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Ways to Save the Ocean

It’s no doubt that the ocean needs our help.【小题1】Only through building collective power can we force states and corporations to take responsibility for the damage they’ve caused to the planet.

Still, however much we understand that reducing and recycling is not enough, small actions can help us save the ocean. With this in mind, we’ve rounded up some simple actions we can all take to save the ocean.【小题2】There are also other ways to save the ocean.

Commit to a plastic-free lifestyle. So, in order to help save the ocean, many people are committing to a plastic-free lifestyle. The United Nations (UN) has even encouraged the public to think about how they deal with plastic and the ways they can live without it, or replace it:【小题3】If you really need to use plastic, recycle it responsibly.

Turn your food waste into compost (混合肥料). Composting food waste is an easy way to reduce methane (甲烷). Not only does compost reduce methane production, it can also help you fertilize your personal garden.【小题4】When you go shopping, stick to a prewritten grocery list and buy unwrapped products.

【小题5】Try investing in energy-efficient appliances, eating locally sourced food, walking or riding a bike, conserving water, and shutting of flights when you aren’t using them. Sure, these are small actions—especially when compared to the big carbon footprints of big-name corporations—but these changes can add up.

A.Reduce your carbon footprints.
B.Use those reusable things in your daily life.
C.And try decreasing your food waste by shopping locally
D.Just remember: the fight for saving the ocean doesn’t end here.
E.Of course, there are many other essential organizations in the world.
F.It's likely that a lot of your self-care products contain damaging materials.
G.The best thing that you can do for the ocean is to join a movement to save it.
知识点:方法/策略环境保护 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Self-discipline (自律) is a term that everyone understands. However, few people appreciate it. Discipline happens to even the most famous people. It is necessary for all living beings, because without it there would be disorder around us. 【小题1】.

Improves your self-esteem

Nothing is more enjoyable than developing new habits, quitting old ones, and achieving your goals. 【小题2】. Stick to a routine, manage your time, and fight delay. High self-esteem carries with it the rest of your life and your relationship. High self-esteem also helps you face challenges with greater confidence in difficult situations.

Helps you achieve goals

We all have goals in life. Work goals are very common, but they can also include things like learning a new language, improving a hobby or fitness goal. 【小题3】. It won’t happen overnight.


Not all great heads are born, most of whom follow a very busy schedule and keep the discipline in their lives to become good leaders. Good discipline creates a positive attitude towards society, confidence and a desire to do something great. Discipline helps people develop attitudes that are the key to success. They can serve as great role models for others in society.

Makes you more trustworthy

【小题5】. For example, if you don’t know how to manage your time, you may have problems meeting deadlines at work, arriving on time for events and meetings, or spending enough time with your loved ones. You can earn a reputation for being untrustworthy.

Discipline can help you develop new habits, and manage your time effectively. With time and discipline, you will see improvements and success.

A.Makes you a leader
B.Helps people build confidence
C.You need discipline to get what you want
D.Lack of discipline can make a big difference in your life
E.Therefore, the importance of discipline in life cannot be ignored
F.Trustworthy people are more likely to be liked and respected by others
G.These victories give you a sense of happiness, making it easier to keep discipline

A great skill to have is the ability to solve problems effectively, specifically interpersonal and behavioral problems. In order to achieve this, you need to follow a few key requirements. 【小题1】

First, you should understand “why” the problem exists. 【小题2】 If you know something about why the problem exists, you’ll have a better time to resolve the problem. Let’s take the example of a child who doesn’t want to come to school. Before you can reach a solution, it is important to find out why the child doesn’t want to come to school.

Once you have clearly identified the problem, you need to understand what you have control over and what don’t. 【小题3】 You may not control whether a child comes to school, but you are able to deal with the barrier to the child not wanting to attend school.

Don’t jump to conclusions. Once you have all of your information, analyze it carefully and look at it from various viewpoints. Be as objective as possible and don’t be quick to judge. 【小题4】 This is a time for you to use your critical thinking skills.

【小题5】 How many options do you have? Are you sure? Which options seem reasonable? Have you weighed the pros and cons (事物的利与弊) of your options? Are there any limitations of your options? Are there any options better than others and why? Are there advantages and disadvantages you need to take into consideration?

A.Now determine your options for solutions.
B.Remain judgment-free as much as possible.
C.Ask yourself questions about what options you have.
D.That means figuring out the actual root cause of the problem.
E.Read on to find how to become a more effective problem solver.
F.The strategies in problem-solving are good lifelong skills to have.
G.Your efforts must be within the areas where you are in the driver’s seat.
Reading the room gives you an edge — no matter who you’re talking to

What’s the difference between a successful presentation and a not-so-successful one? Skilled public speakers aren’t just good at putting words together. 【小题1】 That skill doesn’t just make people good at public speaking. It’s helpful in all kinds of situations-whether in a one-on-one meeting or a networking event. Here are several techniques you can practice to get better at reading the room.

Ask for feedback. You don’t have to wait until the conversation is over to find out how it went. 【小题2】 For example, after covering a complex topic, pause and ask your listeners if it’s okay to continue. If you’re losing their attention, let them take a quick break.

Don’t forget about basic needs. Even the most impressive speaker won’t keep an audience engaged if they’re hungry or tired. If your listeners are disengaged, offer them a break-or end the session early. 【小题3】

Learn to read unspoken implication. What are people doing while you’re speaking? Are they sighing, rolling their eyes or smiling? 【小题4】 Sometimes, these gestures might include objects, like cellphones or tapping pencils. If you see any of these, don’t step over it. Say something like, “Uh-oh-I see everyone’s checking their phones. Did I lose you, or is it lunchtime?”

【小题5】 No skill can be got easily. Skills of reading the room also require some training to acquire. You can work with a friend or coach to build your self-awareness. This skill can make you a more confident and effective speaker.

When you learn to successfully read the room, you and your audience get more out of your conversation. Reading the room helps you adjust in real time to make sure communication is clear.

A.They know how to read the room.
B.Learning to read the room takes practice.
C.Ask someone else to remind you of the situation.
D.These can indicate how they’re receiving information.
E.Instead, you can get the feedback from the listeners’ expression.
F.There’s no point in sticking it out if your audience have lost their focus.
G.You can check in periodically to make sure you haven’t lost your audience.
