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At the age of 18, we become adults and are given the right to vote, to travel the world and to pursue our dreams. At 60, we enter a new phase of life. It marks the start of retirement for most of us. There are 42 years between these two major phases. Interestingly, the number 42 is also associated with marathons, which cover42 km.【小题1】 Let’s explore.

It takes time to prepare.

To run a full marathon, you need to train hard for months and even years, slowly building your endurance(耐力). The same goes for building a savings pool for retirement. 【小题2】   So, if you’re thinking about saving for retirement, don’t hesitate! Get started today.


Preparing for a marathon requires a well-rounded approach. Similarly, individuals building a retirement fund need to build a file that is diversified across different property classes. By diversifying your investments, you can survive market unstability and safeguard your hard-earned savings.

Every runner runs his own race.

Just like marathon runners focus on running and completing their own race, retirement planning for every individual is a personal endeavour. Trying to keep pace with another runner can damage one’s performance. Similarly, each person’s financial situation is unique and as such, each person’s approach to retirement planning will be too. 【小题4】

Are you serious about planning for your retirement? 【小题5】 With a little hard work and dedication, you can cross the finish line with flying colours.

A.It makes sense to cover every aspect.
B.Starting small and starting young is essential.
C.Preparing for the race requires more than just physical training.
D.Take your time to dream big and plan carefully your retirement.
E.The key is to find what works best for you and remain committed to it.
F.If so, take a page out of the marathon runner’s playbook and begin training.
G.Are there lessons in training and running a marathon- that can be applied to retirement planning?
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Good social skills are an important part of building rich friendships, enjoying yourself in public, and succeeding in your career. 【小题1】 ,you might run into some trouble chatting with people you don't know. Don't worry-there are plenty of easy ways to improve your social skills throughout your daily life. 【小题2】.

1. Compliment (赞美)someone.

Take a quick look to make sure the person isn't busy or in a hurry. 【小题3】 Keep the conversation going by sharing simple ideas and asking questions. A friendly conversation with a stranger is an easy way to give your social skills a boost. You could say “I love your coat" or “I really like the way you style your hair."

2. 【小题4】.

Teams are great ways to meet like-minded people. Strike up a conversation with someone sitting near you. You might say, "It's so nice to see so many people here" or “What brings you here?” You might make a friend through the conversation.

3. Listen to the people around you.

【小题5】,but don't try to control the dialogue. Listen for openings where you can ask relevant (相关 的) questions throughout the conversation. Being an active, attentive listener is a key part of good social skills.

A.Join a class or club
B.If you consider yourself to be shy
C.The following are a few ways of developing praising skills
D.Here are a few tips and tricks to help you get started
E.Listen to just an opening and jump into the conversation quickly
F.Then, say hello and offer a compliment
G.It's important to be open and vocal in a conversation

When you've got too much to do, the natural response is to try to fit in more tasks, in order to free up hours to do the things you love. There are countless books promising to help you, but these attempts don't always work. 【小题1】

The core problem is that the potential supply of new tasks is endless. Get faster at completing work projects and you'll simply be given more work, thanks to your reputation as an efficient employee. It’s the personal equivalent of what happens when a new lane is added to a motorway to ease traffic jams. 【小题2】So congestion remains as bad as it ever was.

【小题3】 Social expectations do, too. Research by historian Ruth Cowan highlights that when washing machines and vacuum cleaners were introduced, housework got more burdensome because standards of cleanliness also rose. Deep down, we believe the false promise of ever more efficiency. Yes, modest improvements in productivity can help you get through more work-but the truth is that there will always be more things worth doing than time in which to do them. 【小题4】

The option you take is up to you: perhaps you'll decide to tolerate a messy house in order to spend more time reading to your children. Or perhaps you're willing to sacrifice a reputation as the best worker in your office because your side business as a jewellery designer is worth it. 【小题5】 Otherwise, it’ll get made for you—and you may find yourself replying to emails at 11:30 p.m. on a Friday night.

A.If you want to spend more time with your children, you have to do everything else more efficiently.
B.Instead, the more you struggle to get on top of things’, the busier you find yourself.
C.Get quicker at answering emails, and you’ll get more of them.
D.It's not just work that mounts up as efficiency rises.
E.What maters is making the choice consciously.
F.The extra capacity just attracts more cars.
G.So we always have to make hard choices.

Many of us are so busy with our work, study and home life that there is often no time left to do something that we enjoy. Here are some ways to gain the necessary time you need to slow down, enjoy your life and relax yourself.

Schedule time for yourself. 【小题1】 Try to save certain weeknights just for yourself. If others ask you to do something at those nights, just tell them you have plans. Use the time for gardening, reading, exercising, thinking or the ultimate luxury (奢侈) of doing nothing!

Give yourself a monthly treat. 【小题2】 It could be during your lunch break, a weekend or it could be leaving work early. Maybe you want to see a movie, have a haircut, play golf or get whatever treat you’re always thinking about but rarely do. Put the treats into your schedule and do them one by one!

Buy tickets to concerts or any other events you would enjoy in advance. And then schedule the plans with a friend. 【小题3】

【小题4】 Huh? Yes, many of us work late regularly. If it is the same with you, leave work exactly on time at least once a week. And then enjoy that time! Leave work aside temporarily.

Join a group. Here are some groups that can allow you to have some time away from work and home: the singing group, the gardening group, the astronomy society, the book club, the skiing club, etc. What are you interested in? Strike while the iron is hot. 【小题5】 If you can’t find one, consider starting one yourself!

A.Schedule a treat for yourself once a month.
B.Listen to your favorite music!
C.Find a club in your community today and join it!
D.Having the tickets already in hand will force you to make it happen!
E.Enjoy evenings for yourself.
F.Take an adult education class.
G.Leave work on time.
