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Wearing heavy cotton clothing, head protection and a device to help her breathe, Jessica Ball recently spent the night observing lava (岩浆) coming out of Hawaii’s Kilauca Volcano.

Ball is a researcher from the United States Geological Survey, the agency which studies the country’s land and natural resources. She was at “fissure 8”, one of at least 22 holes that have opened around the Kilauea Volcano in the past two months.

Rock from deep inside the volcano is so hot that it has become a liquid. The liquid, known as lava, began flowing from the openings in early May. At “fissure 8”, the lava shot up as high as 45 meters in the air before slowly heading for the Pacific Ocean a few kilometers away.

Scientists have been in the area of the volcanic activity measuring the eruptions 24 hours a day, seven days a week since Kilauea first erupted. The severe heat will melt (融化) any non-natural clothing materials, so the team members can only wear heavy cotton. Gloves protect their hands from sharp volcanic rock and glass. Head coverings protect against falling lava stones, and breathing devices protect against gases coming from the openings.

Kilauea has been erupting almost without stopping since 1983. It is one of the world’s most closely observed volcanoes. Most of these observations took place at the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory on Kilauea’s highest point, from which researchers have now had to escape. But the latest eruption is the biggest and could provide scientists with a lot of new information.

Ball says they want to learn what warning signs may exist for future eruptions to better protect Hawaii’s communities.

Hundreds of small earthquakes caused by the eruptions have damaged the structure of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory. So scientists pulled equipment and records out of the building and moved them to the University of Hawaii at Hilo.

【小题1】Why do scientists wear heavy cotton clothes while observing the volcano?
A.They can bear severe heat.B.They are natural and healthy.
C.They are comfortable to wear.D.They can stop poisonous gases.
【小题2】What is special about the latest eruption?
A.It lasts long.B.It has wide influence.
C.It is closely observed.D.It offers much information.
【小题3】What is Ball’s purpose in gathering useful information?
A.To prevent eruptions.B.To predict eruptions.
C.To find the cause of eruptions.D.To measure the power of eruptions.
【小题4】What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.The Hawaii Volcano Has Been EruptingB.The Greatest Eruption Appears in Hawaii
C.Scientists Risk Heat and Gas to Study a VolcanoD.A rare Chance to Observe Volcano
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Antioch, Syria

Saturday, May 23, AD 526

Dear Father,

I write to tell you the shocking news that has happened since your departure last month. On Wednesday, Antioch suffered a terrible earthquake. Mother and I are safe, and our house is damaged but still standing. However, over 220,000 people in the city have died, and officials expect even higher numbers as the survivors search the rubble for their loved ones. Hundreds are fleeing the city, carrying their few undamaged belongings on their backs.

Many of the familiar churches, markets, theaters, and monuments have been destroyed. Some buildings that withstood the initial quake collapsed during aftershocks. One of the saddest losses was the Great Church. Although it survived the aftershocks, it caught fire yesterday and burned.

Looters are going into collapsed buildings and stealing valuables. Thieves have attacked some people who are feeling the city. But all hope is not lost. Just this morning, brave people rescued a young woman and her child from the ruins of a house. As I write, volunteers are retrieving many of our pieces of fine mosaic art. They are loading them into boats to transport them to other locations. And messengers arrived from Emperor Justin this morning. He has pledged to help us rebuild.

I wish you a safe journey and urge caution on your return.

Your son,


【小题1】What can you infer from the letter?
A.Antioch was a small village in the year AD 526.B.Most people were calm after the earthquake.
C.As days go by, the death toll will decrease.D.In AD 526, Antioch was a large, cultured city.
【小题2】Which theme does the letter communicate?
A.Most people stay calm during catastrophes.B.People only appreciate what they have after they lose
C.Even in tragedy, good things happen.D.Saving people is more important than protecting art.
【小题3】How does Simon feel about Antioch?
A.Sad about the city’s destruction.B.Disgusted by the city’s crime rate.
C.Frustrated by the city’s leadership.D.Amused by the Emperor’s offer.


Basic safety Tips

● Turn around and don’t drown!

● Avoid walking or driving through flood waters.

● If there is a chance of flash floods, try to move to a higher place. Flash floods are the No. 1 cause of weather-related deaths.

