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It was Christmas Eve. I was 16 and feeling sad because my dad told me there was not enough money to buy the dress I wanted. We did the housework early that night. So I figured Dad wanted extra time for us to spend together. Instead, he dressed himself again and went outside. “Come on, Elizabeth,” he said eagerly. “Dress yourself warmly! It’s cold outside.”

Outside, I became even more upset. Not only wasn’t I getting the dress, now Dad was dragging me out in the cold. There, in front of the house, already was a big sled (雪橇). Whatever we were going to do wasn’t going to be a quick job. So I unwillingly climbed up and sat next to a big box, the cold already biting at me. We pulled in front of the woodshed (柴棚) and started loading wood into the box. Finally, I asked, “Dad, what are you doing?” “Have you been to Mrs. Clark’s lately?” he asked. Mrs. Clark lived about two miles down the road from us. Her husband had passed away the year before, leaving her with three children to raise on her own.

“Yeah,” I said. “Why?” “I rode by just today,” Dad said. “Little Jake was out digging around in the woodpile (柴火堆), trying to find a few pieces of wood to struggle through the cold winter. They’re out of wood, Elizabeth.” That’s all he said. Then Dad went to the kitchen, fetching a big bag of flour, a side of bacon and something else in a small bag and asking me to load them into the big box too. I tried to think through what my dad was doing. We did have a big woodpile, meat and flour, so we could spare some, but I knew we didn’t have any money. Mrs. Clark had closer neighbors than us. Why was it our concern? Nearly half an hour later, we made it to her house.


Then we unloaded the wood behind the Clarks’ house and knocked on the door.


The big box was opened.

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“Be sure to hang the decorations high,” said Polly, my stepmom. “Jake might mistake the colorful glass balls for his toys and try to bite them,” Jake was new to our family that Christmas. He was a beautiful brown-and-white dog. And, of course, he was loaded with the curiosity that made everything a toy.

Two weeks before Christmas, we brought out the boxes of decorations, many of which had been in Polly’s family for ages. Among them was a special box that held an entire gingerbread family (姜饼人). They were real cookies, hung with red ribbons (丝带) and made many years earlier.

Every now and then, I or one of my little sisters—Ruth and Sue—would pretend we were going to eat one, knowing that Polly would say, “You’ll break a tooth! They’re so old that they’re rock-hard.” We didn’t really want to eat them, but we enjoyed making fun of Polly.

Since we didn’t know how Jake would react to the decorations or the Christmas tree, we were careful to put the decorations up high. Jake sniffed (嗅) the tree a lot. Those first couple of days, Polly caught him starting to lift a leg on the tree twice. But he learned quickly and settled for sniffing from a distance.

The weekend before Christmas, Dad and Polly took us to watch the new holiday movie. Excited, we jumped into the car with bags of home-made popcorn, and off we went for a great evening.

A few hours later, we returned home, only to find...a terrible mess. It wasn’t the Christmas tree. In fact, we weren’t sure what it was. We stood just inside the door staring at the mess. As it turned out, it was Jake’s bed, which he’d destroyed. Left alone for the first time, he must have gotten bored, attacked it and left it for dead. We didn’t know that the bed was not the only victim.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
The next morning, we girls were playing in the living room when Ruth let out a sudden cry.
“It wasn’t me,” I said, in case anybody thought I’d had a midnight snack of rock-hard decorations.

Noah went to the pet store with his mom and his brothers, Ben and John. Noah looked at a beautiful fish while he was waiting.

“May I have a pet?” Noah asked.

“You can’t take care of a pet,” Ben said. “You’re too little.”

“I’m almost seven,” said Noah.

“You won’t be gentle with a pet,” said John. “You’re too little.”

Mom smiled. “It’s hard to keep a pet’s cage neat.”

Noah stood tall. “I can be neat.”

When they got home, Noah went to the room. He dropped his blocks (积木) into a box. He parked the cars on his shelf. Noah put his pajamas (睡衣) away. He smiled. He could be neat.

The doorbell rang. Uncle Jay arrived. Noah heard his baby cousin, Alice, crying. “Hi, Uncle Jay,”Noah said. “Why is Alice crying?” “She’s hungry, Noah,” Uncle Jay said. “Can you get her baby bottle? Do you want to feed Alice?”said Uncle Jay. Noah nodded.

“You’re very gentle. You’re really growing up. Thank you for helping take care of Alice,”Uncle Jay said to Noah. Mom looked at Noah. “Yes, he is,” she said.

That night, Mom and Dad told Noah he could have a pet for his birthday. “Wow, thanks,” Noah said. “I know just what I want.”

1. Please retell the story using at least 60 words.

Noah was attracted by a pet fish in a pet store.

2. Please describe Noah using at least 40 words.

Noah is a little boy who doesn’t give up easily.


At first, Surrell didn’t see the black smoke or flames shooting from the windows of his neighbors’ home. He and his wife were just having a dinner in their own house in Allentown, Pennsylvania, when they heard someone screaming: “The house is on fire!” He went to investigate. That’s when he saw two women and a girl crazily at a loss on their porch (走廊). It was his neighbour’s house.

“The baby’s inside there!” one of the women cried. Though the fire department had been called, Surrell, then 64, instinctively (本能地) ran inside. “The baby” was 8-year-old Tiara Roberts, who always called him Uncle Surrell. She was the woman’s granddaughter and a playmate of Surrell’s three youngest kids, 8, 10, and 12. The other two on the porch were Tiara’s aunt and cousin.

Entering the burning house was like running into “a bucket of black paint”. The thick smoke caused Surrell to walk blindly around, burned his eyes, and made it impossible for him to breathe. He felt his throat and lungs burned, and every blink stung (蛰) his eyes. The conditions would have been very dangerous for anyone, but for Surrell, who has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (慢性阻塞性肺病) and was in hospital just half a year ago, they were life-risking.

After a few minutes in the smoke-filled house searching but in vain, he ran outside to catch his breath. “Where is Tiara?” he asked desperately.

“The second floor,” her aunt shouted back.

Surrell knew he couldn’t hold his breath for long. So he uttered a little prayer: “Well, God, this is it. You got to help me, because I’m not coming out without that little girl.”


Taking a deep breath, he went in a second time.


Surrell woke up in the hospital a couple of days later.

