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Travel allows us to experience the world. But as we travel, we are also leaving our footprint on every place we visit. This is why culturally immersive (沉浸) travel is so important. Because the wrong kind of travel badly influences the world. One of the reasons we started this blog was to help others travel better and feel comfortable getting off the beaten path (常规路), communicating with locals, and take you “Beyond the traditional Bucket”, if you will.

People who only get 2-weeks off per year are often just looking for an easy destination with a beach to relax on. This isn’t travel. This is a vacation. But “immersive Travel” or "Cultural Travel" is an entirely new type of trip. It is about experiencing and protecting the various traditions around the world. It’s about being open to new experiences and willing to step into another’s shoes. Cultural travel is jumping in with both feet and leaving your idea about what your trip should be behind you. It’s eating local dishes and sleeping in guesthouses. It’s building genuine connections with locals. It’s learning about the history of a country and leaving your trip with a greater understanding of the place you came to see and the people who live there.

Often times in today’s age, “travelers” will visit a country just to snap some photos of the famous sights to post on Instagram or to drink the night away, or even just to relax on a tropical beach. But that kind of vacation can be harmful to the very communities you’re traveling to.

Beyond supporting the local communities and the protection of local customs and traditions, you’ll also experience some personal benefits through cultural travels. There’s simply no way to travel this way with a closed mind. You’ll get to know different cultures intimately and understand them a lot better. You’ll also become less judgmental (评头论足的) of others the more you travel.

【小题1】What’s the author’s purpose in writing the first paragraph?
A.To describe the importance of cultural travel.B.To stress the harmful influence of travel.
C.To recommend a totally different type of travel.D.To express his unique feelings about cultural travel.
【小题2】According to the author, today’s travelers tend to ______________.
A.build close connections with the locals during the travel.
B.show more interest in the history of a travel destination.
C.post the photos taken in the journey on the social media.
D.choose a tourist attraction for adventure and exploration.
【小题3】What can be inferred about the culturally immersive travel?
A.It is concentrated on studying local people’s lifestyle.
B.Its major focus is protecting local traditions and customs.
C.Its travelers should be open-minded and understanding.
D.It is a specific way to make comments on other cultures.
【小题4】Where is the text probably taken from?
A.A travel brochure.B.A blog post.
C.A historic magazine.D.An encyclopedia website.
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Three Key Steps to Motivate Your Team to Strive for Excellence

It is a known fact that one of the most compelling reasons employees leave their job is because they feel unappreciated, or that they bring no real value to their team.【小题1】 In order to motivate and build up a team for excellence, there are some key steps that you should follow.


This does not mean that you should hang out with them at the local bar, or become one of their weekend buddies. What it does mean is that if you want to motivate your team to excellence, then you should take the time to get to know your team personally by talking individually to them at different times, asking basic questions, and letting them see that you are human and accessible. 【小题3】

Recognize them as a person, not just their ability.

Too often, we are quick to praise people for a job well done, but we fail to let the person know that we appreciate them as a person. Praise them for that job well done, but take notice of their personal qualities and talents and how they bring value to the team.【小题4】 For example: “Hey Johnny, those were some great ideas you came up with in the team meeting today, I like the way you think!”

Make their success public.

Take time in your team meetings each week to recognize and talk about the people who made a difference that week.【小题5】 This makes others want to push harder and do more as they see that hard work is valued. Many times other team members do not know what has happened in other departments, or the accomplishments that they have had, so this is also a great way for your team to keep up with the latest and greatest.

A.Build a relationship with your team.
B.Treat your team to something special.
C.Let the rest of the team see that you took notice and you appreciate it.
D.People will find it difficult to “go along” with you if they cannot “get along” with you.
E.Something special happens when we hear our name—it tells us that we are important.
F.If you want to motivate your team to do their very best, you have to let them know that they are a vital part of your team.
G.This should be done in person randomly so that they can see that you are the one who noticed and you know they are on your team.

Every student knows the importance of taking notes in class. But the skill of note-taking isn't only used in school. Adults need to take notes in meetings or training sessions for work. So here are some tips to help you develop this critical skill.

• Begin with the date and the topic of the class. This may seem obvious, but you could forget easily. It will help you keep your notes organized.

【小题1】Trying to write down everything the speaker says will only exhaust and frustrate you. Instead, listen for the key ideas the person wants to communicate.

• If the speaker uses a PowerPoint, you may not need to copy the slides. Ask if the PowerPoint will be available afterwards. 【小题2】 Or you can take a picture with a phone. Also, the PowerPoint or a document with notes may be available before the class or meeting. If so, print it out so you can write notes on it.

• Think about whether you want to take notes by hand or with a computer. Writing notes by hand has been shown to help you remember things better. But with a computer, it will be easier for you to organize your notes. 【小题3】 Write notes by hand first, and then type them up as part of your review.

• Consider different note-taking strategies. 【小题4】Another strategy is to write an outline with details indented under the points they support.

• Look over your notes again after taking them. This will give you the chance to add any information that you didn't set down.【小题5】Do it before you forget anything. This extra review will also increase your chances of remember what you wrote.

Note-taking is a practical skill, so it's important to practice doing it well.

A.Strike while the iron is hot.
B.Focus on the most important points.
C.Compared to notes, textbooks are not that essential.
D.Perhaps the best strategy combines the two approaches.
E.You should bear in mind that never push yourself too hard.
F.If so, you can focus on writing what the speaker says instead.
G.If you’re a visual learner, consider drawing a chart or picture.

Creative ways to reduce food waste

When it comes to wasting food, part of this issue may arise from lifelong habits. 【小题1】

Now follow these tips to reduce unnecessary waste and save a pretty penny along the way.

Plan your meals and shop your fridge. When you don’t have a clear idea of what you want to eat, it’s easy to pick up more than you need, especially when items are at a discount. It might seem like a great short-term option. 【小题2】 Planning your meals for the week in advance can be a great way to avoid this issue.

【小题3】 There are many unknown tips that can help to keep produce fresh. For example, potatoes, carrots and other root vegetables last longest if they are kept in the dark. You can also find many ways to keep your perishables (易腐物品) fresh by using water. Overall, learning the best way to store perishables is a sure-fire way to make everything last longer.

Get creative with leftovers. Sometimes planning fails you and you end up with leftover meals in your fridge. 【小题4】 Try out a traditional recipe, or consider something more innovative, like making egg-fried rice, which is actually made with day-old rice.

Track your trash. Do you find that you get into the habit of buying the same things every single time you set foot in the supermarket, yet every week you have things you throw away? A good way of avoiding food waste is to note down the products which end up in the bin time and time again. 【小题5】

A.Keep foods in the fridge.
B.Store your products correctly.
C.Therefore, you can avoid buying them in the future.
D.Luckily, it’s easy to learn how to change these unwise habits.
E.However, it can cause you to spend much more money in the long term.
F.This way, you may get into the shopping patterns which waste your money.
G.Think about inventive ways to transform them instead of throwing them out.