If floodwaters rise around your car but the water is not moving, give up the car and move to higher ground. Do not leave the car enter moving water

Avoid camping or parking along streams, rivers during heavy rainfall. These areas can flood quickly with little warning.

Flood Watch

Steps to Take

● Turn on your TV/radio. You will receive the latest weather forecast and emergency instructions.

● Know where to go. You may need to reach higher ground quickly.

● Build or fill your emergency kit (应急装备) with something new. Include a flashlight, batteries, cash, and first-aid supplies.

● Bring in outdoor, furniture and move important indoor items to the highest possible floor. This is help protect them from flood damage.

● Disconnect (切断) electrical appliances and do not touch electrical equipment if you are wet or standing in water.

● If instructed, turn off your gas and electricity at the main switch or valve. This helps prevent fires and explosions.

Flood Warning

Steps to Take

● Move immediately to higher ground or stay on high ground.

● Avoid walking or driving through floodwaters. Turn around and don’t drown! Just 6 inches of moving water can knock you down and 2 feet of water can sweep your vehicle away.

After A flood

● Return home only when it is safe.

● Do not try to drive through areas that are still flooded.

● Photograph damage to your property (财产) for insurance purpose.

【小题1】What shall we avoid during heavy rains according to the passage?
A.Staying under trees.
B.Taking part in outdoor activities.
C.Walking alone in the street.
D.Driving along the rivers.
【小题2】What does “Flood Watch” tell us to do?
A.Be patient and take things easy.
B.Be friendly and get well organized.
C.Be brave and make wise decisions
D.Be careful and get well prepared.
【小题3】When shall we go back home?
A.When we are sure it is no longer dangerous.
B.When we need to take pictures for insurance.
C.When the flood in our living area disappears.
D.When the gas and electricity supply are provided again.
【小题4】Which part advises us to take action as quickly as possible?
A.Basic Safety Tips.B.Flood Watch
C.Flood Warning.D.After A Flood.

A wildfire is a fire that burns strongly and out of control in the wild. Wildfires are becoming even more powerful and harmful over time. That is in part because of climate change. Hotter temperatures and drier forests are helping to cause wildfires. The fires start from natural causes, like lightning. Humans can start fires with cigarettes or campfires, accidentally.

Sometimes, people can set fires on purpose. This is to help an ecosystem and those that live there. For thousands of years, humans have set fires on purpose. Fire does put living things in danger, but this happens naturally, Over time, ecosystems have adapted to the benefits from regular fires, because fires clear out dead material. Some plant and animal populations actually need fire to survive and reproduce. The fires help encourage healthy ecosystems. Of course, these are controlled burns. Modern fire experts now know how to set controlled burns that are well planned and safe.

Why is fire necessary? As dead or decaying(腐朽的) plants begin to build up on the ground, they may prevent organisms in the soil from getting nutrients(养分).They may keep animals on the land from getting to the soil. This coating of dead matter can also choke the growth of smaller or new plants.

Fire removes that layer of decay. The soil gets nutrients from the burned material faster than if it had slowly over time. This allows healthy parts of the ecosystem to grow stronger and stronger.

Some plants actually need fire to continue their life cycles. Seeds from some pine trees grow in pine cones that are covered in a thick sap(汁液). The seeds release from the pine cones when fire melts the sap. Fires allow more seeds to get to the soil and grow. The healthier plant populations after a fire can help animals, too Animals that live in nine trees benefit from more growing trees. Plant growth provides the food sources of animals.

Humans should prevent most uncontrolled damaging wildfires. But trying to prevent all fires might make matters worse. Understanding the benefits of fire is the only way to truly keep our ecosystem safe from its dangers.

【小题1】What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
A.The causes of wildfires.B.The effects of wildfires.
C.The functions of wildfires.D.The characteristics of wildfires.
【小题2】Why do humans set controlled burns purposely?
A.To scare dangerous animals away.B.To encourage healthy ecosystem.
C.To offer nutrients to the animals.D.To control plant and animal populations.
【小题3】What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?
A.Humans should prevent all wildfires.
B.Plant growth cuts down the food sources of animals.
C.Humans are permitted to set forests on fire anytime by law.
D.Without fires, it would be difficult for seeds in pine cones to release.
【小题4】Which of the following is the best title of the text?
A.The Balance of NatureB.How to Prevent Forest Fires
C.How to Protect Our EcosystemD.The Ecological Benefits of Fire
