Liang came in and held the kids in her arms, saying, “Oh, kids, don’t you know you two are the best gifts I could ever ask for?”


Hearing these words, a good idea hit Gina.


About an hour later, the two came out with a picture.

