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We all know eating ultra-processed foods that make our lives easier -- such as sauces, and frozen pizza -- isn’t good for our health. Studies have found they can raise our risk of obesity, heart problems, diabetes and cancer. They may even shorten our lives. Now, a new study has revealed eating more ultra-processed foods may contribute to overall cognitive decline, including the brain executive functioning -- the ability to process information and make decisions.

“While in need of further study, the new results are quite compelling and emphasize the critical role for proper nutrition in preserving and promoting brain health and reducing risk for brain diseases,” said Tanzi, professor at Harvard Medical School. He was not involved in the study but he said in his book, “They are very high in sugar, salt and fat, promoting systemic inflammation, perhaps the most major threat to healthy aging. Meanwhile, since they are convenient and quick, they also replace fiber foods important for maintaining the health and balance of bacteria in your gut,” he added, “which is particularly important for brain health and reducing risk of age-related brain diseases like Alzheimer.”

The study, presented at the 2022 Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, followed over 10,000 Brazilians for 10 years. “In Brazil, ultra- processed foods make up 25% to 30% of total calorie intake. We have McDonald’s and Burger King. It is not very different from many other Western countries,” said coauthor Dr. Suemoto. Ultra-processed foods are defined as industrial formulations of food substances containing little or no whole foods and typically include flavorings, colorings and other chemical additives, according to the study.

“People consuming over 20% of daily calories from processed foods had a 28% faster decline in global cognition and a 25% faster decline in executive functioning compared to people who not,” said study coauthor Natalia. Those in the study who ate the most ultra-processed foods were more likely to be younger, women, white, had higher education and incomes, and were more likely to have never smoked, the study found.

“People need to know they should cook more,” Suemoto said, “And it’s worth it because you’re going to protect your heart and guard your brain she added”.

【小题1】What is the new finding about eating ultra-processed foods?
A.It makes people gain weight easily.B.It speeds up people’s aging.
C.It may reduce people’s cognitive ability.D.It is responsible for heart problem.
【小题2】What do we know from the passage?
A.Ultra-processed foods only affect your executive function.
B.Whoever never cooks is sure to develop Alzheimer.
C.Tanzi is the first to find the problem with Ultra-processed foods.
D.Brazilians' calorie intake is not different from most Westerners.
【小题3】Who is likely to eat more ultra-processed foods?
A.A young professor.B.An old beggar.
C.A heavy smoker.D.A low-income man.
【小题4】What’s the main idea of this passage?
A.People are advised to cook more for the benefit of their health.
B.Taking in ultra-processed foods may cause various health problems.
C.Convenient ultra-processed foods attract people from all walks of life.
D.Ultra-processed foods high in fiber can reduce the risk of brain diseases.
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The next time you eat a piece of chocolate, be sure to enjoy it, because according to two of the world’s largest chocolate maker—Mars Inc and Barry Callebaut, the treat may soon be in short supply. The problem? We are consuming the candy at a faster pace than farmers can grow cocoa. The can manufacturers say that in 2013, people consumed 70,000 tons more cocoa than was produced. Experts say that this is the worst supply-demand imbalance they have experienced m more than 50 years.
Parts of the reason for the condition is the large reduction in supply, caused by a continuous drought in the west African countries of Ivory Coast and Ghana, where more than 70 percent of the world’s cocoa is produced. Additionally, a certain disease known as frosty pod has destroyed 30 to 40 percent of global cocoa production. As a result, many farmers have turned to more profitable and easier grown crops like corn. This means that even if conditions improve, cocoa production may never get back to normal.
Meanwhile, the world is only getting hungrier for chocolate. The biggest increase in demand is from the residents of emerging market countries like India. Though their consumption is nowhere close to the amount European devour, their newly acquired amount for the treat, is making a huge dent (凹痕) in an already tight market.
There is also the growing desire for dark chocolate, which contains more than 70 percent cocoa compared to normal chocolates. Experts believe that if consumption continue at this pace, cocoa deficits (差额) could swell to one million tons by 2020 and to an even more worrisome, two million tons, by 2030.
Not surprisingly, cocoa prices have risen by 60% since 2012, a cost that manufacturers have offset by raising the prices of everyone’s favorite candy. As the situation worsens, the price of chocolate can only rise—so be sure to enjoy piece of the sweet treat, like it is your last!
【小题1】The underlined phrase “supply—demand imbalance” probably means       .
A.People consume more chocolate than production
B.Farmers grow more cocoa than people’s demand
C.More and more people like eating chocolates now
D.Chocolates are becoming more and more expensive
【小题2】It is hard to raise cocoa production probably because       .
A.The weather is changeable in the west Africa
B.A certain disease spread around the world
C.Many farmers don’t grow any longer
D.It is impossible for conditions to be improved
【小题3】Where has the demand of chocolate been increasing greatly according to the passage?
A.In AsiaB.In Africa
C.In EuropeD.In America
【小题4】According to the author’s prediction, we can know that       .
A.Chocolate will become cheap sooner or later
B.The farmers will produce more cocoa in 2030
C.The price of chocolate will be going up all the way
D.Dark chocolate will be more popular than common one

