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This Summer’s Classical Music Festivals around Europe

Edinburgh International Festival, Scotland

Edinburgh International Festival is Edinburgh’s arts offering, and in 2023 welcomes violinist Nicola Benedetti in her first year as festival director. Picking up the baton (指挥棒) from previous director, Fergus Linehan, the Scotish violinist has described the role as “the honour and responsibility of a lifetime” and she is—perhaps unbelievably —the first Scottish and the first female festival director since the festival began in 1947.

August 4-August 27, eif.co.uk

Verbier Festival, Switzerland

The festival, marking its 30th anniversary, has become known for attracting the biggest soloists (独奏者) in the world. But the real magic of Verbier is connecting great musicians at the height of their careers with young artists through the Verbier Festival Academy. This year, 223 students from all over the world will receive training and attend master classes with the greats.

July 14-July 30, verbierfestival.com

Puccini Festival, Italy

Since 1930, the festival has been presenting Puccini’s masterpieces to crowds of thousands every summer. We’re picturing the Italian summer days closing with a gentle warmth, accompanied by fine opera and a cool glass of wine in hand, and the waters of Lake Massaciuccoli and the Tyrrhenian Sea rippling nearby.

July 14-August 26, puccinifestival.it

Granada International Festival, Spain

In 2023, as in previous years, the festival will team up with University of Granada to invite students to take part in the Manuel de Falla Courses, which offer master classes and workshops in composition, musical analysis, performance and more.

July 21-August 19, granadafestival.org

【小题1】What is special about this year’s Edinburgh International Festival?
A.The performers.B.The tailored baton.
C.The woman director.D.Edinburgh’s art works.
【小题2】What do Verbier Festival and Granada International Festival have in common?
A.They have a history of 30 years.B.They are hosted by universities.
C.They allow guests to sing solos.D.They provide students with masterclasses.
【小题3】Which of the following lasts longest?
A.Verbier Festival.B.Granada International Festival.
C.Puccini Festival.D.Edinburgh International Festival.
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Let’s take a look at some of the big celebrations that happen during spring


Songkran is a celebration marking the Thai New Year. The festival usually lasts three days, though festivities can start early or end later in some cities. Water plays a major role in the festival. Symbolically, it washes away the previous year so people can get ready for the next one Therefore, many Songkran traditions are associated with water, such as cleaning homes and pouring water on Buddha statues and the hands of elders. Outside, Songkran is celebrated with street parties and a friendly water fight. In 2023, it began on April 13.


Known as the festival of colors, Holi is celebrated on the last full moon in the lunar month of Phalguna. This ancient tradition marks the end of winter and honors the victory of good over bad. Celebrators light big fires, throw colorful powder called gulal at each other, eat sweets, and dance to traditional folk music. The annual Hindu celebration was held on March 8, 2023.


It is a Christian tradition marking the day when Jesus Christ is said to have come back to life. On Easter Sunday, people attend church services where they sing and pray. It’s a day for some fun family activities too, like decorating hard-boiled eggs and searching for the hidden treats around the house or yard. Some kids also receive baskets filled with goodies, and many families have big feasts. In 2023, Easter was celebrated on Sunday, April 9.


Passover is a time to reflect on Jews’ suffering in ancient Egypt. Jews were believed to have been led to freedom by a religious leader named Moses. Passover is celebrated for seven or eight days in reflection of the suffering. In 2023, Passover began in the evening of April 5 and ended in the evening of April 13.

【小题1】When did Thai people start to celebrate the New Year in 2023?
A.On March 8.B.On April 5.C.On April 9.D.On April 13.
【小题2】Which holiday celebrates the victory of good?
【小题3】What makes Passover different from the other three holidays?
A.The season of celebration.B.The widespread use of water.
C.The sad holiday atmosphere.D.The bright decorating colors.

If art preserves the culture of the Crow people, then Crow women are the keepers of that culture, cultivating it to reflect the modern day.

Fashion designer Bethany Yellowtail grew up riding horses and running in the fields and swimming in the river and being around her people in the Crow Nation and Northern Cheyenne Indian reservations in southeastern Montana. She knows first-hand the importance of art to maintaining native traditions. In 2015 she turned that knowledge into her own brand: B. Yellowtail. A year later, she created the B. Yellowtail Collective, made up of native artists, to foster economic opportunities for their communities. Many of those artists are women from different tribes but all of them preserve their culture and move it forward through their medium of choice.

