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Artificial intelligence has become a part of our lives, changing the way we live, work, and interact. AI systems are capable of processing vast amounts of data, analyzing patterns, and producing valuable insights and have changed various industries.

In the field of healthcare, AI-powered systems can help doctors and researchers a lot, reducing waiting times for test results and identifying patterns and trends that can be used to more accurately diagnose and treat patients. AI can identify data patterns in minutes or even seconds that would otherwise take a doctor or researcher weeks or even months. By analyzing patient data from around the world, AI can identify some diseases that may not be known before. And this exchange of knowledge can lead to more accurate diagnoses, better treatments, and improved cure effects.

In the education field, professors and teachers across the world are faced with AI revolution and know what it means for them and their students. How many students will save time and energy by having AI write their essays and assignments rather than writing them themselves? Will teachers and professors use AI to create their own lesson plans and assignments? And we can see a rise of new anti-cheating tools and apps to fight against the essays created by AI.

Like any new technology, there is a certain amount of fear and a lot of questions to be answered on the use, exchange, advantages and disadvantages of AI, but one thing seems clear: By offering more access to information and services, AI can help create a more equal and better society.

Chinese civilization is one of the oldest civilizations in human history and is still flourishing today. The combination of AI and Chinese cultural heritage will not only open up new paths for the development of AI technology, but will also bring new opportunities for the development of Chinese civilization.

【小题1】In what way can AI-powered systems help doctors and researchers?
A.Analyzing patient data worldwide.
B.Shortening time for medical test.
C.Identifying data patterns in a longer time.
D.Making accurate dialogues with patients.
【小题2】What can we learn from the questions in paragraph 3?
A.Professors and teachers are against the use of AI.
B.Teachers and professors will use AI to give lessons.
C.More anti-cheating tools and apps should be developed.
D.Students might use AI to finish their writing tasks.
【小题3】Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.AI will bring us more advantages than disadvantages.
B.There is no need to worry about the use of AI.
C.AI can provide us with free access to information and services.
D.AI has the potential to create a more fair and better society.
【小题4】What is the author’s attitude to the combination of AI and Chinese cultural heritage?
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From online to offline, the popularity of the song “The Lonely Brave” can be called “the most dazzling(炫目的)ethnic style” among elementary school students. What is the magic of “The Lonely Brave”?

“The Lonely Brave” itself is the Chinese theme song of the cartoon “League of Legends: Battle of the Two Cities”. The song is sung by Eason Chan, written by Tang Tian and composed by Qian Lei. Tang Tian has been fond of music and writing since she was a child. When her talent was gradually recognized, unluckily, in 2012, she was diagnosed with stage III nasopharyngeal cancer. Instead of yielding, she actively cooperated with the treatment. In November 2021, Tang Tian wrote the song for her idol Eason Chan.

Two students from a primary school in Wuhan, Hubei, played the song on the piano, arousing many onlookers, and slowly everyone sang along. The video went viral(传播)as soon as it was posted on the Internet. Then, a video of a drum player in Guizhou was also circulated on the Internet.

What exactly is this song that has conquered tens of thousands of children? Let’s see what the children have to say.

“I like the last line of the lyrics(歌词), who said that those who stand in the light are heroes, and if there is no flash, those who are unknown are not heroes?”

“The lonely brave people are those who are not afraid of hardships and risk their lives to cut thorns for others or themselves. They dare to fight and fight against fate.”

“After listening to the song, I thought of the delivery boy. Go? Is it worthy? This ragged cloak(披风). Fight? Fight! With the humble dreams, they all play the role of ordinary people in their lives and try to fight for their dreams.”

The lonely hero in everyone’s heart is different, but they are all those who shine in the dark without expecting anything in return.

【小题1】What can you learn about the song “The Lonely Brave”?
A.The explosion of the song is expected.
B.The song is written by Tang Tian after her recovery.
C.The song is less attractive than the cartoon “League of Legends”.
D.The two students’ video became an instant hit when posted on the Internet.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “yielding” mean?
【小题3】Why is the song “The Lonely Brave” popular with elementary school students?
A.Its lyrics are inspiring.B.It is sung by Eason Chan.
C.It reflects the life of children.D.It is of a traditional ethnic style.
【小题4】Who are “the lonely brave” in children’s heart?
A.Those hiding in the dark.B.Those standing in the light.
C.Those with adventurous tastes.D.Those with bravery and devotion.

An artificial intelligence that navigates(导航) its environment much like mammals could help solve a mystery about our own internal GPS.

