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Dogs greet other dogs nose-first, as it were sniffing each other from fore to (especially) aft. People are not quite so open about the process of sniffing each other out. But there is also evidence that human beings can infer kinship (亲属关系), deduce emotional states and even detect disease via the sense of smell.

Now, Inbal Ravreby, Kobi Snitz and Noam Sobel of the Weizmann Institute of Science, in Israel, have gone a step further.

They have shown, admittedly in a fairly small sample of individuals, that friends actually smell alike. They have also shown that people pick friends at least partly on the basis of body odour (气味).

As they report in Science Advances, Dr Ravreby, Dr Snitz and Dr Sobel started their research by testing the odours of 20 pairs of established, non-romantic, same-sex friends. They employed an electronic nose (e-nose) and two groups of specially recruited (招聘的) human “smellers”. The e-nose used a set of metal-oxide gas sensors to assess t-shirts worn by participants.

One group of human smellers were given pairs of these shirts and asked to rate how similar they smelt. Those in the other group were asked to rate the odours of individual t-shirts on five subjective dimensions: pleasantness, intensity, sexual attractiveness, competence and warmth. All three approaches yielded the same result. The t-shirts of friends smelt more similar to each other than did the t-shirts of strangers.

Friends, in other words, do indeed smell alike.

To further understand whether friendship causes similarity of smell, or similarity of smell causes friendship, Dr Ravreby, Dr Snitz and Dr Sobel investigated whether e-nose measurements could predict positive interactions between strangers to develop a new friendship.

They gathered another 17 volunteers, gave them t-shirts to wear to collect their body odours, ran those odours past the e-nose, and then asked the participants to play a game.

Participants were paired up at random and their reactions recorded. After each interaction, they demonstrated how close they felt to their fellow game   by overlapping (重叠) two circles (one representing themselves, the other their partner) on a screen. It showed that the more similar the two electronic smell signatures were, the greater the overlap.

【小题1】What is the author’s purpose in mentioning dogs at the beginning of the passage?
A.To raise some doubts.B.To illustrate a point.
C.To introduce the topic.D.To impress the readers.
【小题2】How did the researchers carry out the first experiment?
A.By analyzing the chartsB.By describing the details.
C.By comparing the results.D.By explaining the theories.
【小题3】Which is the right order of the events according to the second study?
a. Participants were paired randomly.
b. Seventeen volunteers wore t-shirts.
c. Participants overlapped two circles.
d. The researchers ran smells past the e-nose.
【小题4】What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Pleasant body odours attract friends.
B.Similar smells strengthen friendship.
C.Friendship is based on same interests.
D.Friends tend to have similar body odours.
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Being physically fit at age 18 is linked to a higher IQ, a new study finds. The researchers also show that fitness predicts greater educational and professional achievements later in life. Earlier studies have found links between physical fitness and intelligence(智力)in animals, children and older adults. But the relationship in young adults hasn’t been clear.

In the new study, researchers used data(数据)to examine over 1.2 million young men born in Sweden between 1950 and 1976. All the men had their physical fitness and intelligence assessed(评估) at age 18. The researchers compared this information to details of later achievements in academic(学术), social and economic aspects from other national databases and made some findings.

Fitness in the 18-year-olds was strongly linked to scores on intelligence tests. “Being fit means that you have good heart and lung capacity and that your brain gets plenty of oxygen, ’’ says Dr. Michael Nilsson of the University of Gothenburg. “This may be one of the reasons why we can see a clear link with fitness.” The researchers also found that fit teens were more likely to get a university degree later in life. Fitness at age 18 was also linked to landing better jobs, with Higher pay or management responsibilities.

The findings point to the importance of encouraging physical fitness in teens. “If so, physical education is a subject that has an important place in schools,” says Dr. Maria Aberg of the University of Gothernburg.

