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Since 1979, Grandparents’ Day has been observed in the US on the first Sunday after Labor Day. Here are some ways to show your grandparents how much you appreciate them.

Surprise them. Though Grandparents’ Day has been marked for 40 years, many families don’t know about it. If you haven’t observed it before, give them a surprise this year. 【小题1】

Spend time together. Many grandparents say they wish they had more individual time with their grandchildren. So one of the best things you can do for Grandparents’ Day is to simply spend time together. 【小题2】 Another way to connect is to ask your grandparents to teach you about one of their hobbies and then do it together. While you do this, tell them about what’s going on in your life.

Record a message. If you can’t physically be with your grandparents, consider sending them a special message. Ask your parents for help recording you on video. 【小题3】 Then share some of your favorite memories of times you’ve spent with them. It’s like a digital card, and your grandparents can watch it when they’re missing you.

【小题4】 A survey showed that 90% of grandparents think it’s important that their grandkids know about the heritage they share. Many grandparents are like the historians of their family. 【小题5】 They know the most about where your relatives came from. To learn about the past of your family, you can go through old photos with them. Another option is to interview a grandparent on video and share the result with the rest of your family.

A.Share your life with them.
B.Preserve your family history.
C.Teach them the tips for making videos.
D.You can start by wishing them a happy Grandparents’ Day.
E.They remember stories about when your parents were young.
F.You could plan to share a meal, go for a walk, or read together.
G.This could be as simple as sending a card or making them a special treat.
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It is commonly believed that only rich middle-aged businessmen suffer from stress. In fact anyone may become ill as a result of stress . If they experience a lot of worry over a long period and their health is not especially good.

Stress can be a friend or an enemy: it can warn you that you are under too much pressure and should change your way of life. It can kill you if you don’t notice the warning signals.

Doctors agree that it is probably the biggest single cause of illness in the Western world. When we are very frightened and worried,our bodies produce certain chemicals to help us fight what is troubling us. Unfortunately, these chemicals produce the energy needed to run away fast from an object of fear, and in modern life that’s often impossible. If we don’t use up these chemicals, or if we produce too many of them, they may actually harm us.

The parts of the body that are most affected by stress are the stomach, heart, skin, head and back. Stress can cause car accidents, heart attacks, and alcoholism, and may even drive people to suicide.

Our living and working conditions may put us under stress. Overcrowding in large cities, traffic jams, competition for jobs, worry about the future, any big changes in our lives, may cause stress. Some British doctors have pointed out that one of Britain’s worst waves of influenza happened soon after the new coins came into use. Also if you have changed jobs or moved house in recent months you are more likely to fall ill than if you haven’t. And more people commit suicide in times of inflation.

As with all illnesses, prevention is better than cure. If you find you can’t relax, it is a sign of danger. “When you’re taking work home, when you can’t enjoy an evening with friends, when you haven’t time for outdoor exercise —that is the time to stop and ask yourself whether your present life really suits you.” Says one family doctor. Then it’s time to join a relaxation class, or take up dancing, painting or gardening.”

【小题1】What often leads to people’s illness in western countries according to the passage ?
【小题2】Some British doctors have pointed out that one of Britain’s worst waves of influenza happened soon after the new coins came into use. Why is this example given ?
【小题3】Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
Finding cure is the most important thing to any illnesses.
【小题4】What tips do you give to let out stress when we face challenge ?

Ways to study better

Sit in the front row.

If you happen to be shy, sitting in the front row can be very uncomfortable at first.【小题1】You can hear better. You can see everything on the board without having to crane your neck around the head in front of you. 【小题2】Don't underestimate the power of this. If your teacher knows you're really listening and that you care about what you're learning, he or she will be extra willing to help you. Besides, it'll feel like you've got your own private teacher.

Create a study space.

Carve out a place at home that is your study space. If you've got a family around you, make sure everyone understands that when you're in that space, you're not to be interrupted unless the house is on fire. Create a space that helps you make the most of your study time. Do you need absolute quiet or do you prefer to have loud music playing? Do you like working at the kitchen table in the midst of everything or do you like a quiet room with the door shut? 【小题3】

Form or join a study group.

【小题4】 If that's you, form a study group in your class or join one that's already organized. There are lots of benefits to studying in a group. You have to be organized. You can't procrastinate(拖延). You have to really understand something to be able to explain it out loud to someone else.


Do your homework. Read the assigned pages, and then some. Plug your topic into the Internet, grab another book at the library, and see what else you can learn about the subject. Turn your work in on time. If extra credit work is offered, do that too. I know this takes time, but it'll ensure you really know your stuff. And that's why you're going to school. Right?

A.You can make eye contact with the professor.
B.You can raise your hand to indicate you've got a question.
C.Do All the Work, Plus More.
D.Know your own style and create the space you need.
E.However, it's one of the best ways to pay attention to everything being taught.
F.A lot of people study better with others.
G.Make Practice Tests.
