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Frances McGlannan grew up in Baltimore, Maryland, and moved to Miami in the early 1950s with her husband. The couple had two children, Michael and Genevieve, and by the time Michael entered elementary school it was clear that he had difficulty reading.

She decided to tackle it and find out what it was herself because she wasn’t getting any answers to the questions she was asking. McGlannan searched the library for information and started working at the University of Miami Reading Clinic, where she tutored children and helped conduct research. She also founded the Dade Reading Foundation, a volunteer group that shared information about dyslexia (阅读障碍) with teachers, parents and the local school board.

In the early 1960s, McGlannan traveled to Europe, where she learned new techniques to help children overcome learning disabilities. She also adapted multi-sensory techniques to help dyslexic children learn to read. In 1964, MeGlannan founded the McGlannan School for children with dyslexia and related learning difficulties.

McGlannan did all of this while raising two children and often worked past midnight to get everything done. However, balancing work and family wasn’t the only challenge McGlannan faced. She was also ridiculed by educators and doctors who believed children with dyslexia couldn’t be taught. But McGlannan was not discouraged. In addition to running the school, she convinced a publisher to start a scientific journal devoted to the study of learning disabilities, where she served as one of the editors. She also helped pass the 1975 Education for All Handicapped Children Act, which established the rights of children with disabilities. And in the 1980s, McGlannan reached out to teachers and publications in Latin America to share information about dyslexia and teaching techniques in Spanish.

McGlannan’s tireless efforts affected thousands of children in South Florida. Her legacy (遗产) continues through her family and through her school. Her daughter Genevieve is an educator, and Michael and his wife help run the McGlannan School. One of her grandchildren, who has dyslexia, even attended the school as a child.

【小题1】What can we infer from the first two paragraphs?
A.McGlannan found a way to help her son out.
B.People knew little about dyslexia in the 1950s.
C.McGlannan was the first to study learning disabilities.
D.The Dade Reading Foundation funded research on dyslexia.
【小题2】What was the attitude of experts to McGlannan’s work?
【小题3】What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.The challenges that McGlannan had to face in her research.
B.McGlannan’s plans to change people’s attitude to education.
C.McGlannan’s efforts to help children with learning disabilities.
D.The measures that McGlannan took to teach children with dyslexia.
【小题4】What is the purpose of the text?
A.To introduce a special school.B.To raise awareness of dyslexia.
C.To show the power of teamwork.D.To remember an education pioneer.
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Zandra Cunningham is the founder of a skincare brand. She has been recognized by the media as one of the youngest and most successful business owners in America.

When she was a kid, Zandra always loved lip balms (护唇膏) and bought a lot of them. But she found they eventually hurt her lips instead of relieving the dryness because of all the chemicals in them. She then started experimenting with different ingredients (成分) together with her mom. They tried a lot of times until they found the natural and healthy combinations they liked. Slowly, Zandra began selling her products at local farmers’ markets and trade events. Before her 10th birthday, she launched her brand and hoped it would empower other young girls.

Soon, it became a challenge for Zandra to separate her personal interests from what her customers actually wanted. “There are a lot of ideas that I feel are excellent but wouldn’t fit into the market,” she said. Being part of the younger market herself, Zandra recognized the issue and improved her products after truly listening to customers. “There are so many brands doing similar things, but there’s still so much room to grow. Your customers are out there, and you just have to reach out to them. That’s what will set you apart,” the 23-year-old shared.

When asked about her experience as a promising young businesswoman, Zandra said, “It wasn’t frightening. When you’re young, fear doesn’t have a strong hold on your mindset. ‘Maybe it’s not going to work’ never really crossed my mind.”

Characterized by encouraging statements and featuring a playful color combination, the packaging (包装) is a big part of why Zandra’s business has been so impressive. “There are a lot of products on the market that seem natural, but they actually aren’t,” she said. “I make sure my packaging can help people understand what each term means, and how to read and check ingredients.”

【小题1】What pushed Zandra to get into the skincare business?
A.Her desire to create skin-friendly products.
B.Her interest in doing chemical experiments.
C.Her wish to set an example for other young girls.
D.Her goal of providing local people with cheap skin products.
【小题2】How did Zandra deal with the trouble in her business?
A.She cooperated with powerful brands.
B.She stood by her own business decisions.
C.She made an effort to meet real market needs.
D.She took inspiration from successful businesswomen.
【小题3】What plays a role in her business success according to Zandra?
A.Her work experience.B.Her parents’ support.
C.Her creative thinking.D.Her youthful positivity.
【小题4】What does Zandra expect to achieve with her packaging?
A.To catch customers’ attention.
B.To collect customers’ opinions on skincare.
C.To educate customers about product knowledge.
D.To encourage environmental awareness in customers.

