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Learn to Be Responsible

How does it feel when you admit that you have done something wrong? Taking responsibility for your actions not only feels good, it teaches you to trust yourself and strengthens friendships.

What does being responsible mean?

It can be easy to blame(责怪) others or make excuses for mistakes, but being responsible means accepting that you are wrong. 【小题1】 You could say the bus was late, but being responsible means apologizing and accepting that it was your responsibility to get there on time. However, being responsible doesn’t mean taking the blame for things you can’t change. You’re only responsible for things that you can control.


According to research, understanding you have control over your own actions makes you feel more positive and hopeful about the future. 【小题3】 For example, I remember a time I got the sofa dirty. I was going to lie about it because if my mum saw it, she would get angry. But after I told her the truth, I wasn’t in as much trouble as I thought. Instead, mom praised me for my honesty. Being responsible helps you to gain people’s trust.

How can you be responsible?

【小题4】 One way of doing this is by drawing a circle of control: what is in this circle of control and what is out of this circle. As well as being responsible for what you can change, try accepting the things you can’t. We can’t always control what happens to us. 【小题5】 We can still choose our attitude. And most of the time, attitude decides if you are truly a responsible person.

A.What makes you responsible?
B.How is being responsible good for you?
C.But we can control how we respond to it.
D.Start by understanding what is in and out of your control.
E.Taking responsibility can also make others trust you more.
F.Imagine agreeing to meet a friend and then turning up late.
G.This can increase your happiness and help you achieve more.
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The biggest seasonal change of the year happens from March to June, as temperatures climb, days lengthen, birds return, and life in all forms comes rushing back. 【小题1】

Beneath this outpouring of new life, however, is a great struggle,【小题2】 Like a bean seed growing from the earth, the spirit of spring is like pressure valve(阀门) releasing, preparing us for action. That's the energy of the season: powerful, creative, determined. That makes it the perfect time to get serious about your health and fitness.

Write down your workout goal --- building new strength; perhaps.【小题3】 "What have you been telling yourself you can't do?" asks Larsen. Spring is the time to question those assumptions and deal with them head-on.

【小题4】 It's challenging for many, and it promotes growth and change: Hiring a trainer -- -- or joining forces with an enthusiastic partner or group --- can help build confidence, whether you're an experienced lifter or nẹw to the world of weights.

You can make use of the seasons' growth- inducing (促生长的) power by increasing your fitness program.【小题5】If you are a yogi, make great effort to master tougher and more athletic asanas(体式).

Whatever you choose, remember that by taking advantage of the opportunities of each season, and avoiding the difficulties, you can gain a deeper appreciation for your body's changing needs---one year, one season, one workout at a time.

A.New growth requires willpower.
B.If you are a cyclist, attempt longer climbs.
C.Then break it down into steps and start working.
D.Strength training is perhaps the ideal spring activity.
E.You need to prepare your body for your fitness program.
F.The year's cycle renews itself in this season of rebirth.
G.When you are ready to play your first game of the season, take it easy.

Depressed? Do What You Love

About 350 million people around the world suffer from depression. Therapists can use many different techniques to help, but none has more accurate scientific evidence behind it than cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). This “inside-out” technique focuses mainly on thought patterns, training patients to recognize and reframe their thinking.【小题1】

BA is an outside-in technique in which therapists focus on adjusting actions rather than thoughts. “The idea is that what you do and how you feel are linked,” says David Richards, a health services researcher at the University of Exeter in England. If a patient values nature and family, for example, a therapist may encourage him to schedule a daily walk in the park with his family members.【小题2】This could create an alternative to more negative pastimes such as thinking on loss. BA has existed for decades, yet until now it has never been tested with the scale and exactness needed to assess its relative strength as a stand-alone approach.

In one of the largest studies of its kind, Richards led a group of 18 researchers working at three mental health centers in the U.K. who put BA and CBT head-to-head. They assigned 440 people with depression to about 16 weeks of one of the two approaches, then followed the patients’ progress at six, twelve and eighteen months after treatment began.【小题3】A year on, about two thirds of the patients in both groups reported at least a 50 percent reduction in their symptoms.

【小题4】For instance, patients with depression could begin with simpler therapies such as BA, and then seek out more specialized care if they do not respond to that treatment. “We believe that BA is a good first step in treatment, and the report addresses that point,” says George Alexopoulos at Weill Cornell Medical College, a key member of the team.

In addition, Richards and his colleagues found that junior health workers could provide BA after a brief training period, which makes it significantly cheaper compared with CBT, for it requires highly specialized therapists.【小题5】

A.These findings could change treatment guidelines.
B.As shown in a report, the team found the treatments equally effective.
C.In doing so, it helps increase the rewards of engaging more with the outside world.
D.The disorder of depression is characterized by continuous sadness and also interference with day-to-day work.
E.Trained medical professionals should diagnose depression not only by a physical examination, but by asking the right questions.
F.This distinction could make the former a blessing to developing countries, where resources for mental health are especially in need.
G.Now, however, mental health professionals have another option: a technique called behavioral-activation (BA) therapy is just as effective.

Up to 40% of the food produced never makes it to our mouths. Food waste is a huge problem. 【小题1】 Here are ways to reduce food waste.

·【小题2】 Many of us blindly throw things that look novel into the shopping baskets and then let them sit in the fridge until they go bad. So, before shopping, think about exactly what you need for the week, make a detailed shopping list to prevent overbuying and stick to it.

·Get creative with repurposing food. Before walking straight to the bin with your old carrots, ask yourself: Can I make this into something new? 【小题3】 You needn’t follow any complicated recipes to turn older produce into a fresh new dish. Just use your head to make the best of it. For example, roast the carrots as a side dish or cut them for a salad.

·Your freezer is your friend. If you’re unable to use food before it’s too late, turn to the trusty freezer. Freezing food helps lock in its flavor and nutrients. So next time you taste perfect strawberries for your summer picnic, don’t throw the other leftovers immediately. 【小题4】

·Don’t be fooled by that “sell by” date. Typically, these labels are a best guess by businesses as to when their products will be finest. They’re not hard-and-fast rules about when that cheese has to go straight to the bin. They’re about quality, not about food safety. Next time you do a sweep of your storeroom, remember that. 【小题5】 If it doesn’t pass, turn to the bin.

A.Make a plan ahead of time.
B.The answer is probably yes.
C.Add up what you let go to waste.
D.The good news is that each of us can help solve it.
E.When you’re in doubt, do a smell test to check its quality.
F.They may end up in landfills and produce greenhouse gases.
G.Instead, bag and put them in the freezer in case you want them.