We all come from various backgrounds and have many differences in how we view the world and how we live our lives. Some earn more money than others, and some live in rural communities with diverse natural resources at our fingertips. Different cultures may be by several factors. 【小题1】

Every culture has their own spin (导向性陈述) on what foods people eat and how they prepare them. In larger communities, there are often plenty of options to explore. 【小题2】. Therefore, these smaller rural communities are often more limited in their experiences, diversity of choices and exposure to other cultures not represented within the local community.

My time in the military took me to the lands far from home where I lived with a diverse group of fellow soldiers. 【小题3】. This allowed me to learn more about their cultures and foods in a safe environment. These similar experiences also exist within many of our diverse local communities.

【小题4】. Due to their climate, governmental structure, growing seasons, or advances in technology over the years, different cultures have different reasons as to why they eat what they do. According to the article “Why We Eat What We Eat”, produced by the UCLA Center for Human Nutrition, “The quest for food has shaped the development of our society.”

So consider this: explore other cultures via food. 【小题5】. But as you learn more about the background, you may find your world view broadened more than you may have envisioned.

A.Not every dish may be to your liking.
B.They viewed meal time in different ways.
C.In smaller rural communities, the choices are often more limited.
D.However, there is one unifying thread that runs through all of us — the need to eat.
E.I would never find an interest in the stories behind many of the foods being offered
F.Not only do the foods come from the United States, but they are also from around the world
G.Interestingly, many of the dishes of various cultures directly correlate to their specific environments.

Scientists have found that eating dark chocolate appears to lower the risk of depression by fourfold. While 7.6 percent of the 13,000 people surveyed reported depressive symptoms, just 1.5 percent of the chocolate eaters did. The study also found that the people who consumed the most of any chocolate were also 57 percent less likely to report depressive symptoms.

The study is the first to examine the association with depression according to the type of chocolate consumed. The team assessed data from 13,626 adults from the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.

A range of other factors including height weight, marital status, education, household income, physical activity,   smoking and chronic(慢性的) health problems were also taken into account to ensure the study only measured chocolate’s effect on depressive symptoms.

Then it was found that individuals who reported eating any dark chocolate in two 24-hour periods had 70 percent lower odds of reporting clinically relevant depressive symptoms in the previous two weeks than those who reported not eating chocolate at all.

Chocolate contains a number of psychoactive ingredients(精神活性成分) which produce a feeling of euphoria(狂喜) similar to that of cannabinoid(大麻素) .It also contains phenylethylamine(苯乙胺), which is believed to be important for regulating people’s moods.

However, British scientists urged caution about the findings, suggesting that the decision to eat dark chocolate could be linked to other health factors. For example, people who choose dark chocolate maybe more health-conscious in general, which is known to protect against depression.

Depressed people are also more likely to crave more sugary fatty foods and so could be less likely to pick a dark alternative when choosing chocolate.

【小题1】What is the aim of the study?
A.To find a cure for depression.
B.To find out the cause of depression.
C.To research on the ingredients of chocolate.
D.To study the association between depression and chocolate.
【小题2】What is phenylethylamine?
A.Something that can make people excited.
B.Something that can adjust people’s moods.
C.Something that can make people depressed.
D.Something that can make people overweight.
【小题3】What is British scientists’ attitude toward the findings?
【小题4】What are depressed people more likely to do?
A.Eat sugary fatty foods.B.Have dark chocolate.
C.Exercise outdoors.D.Be concerned about health.