On February 20, 2021, Jasmine Harrison, who’s from England, without lots of experience in rowing long distances (距离), became the youngest woman to row alone across the Atlantic Ocean. It took her 70 days, 3 hours and 48 minutes to reach the end of the journey.

Every year, rowers taking part in the Atlantic Campaign set off from the Canary Islands and row about 3,000 miles across the Atlantic. Some do the rowing in teams of two, three, or four. Others, like Ms. Harrison, row by themselves. Every day, Harrison would row for about 12 hours, pushing her 550-pound boat across the ocean. On her journey, Ms. Harrison said she survived (生存) just on cookies and chocolate. When asked what she was looking forward to the most, she said, “Food. Definitely food.”

Harrison had a satellite phone that allowed her to talk with her family and friends every day. But the journey still left her with a lot of time all by herself, which she said she enjoyed. But things got a little harder after her speaker fell in the water and she could no longer listen to her music.

She had other company along the way. She saw several whales. For several days, she was followed by a small group of dolphins. “It’s just amazing,” she said. But there was danger, too. Twice, her boat turned over in the night by large waves, and she hurt her arm quite badly. Another time, she nearly ran into a ship. Somehow, she kept going. Finally, she was taking her first steps on land in over two months.

Ms.Harrison’s trip didn’t just set a record; it also raised over 18,500 pound for two charities (慈善机构): Blue Marine Foundation, which works to control overfishing, and ShelterBox, which helps people who have suffered from natural disasters.

【小题1】What do we know about Jasmine Harrison?
A.She used to row long distances.
B.She loved travelling with others.
C.She crossed the Atlantic on her own.
D.She ate specially prepared food on her journey.
【小题2】What does the phrase “other company” in Paragraph 4 refer to?
A.Travel guides.B.Sea animals.
C.Natural disasters.D.Her family and friends.
【小题3】Which of the following words can best describe Harrison’s journey?
A.Challenging but successful.
B.Interesting but fruitless.
C.Relaxing and comfortable.
D.Boring and tiring.
【小题4】What lesson can we learn from Harrison’s experience?
A.Put yourself in others’ shoes.
B.Never judge a person by his appearance.
C.Being strong means hiding one’s pain.
D.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

Often called “the Lady with the Lamp”, Florence Nightingale was a caring nurse and a leader. She is mostly known for making hospitals a cleaner and safer place to be.

Although her parents were from England, Florence Nightingale was born in 1820 in Italy while they were traveling. Growing up in a wealthy family, Florence Nightingale was homeschooled by her father and expected to get married at a young age. However, Nightingale believed she received a “calling” from God to help the poor and the sick. Despite the initial disapproval, her father eventually allowed her to go to Germany and then Paris to study. By the time she was 33, Nightingale was already making a name for herself in the nursing community.

When the Crimean War began in 1854, the British, with the lack of medical supplies, overcrowding, and dirty conditions, were unprepared to deal with a large number of sick and injured soldiers. The Secretary of War, Sidney Herbert asked Nightingale to manage a group of nurses that would go to treat the wounded soldiers. When they got there, the doctors were unwelcoming because they did not want to work with female nurses. However, as the number of patients increased, the doctors needed their help. The nurses brought supplies, nutritious food and cleanliness to the military hospital. Nightingale was known for carrying a lamp and checking on the soldiers at night, so they gave her the nickname “the Lady with the Lamp”. Within six months, Nightingale and her team transformed the hospital, and the death rate went down significantly because of their work.

When Nightingale returned from the war, she continued to improve the conditions of hospitals. She wrote 150 books, pamphlets (小册子), and reports on health-related issues. In her later years, often bedridden from illness, she continued to advocate for safe nursing practices until her death. Although Florence Nightingale died on August 13th, 1910, at the age of 90, her legacy continues.

【小题1】What did Nightingale’s parents expect her to do at a young age?
A.To get married.B.To travel in Italy.
C.To study in Germany.D.To help the poor and the sick.
【小题2】How did the doctors react when the nurse team arrived at first?
【小题3】Why was Nightingale nicknamed “the Lady with the Lamp”?
A.She liked collecting lamps.
B.She often stayed up late for study.
C.She brought lamps for the military hospital to use.
D.She usually checked on the soldiers at night carrying a lamp.
【小题4】What will be the probable content for the next paragraph?
A.The books Nightingale wrote.
B.The continued impact Nightingale has made.
C.The difficulties Nightingale encountered before.
D.The great things Nightingale did during her lifetime.