Equipped with virtual versions of specialized brain nerve cells called grid cells, the AI could easily solve and plan new routes through virtual mazes. That performance, described online May 9 in Nature, suggests the grid cells in animal brains play a critical role in path planning.

“This is a big step forward in understanding our own navigational neural circuitry(电路),” says Ingmar Kanitscheider, a computational neuroscientist at. The University of Texas at Austin not involved in the work. The discovery that rats track their location with the help of grid cells earned a Norwegian research team the 2014 Nobel Prize in physiology to medicine. Neuroscientists suspected these cells, which have also been found in humans, might help not only give mammals an internal. coordinate(协同) system, but also plan direct paths between points.

To test that idea, neuroscientist Caswell Barry at University College London, along with colleagues at Google DeepMind, created an AI that contained virtual nerve cells, or neurons, whose activity resembled that of real grid cells. The researchers trained this AI to navigate virtual mazes by giving the system reward signals when it reached its destination.

The AI bested a human expert player at solving the virtual mazes, and proved savvier than other artificial neural networks in planning ways through mazes larger than those traversed during its training. When a door opened to provide a shortcut through the maze, the new AI took the more direct route. By contrast, AI systems without artificial grid cells ignored the open door and took long the way around.

These findings support the idea that grid cells do more than help mammals orient themselves in time and space; they also help animals plan the most straightforward direction to destinations. AI also appears to be “a very powerful tool" for testing other neuroscience theories, Barry says. He and his colleagues suggest that virtual experiments on artificial neural networks that imitate different regions of the brain may eventually replace some animal testing.

But there are limitations to using AI to study the brain. Because the system is meant to learn on its own, researchers can't tell why the system made a specific decision, says neuroscientist Francesco Savelli at Johns Hopkings University, whose commentary also appears online May 9 in Nature.

【小题1】What's the function of the virtual grid cells?
A.Helping animals adapt to the environment.B.Controlling the growth of nerve cells.
C.Assisting the AI in finding a way-out.D.Promoting the cooperation between AI robots.
【小题2】The underlined word “savvier” in Paragraph 5 most probably means“_________”.
【小题3】We can infer from Paragraph 6 that________.
A.Animals are as intelligent as humans
B.Animal testing on the brain will be reduced in future
C.Humans will' be equipped with' the virtual grid cells
D.Grid cells are more important than other nerve cells
【小题4】What is Francesco Savelli unclear about?
A.How the AI system works.
B.Ways of AI learning on its own.
C.How effective reward signals will work on a robot.
D.The relationship between different regions of the brain.

Sometimes maybe you take vitamins to support brain function, or stock up on foods that promote brain health. But new guidelines (指南) from the American Academy of Neurology suggest there are better things you can do to keep your mind sharp.

According to the AAN, one in four adults between the ages of 80 and 84 have mild cognitive impairment. To address this wide-spread problem, a group of neurologists and Alzheimer’s (阿尔茨海默症的) experts went through existing research to determine the best ways to prevent and treat cognitive decline----and you might be surprised by what they included and what they didn’t.

Surprisingly, the AAN guidelines do not include any medication(药物) or dietary recommendations. The authors stress that no high-quality long-term studies finding that food or drugs can help with cognitive decline. The guidelines also say doctors may consider recommending cognitive training to patients with memory loss, but not to rely on it. So far, the report’s authors say the evidence is too inconclusive to say for sure if brain exercises, like memory and attention training or problem solving for everyday issues associated with memory loss, are beneficial. Still, these morning brain exercises can’t do any harm.

But there was one big discovery from the new guidelines: exercising just twice a week could improve cognitive decline. One study showed adults with mild cognitive impairment who did resistance training twice a week scored better on executive function and associative(联想的) memory tests than a group that worked on balancing, stretching, and relaxing.

What’s more, another study had older adults attend either biweekly health classes or sessions of aerobics, strength training balance exercises, and multitasking training. Six months later, the ones who’d exercised regularly scored better on cognitive health and memory tests, plus had less brain shrinkage.

The AAN now recommends that doctors tell patients with memory loss to exercise twice a week to keep their minds clear. If you want to improve your memory, this is the best time to exercise. It looks like you’ve got just one more reason to clear time in your schedule for a workout---even if it’s only on the weekends.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “impairment” in Paragraph 2 refer to?
【小题2】ANN may be uncertain about__________.
A.strength trainingB.resistance training
C.brain exerciseD.exercises twice a week
【小题3】Which of the following may the author agree with?
A.Patients with memory loss can rely on cognitive training.
B.Stocking up on vitamins supporting brainpower means nothing.
C.Medication is of significance in the AAN guidelines.
D.The AAN guidelines attach importance to exercise.
【小题4】In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?
