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“Don’t quit that trip,” Mom said anxiously, as I tried to find the flight route through my tears. Doctors had just informed us that she had a deadly disease. My husband and I were set to leave for Cuba the next morning. As we boarded the airport shuttle, she said, “Don’t cry Jackie, try to have a good time, and bring me back a good CD. I’ll be here when you get back.”

That was Dec.31, 2019. She passed away on Feb.11, 2020. Looking through photos from our trip and listening to music gave her some of her final smiles. For the rest of my days, I’ll be reminded of the way she found joy in other people’s experiences and happiness.

When I was about 5, out shopping with my mom, I led her to the next passage, and cheerfully shouted, “Mom, look at this cute little lady!” That was an adult woman not much bigger than me. Instead of making me apologize to the woman straight away, she calmly said, “Jackie.” When I looked up to catch her eyes, she tugged on her right ear, which was a signal for “I will explain this to you when we get home.”

I remember when I was 8, my friend and I were going to play basketball through our local team. We were the only two girls on the team, but after the first game, my friend gave up. I didn’t want to become the only girl on the team so I wanted to give up. But my mom explained: You made a promise to the team; you need to stick it out for the season.

When I see the parents in my life filled with stress over keeping up with appearances and modern trends, I want to tell them to remember it’s them that their children will remember when they’re gone. Who they are, what they taught, and how they taught it. That’s what will outlive them in the hearts and minds of their children.

【小题1】What made Mom smile in her darkest hour?
A.Finding happiness from her daughter’s happy experiences.
B.Remembering joy from your own past.
C.Making good preparations for a trip.
D.Listening to good CD music about her daughter’s trip.
【小题2】What did Mom do when Jackie was impolite to a lady?
A.Recommending her to apologize to the lady at once.
B.Signaling to her to wait for an explanation at home.
C.Asking her to keep silent right away.
D.Beating her immediately for her bad manners.
【小题3】What did Mom teach Jackie when she wanted to leave the team?
A.One should keep one’s promise in life.
B.One has to be careful enough.
C.One needs to do his best.
D.One should never lose his confidence.
【小题4】Which of the following will be the writer agree with?
A.Keeping children following the modern trends.
B.Providing children with good conditions.
C.Teaching children personally at home.
D.Impressing being yourself on children.
知识点:家人和亲人 记叙文生活故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

When I was little, my grandfather would pick me up after school and take care of me until my parents came home. Every day I looked forward to being with Grandpa.

If it was a fine day, he would take me to the park where he told me the names of the flowers and trees. Sometimes, we would go shopping together. He would push the cart and I would help him get things off the shelves. He always found ways to involve me in what he was doing. I was his “little helper”. Grandpa taught me to care about the world by having me help with the gardening. He watered the trees and bushes, while I watered the flowers. We fed the birds. He showed me that if you were really quiet and stayed still, the birds would come up to you. I still love feeding birds and never understand people who get so wrapped up in owning a home that they don’t stop to care for the surrounding wildlife.

For an after-school snack, my grandfather would give me boiled potatoes and carrots with a little bit of butter on them or he would cut up some fresh fruit for me. My mother was so strict that she held that I must finish my homework as soon as I got home from school. Grandpa thought it was more important to relax, so he would let me watch one show first. He had his way and the way worked. And he said, “Were I you, I wouldn’t tell your mother, or you won’t have time to relax.” Whenever I left a room, Grandpa would remind me to turn off the light to save electricity. My grandpa was a devoted family man. He helped my parents through really tough financial times.

Grandpa passed away when I was 10. I love him and he will live in my heart forever and always.

【小题1】We can learn from this passage that         .
A.the writer was attached to her grandpa
B.the writer lived with her grandpa as a little girl
C.the writer’s grandpa died when she was grown-up
D.the writer’s grandpa finally moved to live with her parents
【小题2】The writer’s experiences in the garden made her           .
A.help her grandpa a lot when he was busy
B.get the idea of protecting the wildlife
C.know vegetables were difficult to plant
D.become a gardener when she grew up
【小题3】Why did the writer’s grandpa tell her not to tell her mom the truth?
A.Because he was afraid that she would punish the writer.
B.Because he wanted the writer to know about TV shows.
C.Because he was afraid that she would get angry with him.
D.Because he wanted to let the writer relax before studying.
【小题4】The writer refers to the experience of turning off the light to show           .
A.grandpa made her develop a good habit
B.grandpa tried his best to save money
C.she was too forgetful to remember that
D.she was careless when she was young

I always pictured myself graduating from college, getting a cool job and even having a cute little place of my own. So far, I have a master's degree and the coolest job ever as a physician assistant. But instead of waking up in a pretty apartment, I hear the early morning sound of my parents making coffee downstairs. At 27, I still live with my parents, and I love it.

