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My social media has been a hive of activities these last few weeks: the naturalist and TV presenter Chris Packham is organizing a People’s Walk For Wildlife in London, and has asked me to recite   ‘Anthropocene’. I call it a ‘poem’ but I’m not sure it is. I feel it would be good to say aloud, to a crowd. I’ve only written a few ‘poems’   in the past, none of which was memorable, but with this one the words spilled out and I kind of’ performed’ them, recorded and shared them on Twitter. Bare upon the earth, we were weightless... Will my generation see the rightful, rising? Lots of people liked it, including Chris. It’s always a surprise to me, that people appreciate what I say and how I share it.

These past weeks I’ve been helping raise awareness for the walk in London by doing videos and Tweeting lots. It’s an exciting prospect: hundreds, if not thousands of people marching on behalf of wildlife. I’m not worried about speaking. I actually find it easier if there are lots of people, because I don’t have to make eye contact and it’s much easier to blur them into a mass. Speaking to smaller groups, that’s a killer: you feel the heat of their gaze, every twitch, each sigh.

So I have an early flight to London with Mum in the morning. I feel bad for flying, we both do, knowing the damage emission do to our world. Ideally, we should be taking a boat and driving to London, or taking the train, but it’s beyond us financially right now, and I can’t get more time off school so soon without getting into trouble. The walk feels like important work, something we should do.

I’ve already got the poem locked in my head now. I know it off by heart. We want birdsong, abundant fluttering, humming, no more poison, destruction. I feel excited. Perhaps it is the right time for me. Tomorrow will be epic.

【小题1】What will the writer do tomorrow according to the text?
A.He will organize an event in London.
B.He will recite one of his works in public.
C.He will have a nature walk with Chris.
D.He will post some poems on Twitter.
【小题2】What gets the write excited according to the text?
A.He will speak to a huge crowd.
B.He will become famous on Twitter.
C.He will share his favorite poems with others.
D.He will witness people gathering for nature.
【小题3】What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.Why he has to fly to London.B.Why he doesn’t like taking flights.
C.What he wants to do in London.D.What he contributes to his work.
【小题4】What is the writer according to the text?
A.He is a talented TV presenter.B.He is a keen environmentalist.
C.He is a popular poet on Twitter.D.He is a professional public speaker.
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Recently, I was in San Diego and decided to take my two children down to the beach one day. One morning, as we were walking toward the ocean, we saw a group of surfers marching with intention. They stood on a board, riding a wave of water, which seemed like nothing short of magic. 【小题1】

I couldn’t help stopping them during the break and asking, “What is the key to being a good surfer?” Their response taught me that riding the waves of the ocean on a surfboard is a lot like riding the waves of life. According to them, the first thing is that you have to get the right board. 【小题2】 There are different levels of the boards and all the choices should be made based on your size, level of experience and goals.

Then one of the guys said, “Next, it’s the ability to pop back up.” The moment a wave hits you, if you don’t pop back up and balance yourself, you won’t get the chance to ride the next wave. 【小题3】 However, it’s about popping back up quickly after you’ve been knocked off your board.

【小题4】 Together with other surfers, you can get feedback about what you’re doing right and what you’re doing wrong. While you’re struggling, you can observe what other surfers are doing.

【小题5】   When you’re struggling to stay on the board in the waves of life, they can repeatedly knock you down. If you observe and learn from others’ successes, you will gain more opportunities of standing up and marching on.

A.Finally, you should never surf alone.
B.I was really fascinated by their surfing.
C.You can’t be a good surfer without much practice.
D.One of the said he was a full-time coach in a surfing club.
E.Adaptability is not about staying up the whole time and never failing.
F.That’s because it determines everything before you even get in the water.
G.After hearing what these surfers said, I understand that success always leaves clues.

Being perfect is something many of us want and try to achieve. It makes us feel we’re correct and that our hard work has paid off. However, as much as perfection and being perfect is not all a perfect thing.

Perfection is all about being without mistakes and criticism. Wanting or trying to be perfect can make it hard to admit a mistake. Nevertheless, it is important to own up to mistakes and work to fix them. Not being able to take criticism and fix mistakes is arrogance, not perfection.