Yellowtail and her team work for the native-owned business that’s rooted in community. Artists within the Collective typically receive 70% of profit from retail sales, and for a portion of the pandemic (流行病) the brand has upped that to 100%. The extra money has, of course, increased artists’ income in the past year, but the relationship is interdependent: without the work of those artists, B. Yellowtail wouldn’t exist and native culture would feel the loss.

Dewanda Little Coyote is Yellowtail’s mother. Family is deeply important to their tribe. So is art, which often runs in the family — and along the matriarchal (母系的) side. Little Coyote picked up her entrepreneurial spirit from her parents, who owned a gift shop. “My parents said, ‘If you have hands, create something. Do something, and make a living off of that,’” she said. After her parents passed away, the artist began learning beading (串珠) earrings herself. Dentalium, a tusk shell often used in native jewelry, caught her eye in particular. “I love it, because back in the day, our Cheyenne women wore a lot of dentalium,” she said. “So I wanted to give a contemporary look to that — to what our ancestors wore.”

Yellowtail herself learned sewing from her aunts and grandmothers before moving to Los Angeles in 2007 to study fashion design. Now, native women support native women — and matriarchal art evolves.

【小题1】Why did Bethany Yellowtail set up B. Yellowtail?
A.To make their culture continue.B.To become rich as soon as possible.
C.To reflect the modern fashions.D.To inspire more women to work.
【小题2】What can we learn from the third paragraph?
A.Native-owned businesses make money more easily.
B.The profit from the Collective has fallen sharply.
C.Local artists love to work in their community.
D.Artists, income is related to the development of native culture.
【小题3】Why is Dewanda Little Coyote mentioned in the text?
A.To prove she loves her daughter deeply.
B.To show how native culture is handed down.
C.To praise her efforts to help the young.
D.To appeal to more women to join in jewelry design.
【小题4】What kind of person is Bethany Yellowtail?
A.Humorous, modest and cooperative.B.Traditional, cautious and outgoing.
C.Independent, competitive and creative.D.Creative, determined and selfless.

There are many traditions around the holidays. “Holiday traditions” are things that people do every year during a holiday such as Christmas or Thanksgiving. At Christmas, for example, many people put up a Christmas tree or Christmas lights. These are Christmas traditions that have been going on for many years. But there is a “new” Christmas tradition that has become very popular: the TV firelog, a TV channel that shows nothing but a large log fire, blazing in a fireplace.

People put it on their TV and it makes them feel like they are watching and listening to a crackling fire. It makes them feel calm and comfortable. The origin(起源) dates back to 1986 in Canada. At that time, not very many people knew about it or watched the channel. Today, more than three million people watch the firelog channel during the winter holiday season. That year, the firelog channel was created(创造) to give the workers in the company that is now called Shaw Cable, a break at Christmas. By running the firelog during the holidays, everyone could go home for a few days and enjoy a bit of time off.

At that time, it was only broadcast to people in Edmonton but today it reaches people across Canada and beyond. This year, the Shaw firelog was updated. It is pretty high tech. Although it’s still really just a fire log that has been filmed, it has its own Twitter account (@ShawFireLog), its own Facebook page and it even has a computer App so you can see the burning log on a smartphone or a tablet. The Shaw firelog will burn until Jan. 5 on Shaw Cable, channel 222.

【小题1】What does this passage mainly talk about?
A.The origin and popularity of the TV firelog.
B.Famous holiday traditions.
C.What makes the TV firelog so popular.
D.The TV firelog today.
【小题2】What does the underlined words “the TV firelog” mean in Paragraph 1?
A.It is an old Christmas tradition beginning a long time ago.
B.It is a TV channel that shows nothing but a fireplace.
C.It is a TV channel with all kinds of Christmas traditional programs.
D.It is a TV channel where people can watch a large log fire.
【小题3】For what purpose was the TV firelog created?
A.To attract more people to watch their programs.
B.To make people feel calm and comfortable by watching a crackling fire.
C.To give the people working at the company a few days off at Christmas.
D.To create more new traditions for people to celebrate Christmas.
【小题4】What can we learn about the TV firelog from the passage?
A.More than three million people watched the channel in 1986.
B.It was broadcast to people in Edmonton and across Canada when it first started.
C.It has its own Twitter account but no Facebook page now.
D.The burning of the firelog will last until Jan. 5 on Shaw Cable.
