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When you’re shopping at the grocery store, you probably expect that olive oil you see came from olives, and that the organic vegetables were never exposed to poisonous chemicals. Increasingly, however, there is a chance you might be _________. In recent years, there has been an increase in reports of so-called food fraud, or attempts by various entities—to alter products and _________ customers and food companies alike for financial gain (though occasionally the companies are complicit (同伙). Among the more recent _________: “natural?” honey that’s been laced with antibiotics (抗生素) and Italian companies selling “Italian olive oil” from a mixture of oils that did not originate from Italy.

How can this _________? In the U.S., the Pure Food and Drug Act has prevented the “manufacture, sale or transportation of adulterated or misbranded or poisonous or harmful foods” since 1906, and similar laws exist in other countries. But most global food regulators, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, aren’t equipped to _________ them effectively. For the most part, they _________ safety standards—ensuring that foods don’t contain bacteria or viruses—and rely on companies to police the quality of their own ingredients, lest they face consumer opposition. But now that food manufacturing has become globalized, supply chains are _________, creating more opportunities for bad actors to mess around. “Anyone who can _________ substituting cheap ingredients for more expensive ones is going to try,” says Marion Nestle, who teaches nutrition, food studies and public health at New York University.

Governments are starting _________. In 2014, the UK. created a food-crime unit that collects reports of food fraud. The Institute for Global Food Security lab in Belfast tests __________ sent in by people worried about fraud—a process that’s easier than ever, thanks to advances in technology. And there are efforts in the U.K., the U.S. and China, among other nations, to increase the punishments for companies that get caught selling shady foods.

But in order to __________ fraud in the first place, the food industry needs to get better at safeguarding its own production network. So the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI)—a trade group consisting of officials from more than 300 food manufacturers—will this year start __________ its members’ supply chains, from field to table, to identify fraud. Meanwhile, dozens of other food-industry experts recently teamed up with academics from Michigan State University to launch the Food Fraud Initiative (FFI), a group that studies fraudsters—__________, how they avoid safeguards—and then advises food companies on how to keep them away. “There are plenty of __________ out there who are going to wake up and look for some opportunity for fraud,” says John Spink, director of the FFI. “We just need to make ourselves a harder __________.”

A.agree withB.respond toC.substitute forD.focus on
A.longerB.riskierC.more stableD.more selective
A.hold on toB.look down onC.get away withD.make up for
A.take offB.keep upC.set asideD.fight back
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I glanced at the magazine covers while paying for some goods. Then I _______ Taraji P. Henson confidently on the cover of a magazine. The caption _______ All I can be is me. " Considering that I run a non-profit organization _______ positive perception(认识)of the body and encouraging people to accept their bodies, I'm _______about that it took me so long to know it.

I used to make _______ on my mom that she looked young for her age; her skin didn't have lots of _______ , and she had few age spots. But I suddenly realized with a _______ eye that day that I had been _______ forcing a young value system on my mom. So I _______ for telling her that, and she accepted with a smile.

I want my mom to grow old, feel the   ________ to age and enjoy everything during the process.   It's a privilege to grow older ________ ,we lose sight of this when we are ________ with countless perfect pictures of aging women and anti-aging fever. The phenomenon ________ a larger cultural problem that the perfected and forever ________appearance has become the norm—or ________ the popular norm.

Now I value the ________ older women have acquired through their life experiences. I believe we need to celebrate them for what they've ________in life. I want to see older women ________ as themselves with loose skin, grey hair and everything else that comes.

Wanting to be________to others isn't a bad want, but our culture's addiction to staying young has destroyed an entire age group of women. To restate the magazine's __________   ,let women actually be themselves.

A.at lengthB.at lastC.at leastD.at most
A.show upB.show offC.hold onD.hold back

“The silence is killing me,” I thought as I locked my phone, hoping a new message would light up the screen. After 27 messages, two phone calls and a voicemail, I’d just sent my final text to the person who _________ to be my best friend at college.

The two of us met freshman year and, since we _________ almost all the same core classes, rapidly became inseparable throughout college. We _________ stayed up together for studying, and were each other’s partner for late-night pizza runs. Then one day after graduation, she suddenly _________ responding, apart from claiming she “didn’t have enough time for herself”. That breakup was the most _________ I’d experienced. After four years of building such a _________ relationship, I thought I’d at least receive a(an) _________ for why she wanted to end things. _________, I received only a brief, indirect message about self-care and-what hurt me most-a(an) _________.

Over the past few years, the concept of “drawing boundaries” has __________ in the pop psychology. Discussions of cutting people off and protecting your energy__________ dominate social media. And after nearly three years in __________, the ways the Covid-19 pandemic has __________ many of us to reevaluate our relationships with others show up everywhere in pop culture.

The __________ of self-care are fairly obvious: by prioritizing our own well-being, we’re able to engage in emotional healing, build confidence, __________ anxiety and simply rest. However, an extreme focus on self-care can lead to a(an) __________ perspective of the world in which we always put ourselves first, even when we’re in the wrong. This doesn’t just __________ us-it can have real, painful consequences for the people around us.

Sometimes it can feel __________ for us to remove ourselves from conflict or discomfort under the mask of __________. However, walking away from these relationships without a real conversation actually__________ us and our loved ones of an opportunity for growth.

A.signed up forB.looked forward toC.took advantage ofD.kept up with

Walking while texting could lead to fines of up to $50 or 15 days’ imprisonment as state lawmaker warns of the dangers of “distracted walking”. Jared Schumacher is one of hundreds of thousands of New Jerseyans who _________ use electronic devices to text, listen to music or do other tasks as they walk outdoors.

If a “distracted walking” measure recently proposed by a state assemblywoman (女议员) becomes law, Jared and others like him could face _________ or even jail time.

“I admit that I’m usually listening to music, talking on my phone or texting while I’m walking around,” Schumacher, 20, said while _________ to a text as he walked along a street in the state capital last weekend.

Experts say distracted walking is a growing _________, as people of all ages become more _________ on electronic devices for personal and professional matters. They also note pedestrian deaths have been _________ in recent years. In 2005, 11% of all US fatalities involved pedestrians, but that number rose to 15% in 2014.

The rise in deaths coincides (相符合) with states _________ bills that target pedestrians and bicyclists. For instance, a bill in Hawaii would fine someone $250 if he or she were to cross the street while _________ an electronic device. Similar bills have failed in states including Arkansas, Illinois, Nevada and New York.

“Thus far, no states have enacted a law _________targeting distracted bicyclists or pedestrians,” said Douglas Shinkle, transportation program director for the National Conference of State Legislatures. But he added that “a few states __________ to introduce legislation every year.”

The measure recently put forward by New Jersey assemblywoman Pamela Lampitt would __________ walking while texting and ban pedestrians on public roads from using electronic communication devices unless they are __________.

Lawbreakers would face fines of up to $50, 15 days imprisonment or both, which is the same punishment as jaywalking. Half of the fine would be distributed to safety education about the __________of walking and texting, said Lampitt, a Democrat.

Some see the proposal as a(n) __________ government overreach, while others say they understand Lampitt’s reasoning. But most agree that people need to be made __________of the issue.