Perfection is a double-edged sword. In our lives, we want perfection. Perfection holds us accountable; it’s the mistakes and imperfection that keeps pushing us harder and further at what we do. It’s the perfect motivator. But it’s also the perfect killer. For example, the movie “Black Swan” showcased how perfection can kill us. Working and training and stress hurt our body, mind, and so much more that we can’t do it any more.

But perfection can also have the opposite effect. The movie “High Strung” showed that perfection doesn’t exist, but practicing and pushing ourselves can bring us great rewards. In “Black Swan,” the main character tried to be perfect but he also compared himself to someone else who he thought was better than him. This added more pressure and self-doubt, which can cause unhealthy ways of achieving perfection. The main character of “Black Swan” didn’t know when to stop, whereas the main character of “High Strung” did, or at least didn’t focus so much on the comparison, and instead focused on the competition and the ones she cared about.

Perfection is something we can’t live without and can’t live with. The only way to keep the sword from cutting us is if we know when to stop. Some days are going to be good days and others will be bad. We have to take whatever day it is — perfect or imperfect — and hope that’s enough.

【小题1】What does the underlined phrase “own up to” mean in Paragraph 2?
【小题2】What prevents the character in “Black Swan” from going further?
【小题3】What does the author advise us to do while trying to be perfect?
A.Try not to make mistakes.B.Push ourselves harder.
C.Stop before going too far.D.Prove our ability to others.
【小题4】What could be the best structure of the passage? (P=Paragraph)

When he was a little boy, his uncle called him "Sparky' after a comic-strip   (连环画)   horse named Spark Plug. School was all but impossible for Sparky. He failed every subject in the eighth grade. And while he did manage to make the school's golf team, he lost the only match of   the season straight away.

Throughout his youth, Sparky was awkward socially. It wasn't that the other students dislike him. It's just that no one really cared that much. In fact, Sparky was astonished if a classmate ever said hello to him outside of school hours. Sparky was a loser. Him, his classmates ... everyone knew it. So he learned to live with it. He made up his mind early that if things were meant to work out, they would.

One thing was important to Sparky, however-drawing. He was proud of his artwork. No one else appreciated it. But that didn't seem to matter to him. In his senior year of high school, he sent some cartoons to the yearbook. The editors rejected his ideas. Despite that, Sparky was convinced of his ability.

He even decided to become an artist. So, after completing high school, Sparky wrote to Walt Disney Studios. They asked for samples of his artwork. In spite of careful preparation, it too was rejected. One more confirmation was that he was a loser.

But Sparky still didn't give up. Instead, he decided to tell his own life story in cartoons. The main character would be a little boy who symbolized the boy who always lost and underachieved. You know him well because Sparky's cartoon character went on to become a kind of cultural phenomenon. People readily understand this "loveable loser". He reminded people of the painful and embarrassing moments from their own past, of their pain and shared humanity. The character soon became famous worldwide: "Charlie Brown". And Sparky, the boy whose many failures kept him from trying, whose work was rejected again and again, is the highly successful cartoonist Charles Schultz. His cartoon strip Peanuts continues to inspire books, T-shirts and Christmas specials, reminding us, as someone once commented, that life somehow finds a way for all of us, even the losers.

【小题1】By saying "he learned to live with it" in Paragraph 2, the author means that Sparky_________.
A.decided not to make an effort in school
B.learned to ignore being treated badly
C.didn't care as long as no one called him a loser
D.came to accept being ignored by other students
【小题2】Before Sparky started the Charlie Brown cartoon,_________.
A.he thought poorly of himself in drawing
B.some editors encouraged him to keep trying
C.his artwork was rejected time and again
D.his artwork was accepted by Walt Disney Studios
【小题3】Sparky's cartoon character became so popular because_________.
A.people were touched by Sparky's never-give-up spirit
B.people felt they could relate to it
C.it inspired people to fight for their dreams
D.it mirrored people's life outlook
【小题4】We can learn from the passage that_________.
A.nothing is impossible for a willing heart
B.a loser is meant to be a winner
C.opportunities always favor the prepared mind
D.life is to be enjoyed but not be complained about
