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When I was in medical college, I went camping with some of my friends. The season was summer; therefore, we chose to go to the seaside. After arriving there, we rented a room and left our luggage there. We finished lunch and then decided to rent a boat because the sea and the weather were beautiful.

We started to row, but about one mile out, the weather seemed to change. But we didn’t want to give up. After a while, the weather changed a lot. The waves got very high, and the boat began to shake. One of my friends started to cry; another started to vomit (呕吐). My friends and I agreed that we should go back.

We tried to change the boat’s direction, but as soon as we changed it, the oarlock (桨架) suddenly broke. Therefore, we were unable to turn back. We had to wait for help because we couldn’t do anything. Three hours passed, but nobody came to help us.

We shouldn’t have continued to row when the weather began to change, but it was too late. The only thing we could do was just praying. Fortunately, after five long hours of waiting, two big boats came to rescue us and we escaped. If they hadn’t come to get us, we would have lost our lives.

This story is the most exciting story of my life because we could have died, but luck was with us and we escaped.

【小题1】When did they go boating at sea?
A.In the morning.B.In the afternoon.C.In the evening.D.At night.
【小题2】Why were they unable to turn back?
A.The waves got too high.B.They didn’t know where to go.
C.The weather was bad for them to do so.D.They couldn’t change the boat’s direction.
【小题3】What did they regret about the incident?
A.Renting a room and a boat.B.Going camping at the seaside.
C.Keeping on rowing in bad weather.D.Waiting so long for the rescue team.
【小题4】What would be the best title for the passage?
A.A Scary Experience at SeaB.Dangerous Friends in College
C.Changeable Weather at the SeasideD.An Exciting Experience When Swimming
知识点:记叙文生活故事 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Two years ago I was very lonely and didn’t talk with anyone about my feelings. At the time I didn’t have many friends. I wanted someone to share my experiences and secrets with. I wanted someone to understand me. I started to imagine this friend and often imagined our conversations and what we would do.

Some weeks later we started a new project in school and I was working with one of my schoolmates. We had never worked together before but we got along well. After the project we started to spend some time together in school. One day we decided to take a walk. Ever since that walk we’ve been best friends. We listened and really understood each other.

I had wished for a best friend, but the universe gave me so much more. I have met one of my soul mates. We can sense each other, and it just takes one look and we know what the other is thinking. I didn’t think our friendship could grow much stronger. But now we have known each other for two years and our friendship is growing all the time.

It hasn’t only been easy. We have gone through both easy and hard times. But I’m thankful for the hard times, because they have forced me to grow and taught me a lot. My best friend has changed me. She has made me believe in myself. And I am now focusing on achieving one of my biggest dreams. Without her I wouldn’t even have realized what my biggest dream is.

I know there are soul mates out in the world for you. I am so thankful to have met one of mine. Believe in them, and your paths will cross!

【小题1】What did the author do before meeting her soul mate?
A.She chose to stay alone.
B.She spent time with other friends.
C.She told others about her feelings.
D.She pictured a friend in her mind.
【小题2】How did the author meet her soul mate?
A.By taking a walk.B.By attending a party.
C.Through a school project.D.Through a friend’s introduction.
【小题3】What do we know about the author and her soul mate?
A.Their friendship is still developing.
B.She is the author’s only soul mate.
C.They are trying hard to realize their dreams.
D.She has little confidence in their friendship.
【小题4】Why is the author thankful for the hard times?
A.She got to know her best friend.B.She has learnt a lot from them.
C.They have changed her.D.They have made her dream come true.

Steph Clemence always intended to go to college. But life has a tendency to throw obstacles in the way. Growing up, she led a nomadic life because her mother, who divorced and remarried several times, was always on the move. Her mother had to support three daughters on a modest income, paying for college became out of the question.

Steph found a job, and tried to figure out what to do with such a life. The answer came when she spotted a thick folder, in which Steph found two stapled pages from her junior English teacher, Dorothy Clark.

One afternoon, Mrs. Clark walked into the classroom carrying a stack of stapled papers and instructed each student take one. The handout was titled “Mrs. Clark’s Book List.” It wasn’t homework, the teacher announced, but it could be a road map. She’d spent months creating a list of 153 fiction and nonfiction books, covering science, history, economics, politics, and literature. “Some of you might not go on to higher education,” Mrs. Clark said, “but you can continue to learn.”

She flipped the page to see the first book: Bulfinch’s Mythology. And so it began. It was 1970. “I was hopeful and: determined to improve myself,” Steph says. Starting at the top, she would read every book in the order they appeared.

Steph worked a variety of jobs, and she kept reading. Then she retired as an office manager for a dentist.

“Reading these books is an emotional and intellectual experience,” she says. “Each of the books has added something to who I am and how I see the world. I’m no expert, but I now have the background to see what it might mean.”

Now Steph is 70, and she never did get to college. But she has only four books left to read from the list. She expects to complete them sometime in 2023.

【小题1】What does the underlined word “nomadic” mean in paragraph 1?
【小题2】Why did Dorothy Clark make a list of books?
A.She wanted to show her taste in literal arts.B.She calculated the books she had already read.
C.She felt it her duty to offer students guidance.D.She tried to arouse students’ interest in English.
【小题3】What does Steph think of “Mrs. Clark’s Book List”?
A.It’s informative.B.It’s heavy-going.C.It’s humorous.D.It’s mind-twisting.
【小题4】What does the author imply from Steph’s story?
A.Every man has his price.B.To live is to learn, to learn is to better live.
C.Opportunity knocks only once.D.Time and tide wait for no man.

He Jiang, who was the first person from China to deliver a Harvard University commencement (学位授予典礼) address, has made the 2017 Forbes 30 Under 30 List.

Forbes’ 30 Under 30 is a set of lists issued annually by Forbes magazine. On Tuesday, the magazine published the sixth annual 30 Under 30, featuring 600 young inventors and leaders who challenge conventional wisdom and rewrite the rules for the next generation.

The list recognizes 30 game-changers in each of 20 industries. All under 30 years old, the candidates were examined by a group of judges in their fields. “The winners are the people that will run every field for the next 50 years,” said Randall Lane, editor of Forbes.

He, a 29-year-old postdoctoral fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was chosen for the healthcare category. He was recommended by his professors at Harvard.

At Harvard, He used a new technology to understand more about how flu infects cells, and discovered human genes with strong anti-viral effects. He is now applying the same techniques to white blood cells. He hopes the lab research he did could be put to practical use in healthcare.

He grew up in a small village with limited educational opportunities. By studying hard, he graduated from the University of Science and Technology of China with a bachelor’s degree in 2009, and was accepted into Harvard’s PhD program on a full scholarship the same year.

In May, the biochemistry PhD delivered a speech representing the university’s 13 graduate and professional schools at the ceremony. In the speech, he talked about the unbalanced distribution of science and medicine into places they aren’t reaching, like his own village, where his mother once treated his spider bite with fire.

【小题1】Why can He Jiang be on the 2017 Forbes under 30 list?
A.He was recommended by Randall Lane.
B.He has made outstanding contributions in healthcare.
C.He made a speech at the Harvard commencement.
D.He changed the regulations for the next generation.
【小题2】What will He Jiang intend to do in the future?
A.Know more about the infection of flu.
B.Apply the same technology to blood cells.
C.Put his research into practice in medical care.
D.Discover human gene’s strong anti-viral effects.
【小题3】What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.His mother is a doctor.B.He wants to help backward areas.
C.He got a full PhD scholarship.D.His university has only 13 graduates.
