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Tips for Hiding the Afikomen on Passover (逾越节)

Hiding the afikomen — a broken piece of pancake — is often a beloved part of the Passover Dinner among families, giving children a game of searching. Here is best advice for hiding the afikomen.

【小题1】 Who hides the afikomen and the physical boundaries that limit the hiding spots are key basic regulations that your family should consider together. Each family may do it a bit differently but once the basic regulations are in place, everyone has a better time with it.

Make it a little more interesting. Finding the afikomen often comes with a reward or a small gift. Sometimes it is a toy, money or a game — in some families it is a big gift, some just a kiss. 【小题2】

Find a hiding spot. While there’s technically only one afikomen at the dinner, families might also choose to change tradition to give larger groups of kids a better chance of success. Some families may find a way to hide a few. 【小题3】 It allows either all the kids to find one, or at least more than just one kid.

Trick their eyes. Leaving the afikomen out in the open might seem a little too easy, but it can present a surprising challenge. 【小题4】 But the general thinking is that people are so used to seeing what they expect they will never see here.

Increase the difficulty. The serious hiders skip easy-to-see spots for more intensive, nearly impossible places, for example, in a drawer, under all the kids’ art projects or in the bathroom under four out of seven towels. So kids have to work hard for it. 【小题5】

A.Set some ground rules.
B.Or the same afikomen is hidden repeatedly.
C.Well design the interactive and enjoyable game.
D.It is fun but the house may be a mess after the searching.
E.The kids have to truly focus on things they see every day.
F.The kids may feel like everyone has the chance to be the designer.
G.More competitive families also offer the finder something special, like a dollar coin.
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How to Make Your Clothes Last Longer

We have to throw out some clothes that we love just because we’ve not taken good care of them. Four top tips can help you make your clothes last longer. 【小题1】

●Reduce the times you wash your clothes. Washing your clothes less doesn’t mean wearing the same T-shirt tor a week. You can wear clothes like jeans and jumpers at least three times before washing. The exception, of course, is clothes worn for the gym. Besides, if you don’t wear clothes next to your skin, air them after wearing. 【小题2】 If they seem fine, you can wear them another day.

●Wash, our clothes inside out. 【小题3】 As the machine spins (旋转) the clothes around, they must each other. Turning your clothes inside out reduces wear on the outside surface of your clothes: This can help keep them from damage.

●Air your clothes dry if possible. Drying your clothes on a line is good for both your clothes and he environment. 【小题4】 When possible, just use the dryer at a low temperature.

【小题5】 Rather than throw something out because of a small hole or tear. Knowing how to use a needle and thread (线) and a few basic repairing techniques can be friendly to your clothes and your pocket. If the work is beyond your skills, you can find repair places nearby your houses.

A.Hang your jumpers on the clothes line.
B.Fixing your clothes is a wise alternative.
C.Use an app to find places for clothes repair.
D.Simply check your clothes for any spots or marks.
E.Your clothes are usually beaten hard during the wash.
F.In the meantime, it can also reduce the expense of the electricity.
G.They can also help save both your money and our environment definitely.

You may have grown up living with lots of siblings, or this may be your first time sharing your living space with someone else. 【小题1】 Follow these tips to make sure you and your roommate keep things pleasant and supportive throughout the year (or even years)!

Be clear about your expectations from the beginning. Do you know in advance that you hate it when someone hits the snooze button (贪睡闹铃) fifteen times every morning? That you’re a neat freak (怪人)? That you need ten minutes to yourself before talking to anyone after you wake up? 【小题2】 It’s not fair to expect him or her to pick up on them right away, and communicating what you need is one of the best ways to avoid problems before they become problems.

Address problems when they’re little. Is your roommate always forgetting her things for the shower, and taking yours? 【小题3】 Addressing things that annoy you while they’re still little can help your roommate be aware of something she may not otherwise know. And addressing little things is much easier than addressing them after they’ve become big.

【小题4】 This may seem simple, but it’s probably one of the biggest reasons why roommates experience conflict. Don’t think he’ll mind if you borrow his shoes for a quick soccer game? For all you know, you just stepped over an uncrossable line. Don’t borrow, use, or take anything without getting permission first.

Be mindful of who you bring into your room-and how often. 【小题5】 But your roommate may not. Be mindful of how often you bring people over. If your roommate studies best in the quiet, and you study best in a group, can you alternate who hits the library and who gets the room?

A.Be open to new ideas and experiences.
B.Respect all the things that belong to your roommate.
C.You may love having your study group into your room.
D.Expect to learn, grow and change during the time in the college.
E.Are your clothes being borrowed faster than you can wash them?
F.Let your roommate know as soon as you can about your little preferences.
G.Having a roommate can be both a challenge and a great part of your college experience.

Simple Ways to Lead by Example

One of the best ways to build trust with the team is to lead by example. People truly follow only those they trust. Here are ways to lead by example and inspire your team.

Get your hands dirty. 【小题1】 You don't have to be the most advanced technician on the team, but you must have an in-depth understanding of your industry and your business. Leaders have many responsibilities, but it is important to work alongside your team. This is a great way to build trust and continue to develop your own knowledge and skills.

【小题2】 Actions do speak louder than words, but words can have a direct impact on morale (士气), for better or for worse. Be mindful of what you say, to whom, and who is listening. Leaders should always show support for all team members. However, if someone needs extra guidance, provide it behind closed doors.

Listen to the team. As leaders, sometimes we are so consumed with providing directives, giving orders, and, well, talking that we forget to stop and listen. If the team is functioning well, you should have a whole team of experts to turn to for advice. One sign of good leadership is knowing that you don't know everything. 【小题3】

Take responsibility. As the saying goes, it's lonely at the top. Blame roles uphill. Great leaders know when to accept that mistakes have been made and take it upon themselves to fix them. 【小题4】 If you are the leader, you need to take responsibility.

Let the team do their thing. 【小题5】 What they need to do is communicate the mission, vision, values, and goals. Then, they should step back and let the team innovate (创新). Setting this example for the team will encourage your other leaders to do the same.

A.Watch what you say.
B.Respect the chain of orders.
C.Do the work and know your trade.
D.Leaders needn't attend to everything personally.
E.Leaders should get in shape and lead from the front.
F.Leaders should get feedback from your team regularly.
G.It doesn't matter if one of your team members messed up or you did.