As a physician assistant, I make a good salary and would be able to live on my own comfortably if I needed to do so. By the time I finished graduate school, I had had a $150,000 debt from both undergraduate and graduate education. My father calculated that my loans were increasing by $15 a day in interest (利息) alone. At this rate, it would take me 30 years to pay off my student loans. At last, I decided to live with my parents.

Several of my physician assistant friends are in the same boat as I am — we are all highly educated, white collar employees who live at home. Our coworkers in the medical field think it is a great idea because many of them are facing the same piles of debt. They often say if they could do it all again, they would do the same thing.

There's a stigma (耻辱) that comes along with this arrangement. Some people might think that we are too lazy to find a job. I don't think my neighbors understand it, as they continually ask me when I am going to graduate and if I am old enough to look after their children. My mom just tells them that I'm successful, well educated and that I save lives.

【小题1】What did the author once dream to do before ?
A.Take care of her parents.B.Have her own beautiful house.
C.Make her parents pay for her living.D.Live with her parents after graduation.
【小题2】Why did the author decide to live with her parents?
A.She missed them very much.B.She couldn't cook by herself.
C.She needed to repay a huge debt.D.She was not ready to support herself.
【小题3】What is the author's coworkers' attitude towards her living with her parents?
【小题4】Why do the author's neighbors often ask her to look after their kids ?
A.She is a helpful lady.B.She is popular with kids.
C.They don’t think she has a job.D.They know she is well educated.
Dear daughter,
As we drove off from Columbia, I wanted to write a letter to you to tell you all that is on my mind.
I want to tell you how proud we are. Getting into Columbia is a real testament of what a great well-rounded student you are. Your academic, artistic, and social skills have truly blossomed in the last few years. You have become a talented and accomplished young woman.
College will be the most important years in your life. It is in college that you will truly discover what learning is about. You often question "what good is this course". I encourage you to be inquisitive, but I also want to tell you: "Education is what you have left after all that is taught is forgotten." What I mean by that is the materials taught isn't as important as you gaining the ability to learn a new subject, and the ability to analyze a new problem. That is really what learning in college is about – this will be the period where you go from teacher-taught to master-inspired, after which you must become self-learner. So do take each subject seriously, and even if what you learn isn't critical for your life, the skills of learning will be something you cherish forever.
Follow your passion in college. Take courses you think you will enjoy. Don't be trapped in what others think or say. Steve Jobs says when you are in college, your passion will create many dots, and later in your life you will connect them. In his great speech given at Stanford commencement, he gave the great example where he took calligraphy, and a decade later, it became the basis of the beautiful Macintosh fonts, which later ignited desktop publishing, and brought wonderful tools like Microsoft Word to our lives. His expedition into calligraphy was a dot, and the Macintosh became the connecting line. Enjoy picking your dots, and be assured one day you will find your calling, and connect a beautiful curve through the dots of yourself .
Most importantly, make friends and be happy. College friends are often the best in life, because during college you are closer to them physically than to your family. Also, going through independence and adulthood is a natural bonding experience.
So please treasure your college years – make the best of your free time, become an independent thinker in control of your destiny, evolve yourself into a bi-cultural talent, be bold to experiment, learn and grow through your successes and challenges.
When I faced the greatest challenge and opportunity in my life in 2005, you gave me a big hug and said "bonne chance", which means "good luck" and "good courage". Now I do the same for you. Bonne chance, my angel and princess. May Columbia become the happiest four years in your life, and may you blossom into just what you dream to be.
Dad (& Mom)
【小题1】What can we learn from the passage?
A.The daughter is a well-rounded college student.
B.The father faced the greatest challenge in 2006.
C.The daughter is a freshman in college.
D.Steve Jobs gave the great example where he took calligraphy at Columbia commencement.
【小题2】The father may agree that _____.
A.you will be well-educated if you forget all is taught
B.there are only master-inspired students in college
C.the daughter will be thinner if she goes on a diet
D.the skills of learning is very important for his daughter’s life
【小题3】The example of Steve Jobs in Paragraph 4 is to show _____.
A.how Steve Jobs invented the basis of the Macintosh fonts
B.it is important for the daughter to follow her passion in college
C.Steve Jobs made great contributions to Microsoft Word
D.the father wishes his daughter to be as successful as Steve Jobs
【小题4】College friends are often the best to you because_____.
A.your family are far away while college friends are around you within an easy reach
B.they are closer to you psychologically than to your family
C.they are better than your family
D.going through independence and adulthood is unusual bonding experience