【小题1】What is the new study about?
A.The relationship among young adults.
B.IQ differences between children and adults.
C.Educational and professional achievements.
D.Teenagers’s physical health and intelligence.
【小题2】How did the researchers make the findings?
A.By comparing data.B.By using earlier studies.
C.By giving intelligence tests.D.By interviewing young men.
【小题3】What do the findings of the research suggest?
A.Similar researches should be made.
B.Jobs with higher pay are hard to get.
C.It’s time to improve teenagers’ intelligence.
D.Physical education should be stressed in schools.

It is generally believed that humans can’t live without sleep. As any person suffering from lack of sleep knows, dark circles under the eyes usually stand out after a bad night’s sleep.

But why do people get these dark eye bags? The answer is both genetic (that is, relating to your DNA) and environmental (a result of your everyday living, such as rubbing your eyes or getting too little sleep), said Dr. Carol Clinton, a skin-care researcher in Dublin, Ohio.

But “the biggest reason is genes,” Clinton told Live Science. Eye bags are generally more noticeable in people who, because of genes, have thin or pale skin. When people are tired or very nervous, blood circulation in the eye area becomes slow, allowing blood to pool there, Clinton said. Capillaries(毛细血管)stand out, leading to dark eye circles, she said.

Besides, eye bags result from eyes’ fat moving forward. An age-connected increase in fat beneath the eyeballs leads to eye bags. “Anyway, when your eyes’ fat is moving forward, you may think about having an operation in that area,” Clinton said, “A person can get 9 hours of sleep a night, but still have eye bags because of a genetic development.”

In other cases, environmental problems cause eye bags. For example, allergies(过敏)—especially seasonal allergies—can cause capillaries to stand out. Getting too much sun can also damage and thin the skin, making dark circles under the eyes easy to see. Besides, eating salty foods can cause the body to hold more water, which makes eye bags worse, according to the Mayo Clinic.

【小题1】In Clinton’s opinion, what is the main cause of the formation of dark eye bags?
C.Age.D.The environment.
【小题2】What can remove your eye bags according to the text?
A.Getting much sun.
B.Drinking plenty of water.
C.Having an operation on the fat in the eye area.
D.Slowing your blood circulation in the eye area.
【小题3】What can we learn from the text?
A.It’s possible to change genes.
B.Rubbing your eyes might cause dark eye bags.
C.People with thick skin don’t get dark eye bags.
D.You can’t get dark eye bags if you get enough sleep.
【小题4】What’s the best title for the text?
A.What Can You Do to Protect Your Eyes?
B.The Importance of Sleep to People’s Health
C.Several Measures to Remove Your Eye Bags
D.Why Do People Get “Bags” Under Their Eyes?

The brain, like any other body part, gets old. 【小题1】 For example, women’s brains may age more slowly than men’s. That is the finding of a U.S. study from Washington University School of Medicine.

Researchers there wanted to find out how the brain uses sugar. 【小题2】 They used medical equipment to look at the flow of oxygen and sugar in the brains. The researchers found that the brains of women looked nearly four years younger than those of men. 【小题3】

As our brains age, some mental problems may happen. However, doctors say that about half of the problems can be prevented by simple lifestyle changes.

Whether you are a man or a woman, here are some tips for you to keep your brain young and healthy.

·【小题4】 Experts suggest around seven hours of sleep each night.

·Get aerobic (有氧) exercise for 30~40 minutes three to four times a week. Exercise helps grow brain cells(细胞)and gets better blood flow in the brain.

·Eat a healthy diet. 【小题5】 One example is the diet with lots of vegetables, fruits, grains, and fish.

·Do activities that make you excited and happy.

·Spend time with family and friends.

A.The researchers do not know why.
B.However, not all brains age the same way.
C.To do that, they studied over 200 brains of men and women.
D.Sleep is the best thing you can do to keep your brain young.
E.Doctors say any diet good for the heart is also good for the brain.
F.Parts of the brain get smaller, especially those important to learning.
G.The findings suggest the brains of men and women may use sugar differently.
